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GSoC 2025

Boris Sekachev edited this page Jan 28, 2025 · 28 revisions

The page contains aggregated information related to participating Corporation in Google Summer of Code 2025.

Note: The projects list is still under discussion and may be updated until February 11 18:00 UTC


Google Summer of Code References

Wiki References

CVAT resources

Primary time periods

Full timeline may be found on corresponding GSoC page

Date Description
February 11 18:00 UTC Mentoring organization application deadline
February 27 18:00 UTC List of accepted mentoring organizations published
March 24 18:00 UTC - April 8 18:00 UTC GSoC contributor application period
April 29 18:00 UTC GSoC contributor proposal rankings deadline
May 8 18:00 UTC Accepted GSoC contributor projects announced
May 8 - June 1 Community Bonding Period
June 2 Coding begins
July 14 18:00 UTC - July 18 18:00 UTC Midterm evaluation period
September 1 - 8 18:00 UTC Final evaluation period

CVAT project ideas summary

Index to Ideas Below

  1. API keys and token-based auth for SDK and CLI
  2. Timeline for tracked objects
  3. Trackable masks and tags
  4. Embedded notifications
  5. Multiple objects selection and bulk actions
  6. Account deletion and optimized resources erasing

Idea Template

All projects requires Python and TypeScript programming skills unless other noted.

CVAT project ideas

  1. IDEA: API keys and token-based auth for SDK and CLI

    • Description: Currently, the only official way to be authentificated in SDK/CLI is by providing your username and password in the requests. This approach works, however it has security issues. The idea is to provide an option for a user to generate and manage API access keys. Such a key could be used as a replacement for the login/password pair.
    • Expected Outcomes:
      • Users can generate API access tokens in the account settings in UI
      • Users may see a list of generated tokens and last time they were used
      • Users can revoke existing API access tokens in the account settings
      • Users can call API endpoints providing API access tokens
      • A token can be used for authentification in SDK/CLI
    • Resources:
    • Skills Required: Python (Django, DRF), Typescript (React)
    • Possible Mentors: Maxim Zhiltsov, Roman Donchenko
    • Difficulty: Medium
    • Duration: 175 hours
  2. IDEA: Timeline for tracked objects

  3. IDEA: Trackable masks and tags

  4. IDEA: Embedded notifications

  5. IDEA: Multiple objects selection and bulk actions

  6. IDEA: Account deletion and optimized resources erasing

    • Description: Often users want to remove their accounts and to follow personal data laws in different countries CVAT must provide such functionality. However now the process is manual and making it automatic would be a great contribution. One more related issue is that now resources are removed in main server processes and it may cause timeout issues on client when these resources require significant time to delete.
    • Expected Outcomes:
      • Users may request deleting their accounts and all associated data from GUI
      • It requires password authentification and email confirmation is email backend has configured
      • Deleting postponed for configured period of time (e.g. 24 or 48 hours) and performed in a worker
      • During this cooldown period user may abort the request
      • Deleting may not be possible in some cases (e.g. if a user is an owner of an organization)
      • Resources (tasks, projects) must be removed in workers
    • Resources:
      • N/A
    • Skills Required: Python (Django, DRF), Typescript (React)
    • Possible Mentors: Maria Khrustaleva
    • Difficulty: Medium
    • Duration: 175 hours

Idea Template

1. ## _IDEA:_ <Descriptive Title>
   * ***Description:*** 3-7 sentences describing the task
   * ***Expected Outcomes:***
      * < Short bullet list describing what is to be accomplished >
      * <i.e. create a new module called "bla bla">
      * < Has method to accomplish X >
      * <...>
   * ***Resources:***
         * [For example a paper citation](
         * [For example an existing feature request](
         * [Possibly an existing related module]( that includes OpenCV JavaScript library.
   * ***Skills Required:*** < for example mastery plus experience coding in Python, college course work in vision that covers AI topics, python. Best if you have also worked with deep neural networks. >
   * ***Possible Mentors:*** < your name goes here >
   * ***Difficulty:*** <Easy, Medium, Hard>
   * ***Duration:*** <90, 175 or 350 hours>

Potential projects mentors

  • Nikita Manovich
  • Boris Sekachev
  • Maxim Zhiltsov
  • Roman Donchenko
  • Maria Khrustaleva

GSoC admins

  • Nikita Manovich
  • Boris Sekachev
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