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You are welcome to contribute to ldap2pg with patch to code, documentation or configuration sample ! Here is an extended documentation on how to setup a development environment. Feel free to adapt to your cumfort. Automatic tests on CircleCI will take care of validating regressions.

Docker Development Environment

Project repository ships a docker-compose.yml file to launch an Samba Directory and a PostgreSQL instances.

$ docker compose pull
Status: Downloaded newer image for postgres:16-alpine
$ docker compose up -d
Creating network "ldap2pg_default" with the default driver
Creating ldap2pg_postgres_1 ...
Creating ldap2pg_samba_1 ...
Creating ldap2pg_postgres_1
Creating ldap2pg_samba_1 ... done

It's up to you to define how to access Postgres and LDAP containers from your host: either use DNS resolution or a docker-compose.override.yml to expose port on your host. Provided docker-compose.yml comes with postgres.ldap2pg.docker and samba.ldap2pg.docker dnsdock aliases.

Setup your environment with regular PG* envvars so that psql can just connect to your PostgreSQL instance. Check with a simple psql invocation.

$ export PGHOST=postgres.ldap2pg.docker PGUSER=postgres PGPASSWORD=postgres
$ psql -c 'SELECT version()';

Do the same to setup libldap2 with LDAP* envvars. A ldaprc is provided setting up BINDDN and BASE. ldap2pg supports LDAPPASSWORD to set password from env. Check it with ldapsearch:

$ export LDAPURI=ldaps://samba.ldap2pg.docker LDAPPASSWORD=1Ntegral
$ ldapsearch -vxw $LDAPPASSWORD -s base cn
ldap_initialize( <DEFAULT> )
filter: (objectclass=*)
requesting: cn
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <cn=users,dc=bridoulou,dc=fr> (default) with scope baseObject
# filter: (objectclass=*)
# requesting: cn

# Users,
dn: CN=Users,DC=bridoulou,DC=fr
cn: Users

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 2
# numEntries: 1

Environement without DNS resolution

To access Samba Directory and PostgreSQL without dnsdock, exposes containers ports to your host with the following override:

# contents docker-compose.override.yml
version: '3'

      - 389:389
      - 636:636

      - 5432:5432

Use PGHOST=localhost and LDAPURI=ldaps://localhost.

Running ldap2pg with Changes

Now you can run ldap2pg from source and test your changes!

$ go run ./cmd/ldap2pg
09:54:27 INFO   Starting ldap2pg                                 version=v6.0-alpha5 runtime=go1.20.3 commit=<none>
09:54:27 WARN   Running a prerelease! Use at your own risks!
09:54:27 INFO   Using YAML configuration file.                   path=./ldap2pg.yml
09:54:27 INFO   Nothing to do.                                   elapsed=78.470278ms mempeak=1.2MiB postgres=0s queries=0 ldap=486.921µs searches=1

Development Fixtures

ldap2pg project comes with three cases for testing:

  • nominal: a regular case with:
    • running unprivileged
    • a single database named nominal.
    • 3 groupes : readers, writers and owners
    • roles and privileges synchronized.
  • extra: few corner cases together
    • running as superuser
    • synchronize role configuration
    • do LDAP sub-searches.
  • big: a huge synchronization project
    • multiple databases with a LOT of schemas, tables, views, etc.
    • all privileges synchronized
    • 3 groups per schemas.
    • 1K users in directory.

test/fixtures/ holds fixtures for Samba and PostgreSQL. Default development environment loads nominal and extra fixtures. By default, big case is not loaded. Func tests use nominal and extra fixtures. See below for big case.

test/fixtures/postgres/ resets PostgreSQL state. You can also use make reset-postgres to recreate PostgreSQL container from scratch.

Unit tests

Unit tests strictly have no I/O. Run unit tests as usual go tests.

$ go test ./...
?   [no test files]
?        [no test files]
ok  0.002s
ok      0.003s
ok       0.007s
ok      0.005s
ok 0.005s
ok        0.005s
?     [no test files]
ok 0.004s
ok    0.003s
? [no test files]
ok        0.004s
ok 0.002s
ok       0.003s

Functionnal tests

test/ directory is a [pytest] project with functionnal tests. Functionnal tests tend to validate ldap2pg in real world : no mocks.

Func tests requires Python 3.6. Create a virtualenv to isolate ldap2pg dev Python dependencies. Install dev dependencies with pip install -Ur test/requirements.txt.

$ pip install -Ur test/requirements.txt
Successfully installed iniconfig-2.0.0 packaging-23.1 pluggy-1.3.0 pytest-7.4.2 sh-1.14.1

You can run func tests right from you development environment:

$ pip install -Ur test/requirements.txt
$ pytest test/
ldap2pg: /home/bersace/src/dalibo/ldap2pg/test/
test/ PASSED                                  [ 90%]
test/ PASSED                              [100%]

=============================== 11 passed in 14.90s ================================

CI executes func tests in CentOS 6 and 7 and RockyLinux 8 and 9.

Tests are written with the great pytest and sh projects. provides various specific fixtures. The most important is that Postgres database is reset between each Python module. pytests executes Func tests in definition order. If a test modifies Postgres, the following tests will have this modification kept until the end of the module. This allows to split a big scenario in severals steps without loosing context and CPU cycle.

Two main pytest fixtures are very useful when testing: psql and ldap. These little helpers provide fastpath to frequent inspection of Postgres database on LDAP base with API.

You can execute tests just like in CI with the following commands:

$ goreleaser build --clean --snapshot --single-target
$ COMPOSE_FILE=docker-compose.yml:test/docker-compose.yml docker compose up --exit-code-from=test

Big Case

To stress ldap2pg on big setup, use make big. This will feed directory with a lot of users and groups, several databases with a lot of schemas, etc. Synchronize this setup with:

$ test/ | PGDATABASE=big0 go run ./cmd/ldap2pg -c -


Building documentation requires Python 3.7. mkdocs is in charge of building the documentation. To edit the doc, install docs/requirements.txt and run mkdocs serve at the toplevel directory. See mkdocs documentation for further information.

$ pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
Successfully installed babel-2.12.1 certifi-2023.7.22 charset-normalizer-3.2.0 click-8.1.7 colorama-0.4.6 ghp-import-2.1.0 idna-3.4 jinja2-3.1.2 markdown-3.5 m...


  • Update default.pgo
  • Review docs/ First title must be # ldap2pg X.Y
  • Generate release commit, tag and changelog with make release. make reads next version from changelog.
  • Once CircleCI has created GitHub release artifacts, publish packages with make publish-packages.
  • Once Docker Hub has published new tag, tag latest image on docker hub with make tag-latest.