2025.3.1 (2025-01-30)
- proper path to dotbot-plugins (d599df2)
2025.3.0 (2025-01-30)
- add gnome extensions setup and fix composer install (039a064)
- move gh-skyline creation into a workflow (9b86f1e)
- add bat to brew package setup (7349f4d)
- add check if something is to be commited for workflow (1b5a932)
- add DOTFILES_GUM with checks for gum (f0efa08)
- add ghtoken to workflow (55babdd)
- add logs directory to dotbot setup (d6d54c7)
- add shfmt to apt package setup (61d5844)
- recent smaller changes (a8e33f1)
- rename git commit message for skyline commits (b7fcfa1)
- use repo owner to run skyline command (b992ba3)
- use repo owner to run skyline command (bd81e4d)
- assets: update skyline stats for 2024 (95feed9)
- config: ignore todocter directory (767b867)
- fix: update packages file to module format (eea9f49)
- git: add skyline stats for January 2024 (0511fd2)
- git: add skyline stats for January 2024 (5d4e75b)
- deps: update dependencies (6a61c7d)
- fix: update lint-staged configuration (28de24d)
2025.2.1 (2025-01-25)
- update brew packages and update scripts (44fc63a)
- update: update gh-skyline files (1429e79)
2025.2.0 (2025-01-25)
- update wallpapers (6432c79)
- plugins loader (WIP) (2e07a73)
- update rofi workspaces configuration (215cd2b)
- vscode backup script (WIP) (85e98fb)
- add atuin setup to .profiles file (165810c)
- add atuin setup to bash (5219571)
- add vscode snippet to bash initialization (0db0ce0)
- make polybar script location independent, move logs to ~/.logs (37b0441)
- set latest node version in nvmrc (bfb32ad)
- update autostart files, disable unused programs (204d54c)
- update bash setup configurations (474cceb)
- update configurations (c07ff5c)
- update configurations (302275a)
- update keycombination setup (8a14b2c)
- update keycombinations (6e83eb3)
- update secretlint config (8a31397)
- update setup configurations (2cbc9ef)
- update setup scripts (1ed5dba)
- update workspaces (b480375)
- git: add 'plugins/dotfiles-plugin-bash-rofi-scripts/' from commit 'c97abb5a14063772eacadd75b26ad0fed7d24e2d' (753025c)
- git: move dotbot submodule(s) to dotbot-plugins directory (c79d39e)
- git: re-add dotbot crontab plugin (0fae4ec)
- git: remove crontab submodule (c28f5de)
- git: update bin submodule (4f15f64)
- git: update ignored files (c3c2318)
- git: update submodules (66fbec8)
- initial commit (c97abb5)
- setup: update workspace configuration (e88ab99)
- deps: bump @davidsneighbour/commitlint-config (#253) (3a9a70f)
- deps: bump @davidsneighbour/eslint-config (#255) (10a3446)
- deps: bump @davidsneighbour/markdownlint-config (#254) (0a0314d)
- deps: bump @davidsneighbour/release-config (#257) (7bc3b12)
- deps: bump @davidsneighbour/remark-config (#256) (1e85194)
- deps: bump @davidsneighbour/tools from 2024.4.12 to 2025.0.1 (#252) (5341304)
- deps: bump fs-extra from 11.2.0 to 11.3.0 (#258) (f4da613)
- deps: update dependencies (edc9511)
- deps: update dependencies (fa28747)
2025.1.0 (2025-01-05)
- initiate binaries submodule (3729e76)
- add venv package to apt setup (a3fb28d)
- lib loader fix (2f95a8c)
- remove unused parts and fix issues in bash scripts (0bb2b19)
- update dotbot configuration (cc69770)
- update pishutdown service script (3b30101)
- vscode: update configuration (c419f54)
2024.6.0 (2024-11-29)
- add configs (4f413b5)
- config: setup local links to dev packages (2628753)
- config: update startup scripts (6a75a49)
- config: update workspace configuration (bda1d98)
- extensions: add tilingshell config (3398424)
- joplin: update joplin setup (3f56908)
