This document takes a closer look at both tasks and microtasks.
As mentioned in the introduction a task is something that is
placed on the task/callback queue and will be picked up by the runtime and
placed onto the execution stack.
For example, if a function calls setTimeout
that will place the function to be
executed on the task/callback queue once the timer has expired.
Let's take a look at a concrete example using node.js
$ env NODE_DEBUG=timer node lib/task.js
TIMER 3924762: no 1 list was found in insert, creating a new one
TIMER 3924762: process timer lists 145
TIMER 3924762: timeout callback 1
TIMER 3924762: 1 list empty
In node.js setTimeout
is implemented using libuv
's uv_timer_start
The introduction has some background information about microtasks. This page is going to look into the internals.
There is an example of running a microtask in microtask_test.
The Isolate class exposes a number of functions related to enqueueing and running microtasks:
class V8_EXPORT Isolate {
V8_DEPRECATE_SOON("Use PerformMicrotaskCheckpoint.")
void RunMicrotasks() { PerformMicrotaskCheckpoint(); }
void PerformMicrotaskCheckpoint();
void EnqueueMicrotask(Local<Function> microtask);
void EnqueueMicrotask(MicrotaskCallback callback, void* data = nullptr);
Lets take a look at what happens when we enqueue a microtask function:
$ lldb -- ./test/microtask_test
(lldb) br s -f -l 33
(lldb) r
can be found in src/api/
The actual call will end up in
which can be found in
void MicrotaskQueue::EnqueueMicrotask(v8::Isolate* v8_isolate,
v8::Local<Function> function) {
Isolate* isolate = reinterpret_cast<Isolate*>(v8_isolate);
HandleScope scope(isolate);
Handle<CallableTask> microtask = isolate->factory()->NewCallableTask(
Utils::OpenHandle(*function), isolate->native_context());
NewCallableTask can be found in src/heap/