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Perceptron dependency parser

A graph-based dependency parser, trained on linguistic features with the (averaged) structured-perceptron. This project is an mash-up of the following ingredients:

Graph based dependency parsing

Dependecy parsing with an MST algorithm from McDonald et al. 2006, and the training objective of Dozat and Manning 2017 (for each token predict a head).

Structured perceptron algorithm

Inspired by and partially based on the spaCy blog posts Parsing English in 500 Lines of Python and A Good Part-of-Speech Tagger in about 200 Lines of Python.

Linguistic features

The feature-set is largely taken from McDonald et al. 2005. For the Universal Dependencies dataset we can also make good use of the lemma and feats fields, but I haven't come around to this yet.

Data handling

All code to do handle conllu and conllx files is taken from bastings parser.


Universal dependencies

To obtain data from the Universal Dependencies project, type:

cd data

By default, this downloads the English-EWT dataset. The script will give you the option to download a second language from a selection of provided languages.

Penn Treebank

You can also use the PTB. We assume you have the PTB in standard train/dev/test splits in conll-format, stored somewhere in one directory, and that they are named train.conll, dev.conll, test.conll.


To train the perceptron for 5 epochs on the English UD dataset, type:

./ train --epochs 5

The training can be halted at any point with cntrl-c. The trained weights are saved as a json file at models/model.json by default. To specify this path use --model path/to/model.

To use another language, e.g. Dutch, type:

./ train --lang nl --epochs 5

By default the UD dataset is used. If you want to use the PTB, type:

./ train --use-ptb --ptb-dir your/ptb/dir

To evaluate the trained perceptron on the development and test set, type:

./ eval --model path/to/model

To plot heatmaps of the predicted score matrices for five sentences in the development set (like those in image) type:

./ plot --model path/to/model

Parallel new

Training can now be done in parallel. To be precise: asynchronous and lock-free, also known as Hogwild! because without locks, processors might block each other wile rewriting memory (like a herd of wild hogs stepping on each others trotters). Since our optimization problem is sparse, meaning that most updates only modify a small number of the total parameters, this does not affect the quality of the learning algorithm.

Just add one flag:

./ train --parallel

By default we use all the available processors, so expect some venting.


The basic features are all of the following form:

head dep pos pos=VBN VBZ
head dep word word=is a
head dep pos word=VBN have
head dep suffix suffix=ing is
head dep shape shape=Xxxx dd/dd/dddd
head dep shape shape=xxxx xx

With shape inspired by spaCy's token.shape feature. This feature-set has no positional, context or otherwise sentence-level features.


Optionally you can add distance:

head dep pos pos=VBN have (-1)
head dep word word=is a (1)

With (-1) indicating the linear distance from the head to the dependent. This is a cheap way of giving some sentence-level information to the model.


Optionally you can add left and right surrounding pos tags for context:

head dep i i+1/i-1 i=DT NNS/VBZ VBG

with i i+1 meaning the word itself and its right neighbor.


Finally there is an 'in-between' feature that finds all tags linearly in between head and dependent:

head between dep=DT JJ NNS (2 1)

With (2 1) indicating respectively the distance from head to between, and from between to dependent.


To choose these additional features for the model, type:

./ train --features dist surround between

(Or any combination from these three.)

Speed and size

Making the full feature set for the training set (~66 million for the basic features) takes about 14 minutes. One epoch with these features on the training set also takes around 15 minutes (~40 sentences per second). After training, we prune the model by removing weights smaller than a certain threshold (1e-3 by default):

Pruning weights with threshold 0.001...
Number of weights: 66,475,707 (64,130,339 exactly zero).
Number of pruned weights: 2,343,424.

Due to the sheer enormity of the feature-set, the model saved model is still pretty big: ~140 MB!


On the PTB we can get the following results:

./ train --use-ptb --epochs 3 --features dist surround between   # Train UAS 94.97, dev UAS 89.55

Averaging the weights makes quite a difference on the dev-set: from 86.87 to 89.55. More epochs will also help.

Decoding: minimum spanning tree vs Eisner

Let's see the difference in accuracy between Eisner's algorithm and the maximum spanning tree (CLE) decoding:

./ eval --model models/model.json --use-ptb --decoder mst      # Test UAS 89.61
./ eval --model models/model.json --use-ptb --decoder eisner   # Test UAS 90.15

English has few relatively few non-projective sentences, and yes, Eisner decoding makes some difference accordingly!


Fun fact one: the trained weights of the features are extremely interpretable. Here are the largest ones (from the simple feature-set):

distance=1 29.9918
distance=-1 27.3818
distance=-2 22.3953
distance=2 21.1036
distance=3 18.2438
head dep pos pos=NN PRP$ 17.6982
head dep pos pos=NNS PRP$ 16.0800
head dep pos word=NN a 15.4661
head dep pos pos=NN DT 15.3968
distance=-3 15.1488
head dep shape shape=XXXXX . 14.9128
head dep pos word=NN of 14.8744
head pos=VBN 14.7640
head dep pos word=VBZ . 14.7317
head dep pos pos=VBD . 14.5186
head dep pos pos=NNS JJ 14.3879
head pos=VBD 14.3672
head pos=VBZ 14.0784
head dep pos pos=VBZ . 14.0720
distance=4 13.8039
head dep pos pos=NN JJ 13.1833
head dep pos pos=IN NNS 12.8427
head dep pos word=CD than 12.7341
head pos=VBP 12.6299
head dep word pos=% CD 12.5798
head dep pos pos=NNS DT 12.5320
head dep pos word=VBP . 12.3965
head dep pos word=VB that 12.3921
head dep pos pos=IN NNPS 12.3371
head dep pos word=VBD . 12.2725

Fun fact two: We can make some nifty heatmaps out of the score matrices:






  • Make a new class DependencyParser and remove parsing specific methods from Perceptron to there.
  • Make integration with Universal Dependencies easier. (Now only using conllx format)
  • Make data loading less name-dependent.
  • Perform full training till convergence.
  • Make training parallel ('hogwild'). Really easy, and perhaps even some regularization.
  • Prune the averaged weights by removing all features that are exactly 0.
  • Decide: extract features from all possible head-dep pairs in training data, or only for gold head-dep pairs? (It makes a very large memory and speed difference)
  • When we make features from all possible head-dep pairs, maybe we should prune this feature-set before training? E.g. remove all features that occur less than 10 times?
  • Parsing is really confusing for UD: the ones with 20.1 type word-ids, how to parse these!?
  • The script complains: Use of uninitialized value in subtraction (-) at scripts/ line 954, <SYS> line 41816. I don't like that -- it messes with my clean message logging efforts.
  • Predict labels. Maybe a second perceptron altogether for that?
  • Understand which features matter.
  • Enable weight-averaging for parallel training.
  • Evaluate model trained on one UD dataset, on another dataset (same language!), e.g. from another domain. For example: Is the model robust against these domain changes?