This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and human-readable changelog.
The current role maintainer_ is drybjed_.
debops.gitlab master - unreleased
- Remove support for MySQL / MariaDB. If you used it, you must migrate the database: [bfabio_]
- Ensure version requirement of GitLab 8.17 (Git version >= 2.7.3) is met on Debian Jessie. [ypid_]
- Fix upgrade path for older deployments setup by the role. The issue was that the task "Stop gitaly service for an upgrade" tried to stop a service which which is created later in the run. [ypid_]
- Execute the :command:`bundle install` command until it runs correctly to ensure that timeouts don't break the installation process. [drybjed_]
debops.gitlab v0.2.2 - 2017-08-16
- Add support for connecting GitLab to Piwik Analytics. [jpeeters]
- Add the
APT package to required dependencies. [drybjed_] - Add support for GitLab 9.4. [drybjed_]
- Compile required Go binaries in :command:`gitlab-shell` installation. [drybjed_]
- Stop and start running :command:`gitaly` service during an upgrade because the binary cannot be replaced without errors. Small bugs related to :command:`gitaly` service have been fixed. [drybjed_]
debops.gitlab v0.2.1 - 2017-07-26
- Role documentation improvements. [ypid_]
- Add PATH environment for gitlab-workhorse service for artifact uploads. [cultcom]
- Add support for debian 'stretch'. [cultcom]
- Fix base packages installation for 'stretch'. [cultcom]
- Cleanup and simplify gitlab-workhorse service file. Standard input and output redirection does not work within systemd. [cultcom]
- Add support for GitLab 9.0, 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3. [bfabio_] [cultcom]
- Always create 'pages' directory for "rake backup" to succeed. [cultcom]
debops.gitlab v0.2.0 - 2017-04-06
Change the installation procedure with a PostgreSQL database. The
Rake task drops the database, so instead the role runs the specific Rake tasks that install the schema and configure PostgreSQL database directly. This change should not affect existing installations. [drybjed_]Configuration of the
PostgreSQL extension has been moved from thedebops.gitlab
role to dependent variables of the debops.postgresql_ role. [drybjed_]Variables in the :file:`vars/main.yml` file have been moved to the :file:`defaults/main.yml` file to allow their modification via Ansible inventory. [drybjed_]
Configuration for other Ansible roles passed as role dependent variables has been moved to the :file:`defaults/main.yml` for easier management. [drybjed_]
The configuration of the PostgreSQL database and roles has changed. The database will now be owned by a role of the same name (by default
) which cannot login to the server directly. Thegitlab
PostgreSQL role will belong to thegitlabhq_production
PostgreSQL group and should have access to the database.This change will be applied in the existing installations, but it shouldn't impact the service. [drybjed_]
Rename the
variable to :envvar:`gitlab__database` to allow switch to the Ansible playbook-based role dependencies. If you configured the GitLab database in the inventory, you will need to update the inventory before applying the new role; otherwise the application will break. [drybjed_]The role dependencies have been moved to the playbook. The
role will now check if a suitable SQL database is available on the host before installing GitLab. If you are using a remote SQL database, you should check it's corresponding client role to prepare correct Ansible local facts. [drybjed_]The
role will check if PostgreSQL or MariaDB role facts are present on a host and will choose the installed database automatically. The PostgreSQL database is preferred to keep upstream preference.The selected SQL database is remembered in Ansible local facts. On existing installations this might result in a broken installation where a PostgreSQL database is detected without a corresponding fact pointing to a MariaDB database. In this case users should enforce the GitLab database choice through Ansible inventory. [drybjed_]
debops.gitlab v0.1.8 - 2017-03-12
- Add support for GitLab 8.15. [Oldkarkass]
- Add support for GitLab 8.16. [cultcom]
- Add support for GitLab 8.17. [bfabio]
- Add support for GitLab services managed by :command:`systemd` units in a separate slice instead of the upstream SysVinit script. The role should preserve the current service management method on already installed instances; new :command:`systemd` support will be enabled only on new installs on hosts that use :command:`systemd` as the service manager. [cultcom, drybjed_]
- Add support for GitLab Pages. It will be enabled on GitLab 8.17+, as long as
a suitable domain is configured in the
variable. [bfabio]
- Update :file:`gitlab.yml` configuration file template. [Oldkarkass]
debops.gitlab v0.1.7 - 2016-11-18
- Update the
task to use newattributes
parameter added to the newest module version. [drybjed_]
- Fix an issue on Ansible v2.2 where dictionary keys in skipped tasks are undefined. [drybjed_]
debops.gitlab v0.1.6 - 2016-10-22
- Add support for GitLab 8.12. [bfabio]
- Add support for GitLab 8.13. [drybjed_]
- Switch from installing Go support in the role to using the debops.golang_ role which will provide support for Go 1.6. [bfabio]
debops.gitlab v0.1.5 - 2016-09-08
- Update documentation and Changelog. [drybjed_]
- The
role now requies at least Ansible 2.1 due to the requirements of the LDAP modules used by the role. [drybjed_] - Update the Redis support to automatically configure password authentication used by the debops.redis_ Ansible role. [drybjed_]
- Ensure that debops.ruby_ role installs packages required to build native gem extensions. [drybjed_]
- Add path for GitLab build artifacts and ensure that all required directories exist. [drybjed_]
- Ensure that
is checked out on first install even when the latest tag and the mainmaster
branch are the same. [drybjed_] - Fix Ansible warnings about :command:`sudo` and :command:`git` modules. [drybjed_]
- Remove an unused task with a variable register. [drybjed_]
debops.gitlab v0.1.4 - 2016-06-30
- Add support for GitLab 8.9. [gomez]
- Set the default GitLab version to
. [drybjed_]
debops.gitlab v0.1.3 - 2016-06-30
- Add support for GitLab 8.6. [gomez]
- Add support for gitlab 8.7. [benalbrecht]
- Add support for gitlab 8.8. [gomez]
- Reload
daemons on init script change. [drybjed_]
debops.gitlab v0.1.2 - 2016-03-02
- Add support for GitLab 8.1 [gomez]
- Add support for GitLab 8.5 [benalbrecht]
debops.gitlab v0.1.1 - 2015-10-13
Migration to debops.mariadb_ role. [scibi_] If you have exisitng setup you have to move some files in secrets directory:
secret/credentials/[GitLab FQDN]/mysql/root/password -> secret/credentials/[GitLab FQDN]/mariadb/localhost/root/password secret/credentials/[GitLab FQDN]/mysql/git/password -> secret/mariadb/[GitLab FQDN]/credentials/gitlab/password
And set
to :command:`mysql`.
Add Changelog. [drybjed_]
Add support for GitLab 7.10.
Template of :file:`gitlab.yml` configuration file is updated to GitLab 7.10.
is renamed togitlab_email_display_name
package before GitLab CE installation (required on Debian Jessie). [drybjed_]Add support for GitLab 7.11. [drybjed_]
Added support for Gitlab LDAP Authentication. [xorgic]
Add support for GitLab 7.12. [gomez]
Add support for GitLab 7.13 and 7.14. [scibi_]
Add support for GitLab 8.0. [scibi_]
- Create LDAP account for gitlab user. [scibi_]