Compiles and links GLSL shaders with glsl-unit.
It can be used either as a browserify transform or as a regular node module.
npm install --save-dev glify
var glify = require('glify');
var shader = glify('./fill.*.glsl');
In node, shader
will be an object with vertex
and fragment
properties containing
optimized GLSL source from fill.vertex.glsl
and fill.fragment.glsl
With browserify, you can run browserify -t glify foo.js > bar.js
and bar.js
var shader = {"vertex":"precision mediump float;attribute vec2 a_pos;uniform mat4 u_posmatrix;void main(){gl_Position=u_posmatrix*vec4(a_pos,0,1);gl_PointSize=2.;}","fragment":"precision mediump float;uniform vec4 u_color;void main(){gl_FragColor=u_color;}"};
You can prepend #define
s to the source:
var lineShader = glify('./line.*.glsl', '#define FOO bar');