ChasingTrainFramework_GeneralSingleClassDetection is a simple
wrapper based on MXNet Module API for general one class detection.
is just a project code.
data_iterator_base provide some utils for batch iterator. The design of a data iterator relies on the specific task. So we do not provide a default iterator here.
data_provider_base reformat, pack raw data. In most cases, we can load all data into the memory for fast access.
image_augmentation provide some often used augmentations.
inference_speed_eval provide two ways for inference speed evaluation -- MXNet with CUDNN and TensorRT with CUDNN.
loss_layer_farm provide customized loss type like hard negative mining, focal loss.
logging_GOCD is a logging wrapper.
solver_GOCD execute training process.
train_GOCD is the entrance of the framework.