title | subtitle | chapter | URL | author | editor | publisher | type | ||||||||||
Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities |
Concepts, Models, and Experiments |
keywords/KEYWORD.md |
Modern Language Association |
book |
Note: Maximum Length for each keyword entry (including works cited) is 3000 words
The entry should be authored in Markdown, saved as an .md file. If you'd like, then you can simply copy the raw Markdown for this file and replace it with your own content.
Please email your assigned editor with any questions or concerns. Your assigned editor is the person who contacted you with details about this template.
Institutional Affiliation (if any) | Website
- unreviewed draft
- draft version undergoing editorial review
- draft version undergoing peer-to-peer review
- published
Cross-Reference Keywords: add suggestions for other keywords that may be related to your keyword. See list of keywords https://github.com/curateteaching/digitalpedagogy/blob/master/listOfKeywords.md
The curatorial statement expresses your vision of the keyword — what it means in a pedagogical context and how you approached the task of curating pedagogical artifacts around it. Statements can include some or all of the following:
- Vision statement (how do you envision or understand this keyword and its relation to pedagogy?)
- Scholarly rationale for selections
- Criteria for selections (why were the specific curated artifacts selected?)
- Important issues (why teach this now? why does this topic matter for students? for faculty? for a field? what makes this keyword unique or exemplary for digital pedagogy?)
- Particular intersections with your pedagogical philosophy/teaching conditions (how and where do you teach issues related to this keyword? in what course(s)? with what learning expectations/outcomes in mind? with or without what resources? what are your students' backgrounds, interests, or investments?)
Unless it draws upon your first-person experience in the classroom, please limit the use of first person.
Select ten pedagogical artifacts (no more, no less) to feature for your keyword. The emphasis should be the everyday stuff of teaching, not after-the-fact reflections on teaching. These artifacts should demonstrate what you and others use to teach your keyword. What teaching and learning projects do you turn to when crafting your teaching materials? What prompts or assignments have inspired you? Which or whose syllabi have you borrowed from, revised, or built upon? Put this way, pedagogical artifacts may include (but are not limited to) syllabi, teaching guidelines, assignments, lesson plans, course sites, learning objective, collaborative projects, and even student work. A balanced variety of artifacts types is optimal. No more than two artifacts from your own teaching materials. Please note, however, that of the ten annotated artifacts included in every keyword, at least two of them must be assignments or syllabi.
For each of your ten artifacts, please provide:
- Title of Artifact (as it appears on the actual "document")
- Screenshot (PNG or JPG), titled “keyword artifact title,” e.g. “work-AfAm-syllabus.png”
- Artifact Type: Pedagogical artifacts may include (but are not limited to) syllabi, teaching guidelines, assignments, lesson plans, course sites, learning objective, collaborative projects, and even student work.
- Source URL
- Artifact Permissions (note whether content is shared under a Creative Commons license)
- Copy of the Artifact (in HTML, PDF, DOCX, TXT, MD, RTF, MP3, MP4, MOV, PNG, or JPG), if possible
- Creator and Affiliation
- An annotation of no more than 150 words that includes:
- Brief statement of aim/purpose of the artifact (what is it?)
- Brief statement on its relevance to your keyword (why is it important/useful, what does it do well, how does it exemplify digital pedagogy)
- Guidelines for use (how to integrate it into a course, what might need revision/adaptation)
Please order the artifacts purposefully -- either alphabetically (according to title or author) or in an order that denotes a different taxonomy (e.g., from beginner to expert level use).
We have begun a list of FAQ in a ReadMe file (https://github.com/curateteaching/digitalpedagogy/blob/master/README.md) in addition to a description of the project (https://github.com/curateteaching/digitalpedagogy/blob/master/description.md) and all other keywords (https://github.com/curateteaching/digitalpedagogy/blob/master/listOfKeywords.md).
Feel free to push these artifacts to a server for remote access, and then send us the URL. Or you can create your own GitHub repo for this work. In your Markdown file, you can just include file names (e.g., keyword screenshot1.png) for our reference, with the annotations and other information following them. Ultimately, all of your artifacts will be integrated in this repository (curateteaching/digitalpedagogy).
Once we receive your entry, we will review and edit it (where necessary), return the proof to you (for approval/revision), and then forward the approved proof to the MLA. The entire GitHub Repository is now available online for view by the public; if you wish your keyword-in-process during this first phase to remain private, please let us know.
Later, the keyword and the entire Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities collection will be made available online (open access) for open review. That said, please let us know if you have any questions or concerns about the open review process, or about rendering your work discoverable online. In the interests of transparency, I should note that we are still fleshing out the particulars of this review process with the MLA, and we want to keep our curators' needs and interests in mind as we do so.
In MLA format, list five related items that are informative for teaching with your keyword in mind. Please only include five items. No more, no less.
For each item, include Author, Title, and URL, in alphabetical order.
Items may include, but are not limited to:
- Scholarly journal article
- Book
- Video, audio, or other dynamic media
- Crowdsourced document
- Blog post
A works cited for all references in your entry, including your ten artifacts, your five related materials, and anything referenced in your curatorial statement in MLA style.