* Recipe for applying directives based on a type of record.
* This also shows examples of how macros defines of CDAP can
* ignored and/or merged with the recipe.
// Load external directives
#pragma set-property rectype :record_type;
#pragma load-directives encrypt, sentence-detect, invoke-http-get;
// Parse the input record with first three bytes as rectype
// and rest of them as new body.
parse-as-fixed-length :body 3,197;
rename :body_1 ${rectype};
rename :body_2 :body;
// Apply different set of directives based on the 'rectype'
if((${rectype} == '001')) {
drop ${rectype};
parse-as-csv :body ',';
set-headers :fname,:lname,:address,:city,:ssn,:state,:zip;
// Data validation functions added by the macros
encrypt :ssn;
if(zip == '94306') {
set-column :flagged exp: { 1 };
} else if (${rectype} == '002') {
drop :rectype;
parse-as-csv :body ':';
set-headers :lat,:lon,:device;
send-to-error exp: { dq:isEmpty(device) };
invoke-http-get 'http://www.example.org' :lat,:lon;
drop :lat,:lon;
rename :lat_lon_location :location;
// More dq checks