- Create a dedicated Service Principal for AKS
- Create Resource Group for AKS API Server
- Assign Contributor Permissions to SP for API Server Resource Group + Add all Workshop participants as Contributor to the Resource Group
- Create Azure Container Registry in the API Server Resource group - if not make sure that the AKS Service Principal has at least "Reader" permissions to the container registry.
- Create the AKS Cluster
- [Install kubectl, get kubeconfig and connect to the cluster] (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/tutorial-kubernetes-deploy-cluster#create-kubernetes-cluster)
- Deploy azure container health
- Get the kubeconfig from
and share it with the group
- Install the azure cli
- Install VSCode
- Install kubectl
- Copy the kubeconfig file to
(Mac or Linux) or to%HOMEPATH%\.kube\config
(Windows) - If you are running behind a proxy server make sure that you have set the
environment variables according to your local proxy configuration.
export http_proxy="http://proxy.example.com:80/"
export https_proxy="https://proxy.example.com:443/"