Everything happens in JavaScript inside the execution context.
Each execution context has 2 components:
- Memory Component (Variable Environment)
- Code Component (Thread of Execution)
Each execution context has 2 phases also:
- Memory Creation Phase
- Execution Phase
In Memory Creation Phase, variables and function are declared and stored as key-value pairs in the memory component.
In Execution Phase, code is executed line by line in code component
There are 2 types of Execution Context:
- Global Execution Context - gets created whenever program starts running
- Function Execution Context - gets created whenever any function is invoked
This is first execution context created whenever we run the code.
There can only be one GEC
In the memory creation phase of GEC (GEC is Global Execution Context) inside the memory component, the JavaScript Engine will:
- Create a global object
- Create a this object
- Set up memory space for variables and functions
- Assign variables a default value of undefined and function declaration stored as key-value pairs.
In the browser, the global object would be window and In node.js environment, the global object would be global.
For Example:
var num = 10;
function square(num) {
var result = num * num;
return result;
var ans = square(num);
console.log(ans); // 100
Points to be noticed here:
- window object is created.
- this which is GEC to window object (browser environment) created.
- num and ans assigned a default value of undefined.
- Any function declaration (square) placed into memory.
In execution phase of GEC in memory component, the JS Engine starts executing code line by line.
Execution context is created only 2 times throughtout lifecycle of program.
Once, When JS starts executing code that is global execution context.
And another when we invoke a function that is function execution context.
Similar to Global Execution Context the following thing happens in FEC with on Exception.
In memory creation phase of FEC, JS will
- create an arguement object instead of global object.
- create this object whose value depends on what context is a function.
- set uup memory space for variables and functions.
- Assign the variables a default value of undefined and place any function code as key-value pair.
Arrow functions don't get their own arguments and this object. They use closest surrounding function's arguement and this object.
Fig: Memory Creation Phase
- this object is created whose value depends on which context the function was called (window object)
- arguement object get created
- num is assigned the value that is been passed as parameter to square function that is 10
- result will contain undefined
In Execution phase, result: 100
which is calcuulate after executing line 3.
Callstack maintains order of execution of execution contexts. JavaScript can only execute one command at a line in a order. The order of execution is maintained by callstack.
- When program starts running the global execution context is created and pushed onto stack
- When square function invoked, a function execution context is created and pushed onto stack
- Once square function is done executing, it returns result and control of program where function was originally invoked
- After this, square function popped off from stack
- Once last line of code finished executing, the global execution context popped off from stack.
The callstack becomes empty.