This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and human-readable changelog.
The current repository maintainer is drybjed_.
debops-policy master - unreleased
- Add first draft of Code Standards Policy. [drybjed_]
- Major rework and enhancement of Code Standards Policy. [ganto_]
- Updated the repository layout to be compatible with the rest of the DebOps documentation. [drybjed_]
- Added a draft of the :ref:`debops_policy__organizational_structure` and explanation of :ref:`debops_policy__distributed_development_model`, as well a draft of the :ref:`debops_policy__code_signing_policy` used by the project. [drybjed_, ypid_]
- Wrote initial :ref:`debops_policy__security_policy`. [ypid_]
- Added "Project Admin" role to :ref:`debops_policy__organizational_structure`. [ypid_]
- Added first draft of the :ref:`debops_policy__software_source_policy`. [drybjed_]
- Use `RFC2119`_ and `ISO 8601`_ for the :ref:`debops_policy__security_policy`. [ypid_]
- Renamed "Role Authors" and "Role Maintainers" to "Authors" and "Maintainers" to keep the roles in the :ref:`debops_policy__organizational_structure` more generic. [ypid_]
- Clarified that DebOps Developer don’t automatically have more write privileges. [ypid_]
- Reviewed and compared with other policies and adapted where useful. [AnBuKu_, ypid_]
- Review and minor improvements for the :ref:`debops_policy__software_source_policy`. [ypid_]