- update dotbot configs (7c8fc76)
- vscode: clean out profiles directories (177c0a8)
2024.5.0 (2024-11-17)
- add/modify setup scripts (b9599ed)
- fonts: add font config for proper emoji display in browsers (et alii) (b4889ca)
- github: set dependabot to once monthly runs (first friday) (9a3a898)
- polybar: update polybar configuration (wip) (bda43af)
- setup: update symlinks (e856481)
- various: sublime text, polybar and vscode configurations (e462746)
- vscode: set up vscode theme configuration setup (0ba38f6)
- vscode: update user profiles (b6e9b6f)
- workspace: ignore local vscode extensions for now (d1ff325)
- deps: bump @eslint/plugin-kit from 0.2.2 to 0.2.3 (#228) (23802a9)
- deps: bump cross-spawn from 7.0.3 to 7.0.5 (#229) (01ea036)
2024.4.0 (2024-11-11)
- setup argon neo 5 notes (32f263a)
- add new wallpaper (4a97aa0)
- config: update workspace configuration (6042d2e)
- deps: update dependencies (050de64)
- deps: update dependencies (d58a656)
- cargo: update configuration (88ba7c1)
- fix: update key for Gargulus (1b9d417)
- git: update git configuration (21b376c)
- jrnl: update jrnl configuration (05b1f72)
- deps: update dependencies (c19e5ff)
2024.3.2 (2024-10-03)
2024.3.1 (2024-10-03)
- some refactoring and adding qt5 env variable (0715679)
- autostart: do not start appimagelauncher for joplin (81fb020)
- dotbot: add filepaths (255d12f)
- vscode: update user profiles (789280d)
- vscode: update workspace setup and configuration (4731614)
2024.3.0 (2024-10-01)
- fix: update Dracula theme (144c687)
- add Dracula icon theme (59fc55c)
- bash: adding current branch name to prompt (4feb115)
- move npm setup to commonjs file (ff0c669)
- config: add various configuration (1aabd4c)
- config: update git configuration (85a79f9)
- config: update workspace configuration (6a14e63)
- config: update workspace configuration (16f8079)
- deps-dev: bump lint-staged from 15.2.9 to 15.2.10 (#161) (ce35b41)
- deps: bump @davidsneighbour/commitlint-config from 2024.3.32 to 2024.3.38 (#149) (b34ce93)
- deps: bump @davidsneighbour/commitlint-config from 2024.3.38 to 2024.3.39 (#157) (82d0bcd)
- deps: bump @davidsneighbour/commitlint-config from 2024.3.39 to 2024.3.43 (#173) (7086ab7)
- deps: bump @davidsneighbour/eslint-config from 2024.3.32 to 2024.3.37 (#143) (252c9f2)
- deps: bump @davidsneighbour/eslint-config from 2024.3.37 to 2024.3.38 (#148) (251656c)
- deps: bump @davidsneighbour/eslint-config from 2024.3.38 to 2024.3.39 (#155) (c3667d0)
- deps: bump @davidsneighbour/eslint-config from 2024.3.39 to 2024.3.43 (#171) (ab8f11e)
- deps: bump @davidsneighbour/release-config from 2024.3.32 to 2024.3.38 (#150) (920bf4f)
- deps: bump @davidsneighbour/release-config from 2024.3.38 to 2024.3.39 (#153) (ca7d18e)
- deps: bump @davidsneighbour/release-config from 2024.3.39 to 2024.3.43 (#172) (6d38d22)
- deps: bump @davidsneighbour/remark-config from 2024.3.32 to 2024.3.38 (#151) (9d8473a)
- deps: bump @davidsneighbour/remark-config from 2024.3.38 to 2024.3.39 (#154) (9c15632)
- deps: bump @davidsneighbour/remark-config from 2024.3.39 to 2024.3.43 (#169) (ee87203)
- deps: bump @davidsneighbour/tools from 2024.3.32 to 2024.3.37 (#142) (785594e)
- deps: bump @davidsneighbour/tools from 2024.3.37 to 2024.3.39 (#156) (ea0d0a0)
- deps: bump @davidsneighbour/tools from 2024.3.39 to 2024.3.43 (#170) (32aab14)
- deps: bump micromatch from 4.0.7 to 4.0.8 (#147) (a513df1)
- deps: update dependencies (48b5c4b)
- deps: update dependencies (0cb22b9)
- deps: update dependencies (1001297)
- fixes to broken pull (7559a93)
