Dependency Inventory .NET Tool - Inventories dependencies and reports to Azure Log Analytics
You can get an introduction to the tool, in the blog post: Introducing DPI - A DevOps tool to inspect dependencies and report to Azure Log Analytics
dotnet tool install -g dpi
Use -h
/ --help
to get the current list of available commands and options.
dpi --help
The NuGet branch of commands have recursively from given path inventories packages present in
- csproj (project assets if restored)
- packages.config
- .NET Tool manifests
- Cake build script files
nuget analyze command inventories and outputs result to console or file.
# Output as table (default)
dpi nuget --output table analyze
# Output as JSON
dpi nuget --output json analyze
# Output as Markdown
dpi nuget --output markdown analyze
# Save output to file
dpi nuget --output json --file dependencies.json analyze
nuget report analyzes and reports the result to Azure Log Analytics.
export NuGetReportSettings_WorkspaceId=<workspaceid>
export NuGetReportSettings_SharedKey=<sharedkey>
# Output as table (default)
dpi nuget --output table report
# Output as JSON
dpi nuget --output json report
# Output as Markdown
dpi nuget --output markdown report
# Save output to file
dpi nuget --output json --file report.json report