This docker image is for otree application.
It will automatically install application requirements specified in requirements files.
Also, it will do a resetdb
for the first time.
Note: for non-docker-compose
user : The image doesn't contain a database so you have to create a separate database
container (which is no effort if you use the provided configuration for
docker-compose) and link this container or pass the database information.
First clone(download) this repo:
git clone <unique-project-name> && cd <unique-project-name>
Then clone(or copy) your otree project in inside it. And make sure it renamed to app
(see Configuration: APP_SRC):
git clone <your-otree-project-repo> app
To start otree services, use Docker-Compose in the root directory
that contains the provided docker-compose.yml
docker-compose up --build -d
This will launch your otree site on port 80(default). If you want custom the otree settings, see Configuration.
As database data are defined as volumes in the docker-compose.yml
you can easily update your otree without resetdb
docker-compose up --build -d
If you need to resetdb
, then:
docker-compose down -v && docker-compose up --build -d
###Project name(WARNING)### Docker project volumes are bind to docker-compose's project name. Docker-composer use the root directory base-name as default project name. To avoid, data override, please use a unique directory name per project even if they are in different parent directory.
####docker-compose commands####
# Start all containers
docker-compose up -d
# Start all containers with rebuilding image
docker-compose up --build -d
# Stop containers
docker-compose down
# Stop containers and delete all data
docker-compose down -v
All additional python module should be add to requirements.txt in you otree project.
- `PG_DATABASE`: database name
- `PG_USER`: database user
- `PG_PASSWORD`: database password
- `OTREE_PORT`: web port
- `OTREE_ADMIN_PASSWORD`: otree admin password
- `OTREE_PRODUCTION`: otree production mode
- `APP_SRC` relative path to otree project (default: 'app')