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Tutorial: Configuring NeuronCore Groups

A NeuronCore Group is a set of NeuronCores that are used to load and run a compiled model. At any point in time, only one model will be running in a NeuronCore Group. Within a NeuronCore Group, loaded models can be dynamically started and stopped, allowing for dynamic context switching from one model to another.

By default, TensorFlow-Neuron creates NeuronCore Group size that fits a single compiled model being loaded. For multiple models, the NEURONCORE_GROUP_SIZES environment variable provides user control over the multiple groups of NeuronCores. By creating several of these NeuronCore Groups, a user is able to deploy independent models to the hardware, all running in parallel.

To run model(s) in parallel within one process, use NEURONCORE_GROUP_SIZES to specify the NeuronCore group sizes and instantiate the models in sequence. This situation applies whether there is one model or multiple models. For example, if there are 4 models A, B, C, D compiled to 2, 4, 6, and 4 NeuronCores respectively, then you would specify NEURONCORE_GROUP_SIZES=2,4,6,4 for the process and load the models A, B, C, D in sequence within the process. This example requires inf1.6xlarge with 16 NeuronCores.

To run models in multiple processes in parallel, use NEURONCORE_GROUP_SIZES setting per process. For example, to launch two processes with each process running a two-NeuronCore model, you would set environment NEURONCORE_GROUP_SIZES=2 before launching each process.

More than one model can be loaded within one process into the same NeuronCore Group(s). To achieve this, simply load the additional models after the initial number of models has been loaded to fill the NeuronCore Groups of the process. The additional models must have been precompiled to fit into same NeuronCore Group size(s). During inference, runtime would automatically context switch between models within the same NeuronCore Group. Note that there's overhead associated with context switching between models within the same NeuronCore Group. For example, if there are 2 models A and B compiled to 4 and 3 NeuronCores respectively, then you would specify NEURONCORE_GROUP_SIZES=4 for the process and load the models A and B in sequence within the process. A and B would be loaded into the same NeuronCore Group.

The total NEURONCORE_GROUP_SIZES across all processes should be the number of NeuronCores visible to this TensorFlow-Neuron (which is bound to the Neuron Runtime Daemon managing the Inferentias to be used). For example, on an inf1.xlarge with default configurations where the total number of NeuronCores visible to TensorFlow-Neuron is 4, you can launch one process with NEURONCORE_GROUP_SIZES=1,1 and another process with NEURONCORE_GROUP_SIZES=2.

In this tutorial you will learn how to enable multiple NeuronCore Groups running the same compiled TensorFlow Resnet-50 model in parallel.

Steps Overview:

  1. Launch a c5.4xlarge instance for compilation and inf1.6xlarge for inference.
  2. Install Neuron for compiler and runtime execution as shown in tensorflow-neuron tutorial
  3. Run the example up to step 5.1 as shown in tensorflow-neuron tutorial
  4. Step 5.2 is replaced by one of the following two scenarios demonstrating inference using multiple NeuronCore Groups

Scenario 1: Allow one TensorFlow-Neuron or Tensorflow-Model-Server-Neuron process to run model(s) in parallel

The following example shows how to run multiple copies of ResNet50 model in parallel on a single process. The method can be applied to running different models in parallel on a single process. This is the recommended method to run models in parallel as it reduces the overhead of TensorFlow-Neuron and TensorFlow-Model-Server-Neuron resource handling as well as Python’s global interpreter lock.

On the Inf1, create an inference Python script named with the following content:

import os
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from concurrent import futures
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing import image
from tensorflow.keras.applications import resnet50


num_model = 16
num_image = 100

# set NEURONCORE_GROUP_SIZES for 1-core models
os.environ['NEURONCORE_GROUP_SIZES'] = ','.join('1' for _ in range(num_model))
neuron_model_dir = './resnet50_neuron'

    predictor_list = [tf.contrib.predictor.from_saved_model(neuron_model_dir)
                      for _ in range(num_model)]
except Exception as e:

# assuming model only has one input and one output
input_name = list(predictor_list[0].feed_tensors.keys())[0]
output_name = list(predictor_list[0].fetch_tensors.keys())[0]

# Create input from image
img_sgl = image.load_img('kitten_small.jpg', target_size=(224, 224))
img_arr = image.img_to_array(img_sgl)
img_arr2 = np.expand_dims(img_arr, axis=0)
img_arr3 = resnet50.preprocess_input(img_arr2)

model_feed_dict_list = [{input_name: img_arr3} for _ in range(num_image)]

# submit each image to predictors in a round-robin fashion
future_list = []
with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=len(predictor_list)) as executor:
    for idx, model_feed_dict in enumerate(model_feed_dict_list):
        predictor = predictor_list[idx % len(predictor_list)]
        future_list.append(executor.submit(predictor, model_feed_dict))
    result_list = [fut.result() for fut in future_list]


# print first predictions
first_result = result_list[0]['output']
print(resnet50.decode_predictions(first_result, top=5)[0])

# check all remaining results
for i in range(1, num_image):
    comp = first_result == result_list[i]['output']

Run the inference:

python infer_resnet50
[('n02123045', 'tabby', 0.68817204), ('n02127052', 'lynx', 0.12701613), ('n02123159', 'tiger_cat', 0.08736559), ('n02124075', 'Egyptian_cat', 0.063844085), ('n02128757', 'snow_leopard', 0.009240591)]

Scenario 2: Allowing more concurrent Tensorflow-Neuron or Tensorflow-Model-Server-Neuron processes

To execute concurrent processes in parallel, set environment variable NEURONCORE_GROUP_SIZES for each process.

