The goal of this library is to ease the use of RabbitMQ in a .NET program and gather best practices.
- Have the NuGet package in your csproj file (can be done manually, with Visual Studio or through nuget command)
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<PackageReference Include="Withywoods.RabbitMq" Version="X.Y.Z" />
- Make the code changes to be able to use the library (config & service provider)
// implement the configuration interface (for instance in a configuration class in your app project), or use DefaultRabbitMqConfiguration
using Withywoods.RabbitMq;
public class AppConfiguration : IRabbitMqConfiguration
// explicitely choose where to take the configuration (this is the responibility of the app, not the library)
// configure your service provider (for instance in your app Startup class)
using Withywoods.RabbitMq.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
var services = new ServiceCollection()
- Use the channel factory
using Withywoods.RabbitMq;
private readonly IChannelFactory _channelFactory;
public MyService(IChannelFactory channelFactory)
_channelFactory = channelFactory;
public async Task DoStuff()
using var channel = channelFactory.Create();
- Have an instance of RabbitMQ
docker run -d --rm -p 5672:5672 --hostname rabbit.local --name rabbitmq382 rabbitmq:3.8.2
# from command window #1
dotnet run --project samples\RabbitMqConsumerSample host.docker.internal 5672
# from command window #2
dotnet run --project samples\RabbitMqPublisherSample host.docker.internal 5672