Thanks for visiting alif-muslim-app repository, if you interested to enhance alif-muslim-app into better app and rich of feature please pay attention to this guidelines
you can check avaiable issue on issue page, and go on to check detail issue
whenever you want to contribute and create pull-request
here the format that you can apply to your commit
and pull-request
you can commit using issue title or issue id for example
// Using Issue Title
[FEATURE] Bookmarks
// Using Issue id
[#4] Bookmarks
you also can do the same thing in pull request but more flexibility just add issue title or id in pull request title, and also give some description if need
// Using Issue Title
[FEATURE] Bookmarks - Dery Sudrajat
// Using Issue id
[#4] Bookmarks - Dery Sudrajat
Thats all, happy contributing and Thanks ✨