- add biome to devdependencies (807ebd7)
- autostart: fix discord autostart setup (6ea49f2)
- bash: add wp-cli bash completions (b54ea9e)
- gh: update gh configuration (a17d02a)
- theme: add Dracula GTK theme (68623ea)
- vscode: update configuration (32ca5d5)
- vscode: update settings and add profiles (27f33b9)
2024.2.1 (2024-07-26)
- rename g_clear_inbox function to github_clear_inbox (42093ce)
- assets: add original image for repo logo (256c21b)
- config: ignore bun.lockb (e3ce74c)
- config: update default packages for nvm/npm (99f6333)
- deps: Bump @davidsneighbour/release-config from 2024.3.13 to 2024.3.19 (#102) (9f67e25)
- deps: Bump @davidsneighbour/remark-config from 2024.3.13 to 2024.3.19 (#101) (99adb03)
- deps: Bump @davidsneighbour/tools from 2024.3.13 to 2024.3.19 (#103) (e01c710)
- deps: Bump themer from 6.5.3 to 6.7.0 (#112) (a27bdc3)
- deps: bump ws from 8.17.0 to 8.17.1 (#110) (069573e)
- deps: update dependencies (05102fd)
- deps: update dependencies (b7b7001)
- deps: update dependencies (9d6f8f0)
- filesystem: recent transactional changes (15feb88)
- fix: fix package.json (921fab0)
- submodule: update dotbot submodule (aa9979c)
2024.2.0 (2024-05-23)
- use commit-and-tag-version as authority on release numbers (37ff53a)
2024.1.1 (2024-05-23)
- fix: pull updates before running dotbot on updates (e94238c)
- fix: remove redundant file (d7d5f03)
- fix: update license year (5ed916f)
- add gmailctl config to protected (14a9f30)
- add install dev environment script (17fab6f)
- add script to create localwp starter script with local tempdir (5f7ee29)
- add cargo to bash (d66e1e9)
- proper version number (b4edd31), closes #97
- rename create_local_desktop function (ef7919b)
- cleanup: remove unused bash function (311964e)
- config: update workspace configuration (212e747)
- deps: update dependencies (fc1b307)
- deps: update dependencies (d94e3e1)
- vscode: update configuration (ebf8219)
2024.1.0 (2024-05-17)
- cleanup: remove unused and cleanup scripts (1c1c518)
2024.0.15 (2024-05-17)
- fix: remove non-working image attributes (f2bebfc)
- fix: use blockquote highlights instead of table hack for notices (f67a6fc)
- update: move note about setup into caution blockquote (f824d14)
- update: new repo images and smaller typos (c8b4936)
- update: smaller fixes to structure and (7be0ec2)
- fix some linting complaints (f83b934)
- cleanup: remove balsamiq setup and files 💀 (63b8416)
- cleanup: remove unused binaries (c63956c)
- update Transmission settings (2c864f7)
2024.0.14 (2024-05-17)
- add: add missing CITATION.cff file (1ff463a)
- add postrelease hook to npm scripts (fa68cdd)
- remove unused install parameter from (5595a84)
- add todo note to bash functions (cef5da8)
- cleanup: remove unused pre-commit configuration (51c8f92)
- deps: Bump @davidsneighbour/release-config (#94) (cf0946e)
- deps: update dependencies (0a67585)
- feat: add release hook scripts (b3ff61a)
2024.0.13 (2024-05-14)
- bash: update code function to load file if it's a parameter (753a6e6)
- bash: update git_branches function (82a448f)
- bash: update GREP_COLOR variable and add Deno to path (0f7abee)
- remove socket from usage (f7afc81)
2024.0.12 (2024-05-12)
2024.0.11 (2024-05-12)
- add repo-setup script (8a883ac)
- remove socket from usage (f7afc81)
2024.0.10 (2024-04-27)
- add repo-setup script (8a883ac)
2024.0.9 (2024-04-25)
2024.0.8 (2024-04-06)
- update default nvm setup and default files (37ec758)
2024.0.7 (2024-04-04)
- hide studio3t (86ba301)
2024.0.6 (2024-04-04)
- hide studio3t (86ba301)