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Week 2 Lecture Notes

Event Loop

  • Every program should have a render function
  • Static application only needs to execute render once
  • In dynamic application, redrawing of the display must be triggered by an event

OpenGL is not object oriented (historical), so there are different named functions for variations in input (no overloading).

WebGL and GLSL

Action happens in shaders (because they run in the GPU).

Vertex Shader

// Input from application -> vPosition must link to variable in application
attribute vec4 vPosition;

  // simply output whatever we put in
  gl_Position = vPosition;

Attribtues are properties of verticies. Every vertex has a position (simplest attribute).

vec4 is a built in type of 4 dimensional vector. GLSL has types such as float, int etc, but also additional types like vectors and matricies.

gl_Position is a built in variable. Every vertex shader must output gl_Position in clip coordinates.

Each shader is an entire program.

Fragment Shader

Processes fragments outputted from the Rasterizer.

At minimum, the fragment shader must send out a color for that fragment.

Fragment shaders are also writen in GLSL.

Simple example that makes every fragment red:

// Specify what precision is sent to the frame buffer
precision mediump float;

  // 0 is no red, 1.0 is fully red, etc for green and blue.
  gl_FragColor = vec4( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );

gl_FragColor is a built in variable.

Square Example

Note that a vertex is not just a point in space. It also contains other attributes such as color, texture co-ordinates, normal direction, etc.

This code creates a vertex buffer object (VBO) on the GPU, and makes it the current VBO:

var bufferId = gl.createBuffer();
gl.bindBuffer( gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, bufferId );
gl.bufferData( gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, flatten(vertices), gl.STATIC_DRAW );

Other VBOs can contain data such as colors and texture co-ordinates.

flatten is defined in Common/MV.js that converts JavaScript array object to a C-like array required by OpenGL.

gl.STATIC_DRAW allows GPU to optimize.

This code associates shader variables with variables in the JavaScript:

var vPosition = gl.getAttribLocation( program, "vPosition" );

// Describe what vPosition looks like: 2 dimensional, floating point
gl.vertexAttribPointer( vPosition, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0 );

gl.enableVertexAttribArray( vPosition );

This code draws the square (must draw two triangles to make a square):

function render() {
  gl.clear( gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT );

  // start at first (i.e. 0th) vertex, there are 4 of them
  gl.drawArrays( gl.TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 4 );

gl.TRIANGLE_FAN is more efficient than repeated triangles if you're drawing triangles that share vertecies. This can draw n triangles, but the first vertex is always fixed.

gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP takes a long list of vetecies, 4th vertex forms a triangle with previous two and so on. So each vertex after third one always generates a new triangle.

Be careful with order of vertecies in data array with respect to the gl draw mode.

GL_TRIANGLES are filled shapes. To get a triangle with a border, need to draw a triangle with a LINE_LOOP outside of it.

Coordinate Systems

Can use any coordinate system you like. Use units that are natural to the problem space. Are called object, world, model or problem coordinates.

Viewing device (camera) is specified in object coordiantes.

Display is a physical device so it wrks in window or screen coordinates.

Vertex shaders output clip coordiantes, a normalized system that internals of the implementation must work with.

Input to fragment shader is in window coordinates.

WebGL Camera

By default, camera is at the origin in object coordinates, pointing in -z direction. That is, the -z's are in front of the camera.

A real camera only sees what's in front of it, but the WebGL camera can also see behind itself.

Default viewing volume is a box centered at the origin with sides of length 2. Everything outside of the viewing volume is automatically clipped out and will not appear on the display.

Coordinate system is a right-handed system, i.e can use thumb, index and middle fingers of your right hand to determine:

  • x goes off to the right - thumb
  • y goes up - index finter
  • z comes out of the display - middle finger pointing towards youx`

(right, top, far) === (1, 1, -1) === (x, y, z) (left, bottom, near) === (-1, -1, -1) === (x, y, z)

Orthographic Viewing

Takes all (x,y,z) coordinates and sets the z's to 0. Pushes all points to the z=0 plane.

2D is a special case of 3D, where the z plane is 0.


Don't need to use entire display (i.e. all of the width and height declared on canvas element). Can define the viewport to be a subset of the display size:

gl.viewport(x, y, w, h);

Arguments to gl.viewport are provided in pixels:

x, y : left, bottom point where the viewport starts w, h : width and height of viewport

If not otherwise specified, by default the viewport = canvas size.

Transformation and Viewing

Transformation functions (carried out with a projection matrix) are used to translate between different coordinate systems.

Preferably, transformations should be defined in the shaders, although technically can also be done in application code (slower).

Moving to 3D

Use vec3, gl.uniform3f

Have to worry about hidden surface removal, do not show surfaces that are hidden behind opaque surfaces.

z-buffer stores depth information as geometry travels down the pipeline. Enable it


Clear in for each render