Curve DUSD metapool, allowing swaps via the Curve tri-pool.
: Depositor contract, used to wrap underlying tokens prior to depositing them into the poolStableSwapDUSD
: Curve stablecoin AMM contract
: 0x3a664Ab939FD8482048609f652f9a0B0677337B9DepositDUSD
: 0x61E10659fe3aa93d036d099405224E4Ac24996d0LiquidityGaugeReward
: 0xAEA6c312f4b3E04D752946d329693F7293bC2e6DStableSwapDUSD
: 0x8038C01A0390a8c547446a0b2c18fc9aEFEcc10c
Curve DUSD metapool utilizes the supports swaps between the following assets:
Direct swaps are possible between DUSD and the Curve tri-pool LP token.
The tri-pool LP token may be wrapped or unwrapped to provide swaps between DUSD and the following stablecoins: