here there are photos that shows pcb cutting, toner transfer and apply rivets on double sided pcb
- laser printer
- glossy paper 115g
- dry iron
- cooking paper
- sodium persulfate, etching tank, mini air compressor to generate bubbles, a lamp to transfer some heat to increase speed
- draw pcb ( easyeda )
- schematics
- use left toolbar symbols for most commons ( resistor, capacitor, ... )
- insert well known components through libraries ( double check for either schematics and pcb available )
- useful parts:
- pin headers (system)
- atmega328 (user contributed : cpu76239 )
- connect ground to each gnd and vcc
- pcb
- generate from schematics through Convert / Convert to PCB ( or update if existing )
- install local easyeda autoroute to use autoroute faster
- check track width based on copper thickness and current
- Tools / Design Rules ( set track width default )
- Route / Auto Route
- Route Layers ( deselect BottomLayer if want single-side ). It may unable to resolve but you can Stop and complete by hand unresolved RatLines
- schematics
- print
- File / Export PDF
- TopLayer ( separate layer, check export ) to generate pcb
- TopSilkLayer ( separate layer, check mirror ) to generate labels to attach non copper side
- general rule : Top (mirrored) ; Bottom (NOT mirrored)
- File / Export PDF
- toner transfer ( video )
- use a dry iron that has a flat surface
- print with toner on photo glossy paper 115g
- place a cooking paper over the glossy paper to allow iron sweep easily
- proceed with iron for about 5 min over surface in X-Y-XY applying foreach pass a little pressure with body weight
- wait surface become cold then gently remove paper
- etching using Sodium persulfate dissolved in water in proportion by product datasheet (usually 1/5 sodium/water); use mechanical bubble shaker and an heat source to speed up process of copper removal ( a light bulb may enough ); tip: if you have solution in a plastic bottle you can put into hot water for 5min to increase temperature checking that internal bottle pressure not too much