On the Inf1, create an inference Python script named with the following content:

import os
import time
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing import image
from tensorflow.keras.applications import resnet50


# Create input from image
img_sgl = image.load_img('kitten_small.jpg', target_size=(224, 224))
img_arr = image.img_to_array(img_sgl)
img_arr2 = np.expand_dims(img_arr, axis=0)
img_arr3 = resnet50.preprocess_input(img_arr2)

# Load model
COMPILED_MODEL_DIR = './resnet50_neuron/'
    predictor_inferentia = tf.contrib.predictor.from_saved_model(COMPILED_MODEL_DIR)
except Exception as e:

# Run inference
model_feed_dict={'input': img_arr3}
infa_rslts = predictor_inferentia(model_feed_dict);

# Display results
print(resnet50.decode_predictions(infa_rslts["output"], top=5)[0])

Run 16 concurrent processes:

# run 16 Python processes with TensorFlow-Neuron
for i in {1..16}; do NEURONCORE_GROUP_SIZES=1 python & done
[('n02123045', 'tabby', 0.68817204), ('n02127052', 'lynx', 0.12701613), ('n02123159', 'tiger_cat', 0.08736559), ('n02124075', 'Egyptian_cat', 0.063844085), ('n02128757', 'snow_leopard', 0.009240591)]

(repeats 16 times)

Scenario 3: Allowing context switching between models in the same NeuronCore Groups

To context switch between models, set environment variable NEURONCORE_GROUP_SIZES for each process and load the models in sequence to first fill up the NeuronCore Groups and then load additional models in sequence into the same NeuronCore Groups. In the example below, the NeuronCore Group size is 1 for each process and 2 models are loaded into the same NeuronCore Group within each process.

On the Inf1, create an inference Python script named with the following content:

import os
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from concurrent import futures
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing import image
from tensorflow.keras.applications import resnet50


num_model = 2
num_image = 100

neuron_model_dir = './resnet50_neuron'

    predictor_list = [tf.contrib.predictor.from_saved_model(neuron_model_dir)
                      for _ in range(num_model)]
except Exception as e:

# assuming model only has one input and one output
input_name = list(predictor_list[0].feed_tensors.keys())[0]
output_name = list(predictor_list[0].fetch_tensors.keys())[0]

# Create input from image
img_sgl = image.load_img('kitten_small.jpg', target_size=(224, 224))
img_arr = image.img_to_array(img_sgl)
img_arr2 = np.expand_dims(img_arr, axis=0)
img_arr3 = resnet50.preprocess_input(img_arr2)

model_feed_dict_list = [{input_name: img_arr3} for _ in range(num_image)]

# submit each image to predictors in a round-robin fashion
future_list = []
with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=len(predictor_list)) as executor:
    for idx, model_feed_dict in enumerate(model_feed_dict_list):
        predictor = predictor_list[idx % len(predictor_list)]
        future_list.append(executor.submit(predictor, model_feed_dict))
    result_list = [fut.result() for fut in future_list]

# print first predictions
first_result = result_list[0]['output']
print(resnet50.decode_predictions(first_result, top=5)[0])

# check all remaining results
for i in range(1, num_image):
    comp = first_result == result_list[i]['output']

Run 16 concurrent processes, each loading 2 models:

# run 16 Python processes with TensorFlow-Neuron, each process context switches between 2 models
for i in {1..16}; do NEURONCORE_GROUP_SIZES=1 python & done
[('n02123045', 'tabby', 0.68817204), ('n02127052', 'lynx', 0.12701613), ('n02123159', 'tiger_cat', 0.08736559), ('n02124075', 'Egyptian_cat', 0.063844085), ('n02128757', 'snow_leopard', 0.009240591)]

(repeats 16 times)


If you see the following message during inference:

tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.ResourceExhaustedError: All machine learning accelerators are currently being consumed. Please check if there are other processes running on the accelerator. If no other processes are consuming machine learning accelerator resource, please manually free up hardware resource by `sudo systemctl restart neuron-rtd`. If you have package `aws-neuron-tools` installed, you may also free up resource by `/opt/aws/neuron/bin/neuron-cli reset`. IMPORTANT: MANUALLY FREEING UP HARDWARE RESOURCE CAN DESTROY YOUR OTHER PROCESSES RUNNING ON MACHINE LEARNING ACCELERATORS!

Please try running sudo systemctl restart neuron-rtd or /opt/aws/neuron/bin/neuron-cli reset to clean up resources. Please note that this can destroy processing currently running on Inferentia(s).

Also, please check the setting of NEURONCORE_GROUP_SIZES enviroment variable.