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Albert Tregnaghi edited this page Dec 21, 2017 · 14 revisions

Welcome to the Jenkins Editor Wiki!

Jenkins Editor Logo

In a nutshell

It is a eclipse plugin to edit jenkins files named as Jenkinsfile to handle jenkins pipeline builds.
(See for more information about pipeline syntax etc.)

Installation by eclipse marketplace

The editor is available at

Drag to your running Eclipse* workspace. *Requires Eclipse Marketplace Client


  • Syntax highlighting (customizable) + default colors for dark theme
  • Outline + Quick outline (CTRL + o)
  • Simple groovy syntax validation (local)
  • Validate by Jenkins Linter (remote)
  • Bracket switching (CTRL + p)
  • Block commenting (CTRL + 7)

Screen shots

White Theme screen shots

White theme - editor + outline and quick outline

Dark Theme screen shots

Dark Theme - editor + outline

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