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File metadata and controls

219 lines (156 loc) · 8.07 KB

registry-static(1) -- a flat-file registry mirror tool


registry-static -d -o /var/www/registry


This module follows the skimdb from npm and creates a flat file copy of the registry on your local machine. This can then be served up behind nginx to give you a local, read-only mirror of the npm registry. It's not a private registry nor does it attempt to be one. It's designed to allow you to use the registry in-network to speed up your local development.


This is the most common use, this will start following the registry and make copies of the modules and their tarballs into /var/www/registry. When it does, it will replace the tarball key in the package.json with the url provided with -d (so the downloads resolve locally).

This module also uses the sequence file, so you can kill it and it should restart from where it left off.

WARNING: This may take quite a while to complete and a large amount of disk space (more than 283GB at last check)


When it pulls the package.json for a module, it will create a directory structure similar to this:

|-- -
|   |-- davargs-0.0.1.tgz
|   +-- davargs-0.0.2.tgz
|-- 0.0.1
|   +-- index.json
|-- 0.0.2
|   +-- index.json
|-- index.json
+-- latest
    +-- index.json

This allows for the following url styles to work:


Since we are writing a bunch of index.json files, you need to setup nginx to front the filesytem to resolve things like:

Note also that we write 404.json and the top-level index.json to the '-' directory under the root, in order to not collide with packages that might have those names.

Here is the simple nginx.config that I use on my local mirror.

server {
    listen       80;
    server_name  localhost;
    charset utf-8;
    root   /Users/davglass/registry/;
    index  index.json;

    #cache the crap out of the tarballs
    location ~* ^.+\.(?:tgz)$ {
        expires 30d;
        tcp_nodelay off;
        open_file_cache max=3000 inactive=120s;
        open_file_cache_valid 45s;
        open_file_cache_min_uses 2;
        open_file_cache_errors off;

    #don't cache the main index
    location /-/index.json {
        expires -1;

    #cache all json by modified time
    location / {
        expires modified +15m;
        try_files $uri $uri/-/index.json $uri/index.json $uri.json =404;

    error_page  404              /-/404.json;

The try_files here with $uri are to keep nginx from doing a 302 redirect without the trailing /


First, no files are ever deleted. The reference to the tarball may be removed from the local package.json but the tarball itself is not removed. This is to ensure that things like npm shrinkwrap continue to work.

Each download is verified against the shasum in the package.json. If the verification fails, the file is retried up to 4 times. If it fails all of those, it is skipped and not stored locally.

Each change request will process the entire module, not just the change alone. This is to make sure that tags and new versions are all in sync.


If you provide --hooks <path>, the module at path will be required. It is expected to export an object whose properties are hook functions. A hook function has the following signature:

function(data, callback){ /* ... */ }

data is a blob of data corresponding to the current state. Usually it's a set of useful metadata about the package currently being processed.

this.options is the result of yargs parsing the command-line options and/or config file. You can use this to refer to any existing options, or to introduce your own.

this.log is registry-static's instance of davlog.

Hook functions are called with the same context each time and for each hook. It's one context shared throughout the whole process. You can use this to share data between invocations or different hooks.

The callback's signature is:

function(error, shouldSave){ /* ... */ }

Where shouldSave is a boolean stating whether or not to actually perform the action that happens right after the hook (usually writing something to disk). In most cases, you'll want to call the callback with callback(null, true). To prevent the action from happening, you can do callback(null, false).

Note the data passed in is a reference, so modifications to it may have side effects. For example, modifying data.tarball in the tarball callback will change the location of the tarball.

Please don't throw any errors inside a hook function. If an error occurs, pass it along as a first parameter to the callback.

Here are the currently provided hooks:

  • beforeAll: Called before any data is written, at the beginning of processing a change. If the callback is called with an error or false, no more processing will be done for this change, and no files will be written.
  • afterAll: Called after all the data is written, at the end of processing a change. If there is no error, the callback parameters are ignored.
  • globalIndexJson: Called before writing an update to the top-level index.json.
  • indexJson: Called before writing a package's main index.json.
  • versionJson: Called before writing the index.json for a particular package version.
  • tarball: Called before downloading/verifying/writing a package tarball.
  • afterTarball: Called after downloading/verifying/writing a package tarball. If there is no error, the callback parameters are ignored.
  • startup: Called before doing anything else at start time.
  • shasumCheck: Called in order to check the sha1sum of a tarball. Calling back with true implies the shasum passed. Default is in lib/defaultShasumCheck.js.

Some examples are included in the examples directory.


By default, registry-static uses fs-blob-store, meaning all the metadata and tarballs are stored on disk, wherever you've decided to with the --dir option. Alternatively, you can use a custom blob store, as long as it implements the abstract-blob-store spec. Just create a file that exports the blob store you want, and then pass that in to the --blobstore option.


Supports --log <path> to log all output to a specific file.

When doing this, you may want to rotate your logs. You can do this by sending the process a SIGPIPE signal. This will free up the file descriptor and then reattach it to the file.

If you are using logrotate.d, configure your process monitor to start registry-static like this:

registry-static -d -o /var/www/ --log /var/log/registry-static/output.log

and the logrotate config file (/etc/logrotate.d/registry-static):

/var/log/registry-static/*.log {
        rotate 52
                [ -f /tmp/ ] && kill -PIPE `cat /tmp/`

(This assumes that your process monitor stores the pid in /tmp/


Smart routes like /-/all or /-/short

These routes require processing of the files. You "could" technically do it with a cache and using the fs module to walk the tree and build those routes.


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