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200 lines (145 loc) · 8.54 KB

File metadata and controls

200 lines (145 loc) · 8.54 KB

About to create a new Github Issue?

We appreciate that. But before you do, please learn our basic rules:

  • This is not a support or discussion forum. If you have a question, please ask it on The Cukes Google Group.
  • Do you have a feature request? Then don't expect it to be implemented unless you or someone else sends a pull request.
  • Reporting a bug? We need to know what java/ruby/node.js etc. runtime you have, and what jar/gem/npm package versions you are using. Bugs with pull requests get fixed quicker. Some bugs may never be fixed.
  • You have to tell us how to reproduce a bug. Bonus point for a pull request with a failing test that reproduces the bug.
  • Want to paste some code or output? Put ``` on a line above and below your code/output. See GFM's Fenced Code Blocks for details.
  • We love pull requests, but if you don't have a test to go with it we probably won't merge it.


Before you can contribute, you have to be able to build the source and run tests.

Building for all platforms

You'll need Linux or OS X to build this project. It's not a goal to build on Windows, but the build files will build for Windows using MinGW.

If you're lucky and already have all the needed software installed you can just run:


If the build fails, don't worry. Pay close attention to the error message and follow the OS-specific instructions below and try again. If you still run into problems, see the file of the sub component that failed to build.

Installing Node.js

See Installing Node.js via package manager


Ubuntu users can install additional required software with:

sudo apt-get install build-essential m4 curl mingw32


Fedora 18 users can install additional required software with:

yum install curl mingw32-gcc

The Github Process

The process for using git/github as we all start collaborating on bool and other Cucumber projects is similar to the Github-Flow

  • Anything in the master branch is good enough to release
  • Push commits directly to master if they're small and / or you're confident in them.
  • Working on new features
    • Create a descriptively named branch off of master (e.g. add-super-powers)
    • Commit to that branch locally and regularly
    • Push your work to the same named branch on origin
    • Regularly rebase this branch from origin master to keep it up to date.
  • Open a pull request
    • When you need feedback or help
    • You think the branch is ready for merging (I do this using the hub command-line tool -- @mattwynne)
  • After someone else has reviewed and agreed on the change, you can merge it into master

Here is an Example of this process in action

Tips for good commits

  1. Read up on Github Flavored Markdown
    • especially links and syntax highlighting. GFM can be used in tickets as well as commit messages (e.g. put "#4" somewhere in a commit message to link ticket 4 to that commit.
  2. Close tickets with commits if you can.
  3. Tag issues so we can do better triage and assignment.
    • People tend to gravitate towards areas of expertise and tags makes it easier to give a ticket to the right person.
  4. Update
    • When you fix a bug or add a feature.
    • See gherkin's as a template.
    • Add release dates
  5. Subscribe to ticket feeds so you stay in the loop and get a chance to provide feedback on tickets.
  6. The code standard is the existing code.
    • Use the same indentation, spacing, line ending and UTF-8 everywhere.
  7. Use git diff (or git diff --cached if you have staged) before every commit.
    • This helps you avoid committing changes you didn't mean to.
  8. Travis continously builds the master branch and any branch that starts with ticket or fix. See .travis.yml This is a good reminder for everyone to give branches descriptive names.

Making a release

  • Bump the version in VERSION and run make version. This updates the version in the package descriptors for all platforms.
  • Next, update, especially the header link and date.
  • Make sure the JAVA_HOME environment variable is defined. On OS X this is /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_10.jdk/Contents/Home or similar.
  • Commit all files and release all packages:
make release

This will upload packages and create a tag in git. (The tag is created by bundler during rake release in the ruby project).

There is one manual step after uploading packages. You have to:

  • Log in to Sonatype
  • Check your bundle and Close it (no Description necessary).
  • Check your bundle and Release it (no Description necessary).

The first time you release

You need an account at:

    • Read the docs
    • Sign up
    • Create and distribute your GPG public key to hkp:// (see below)
      • GPG Guide for OS X
      • It's recommended you install a GPG Agent so you don't have to enter your password for each signed artifact.
        • For OS X you can use GPGTools
        • For OS X after you have installed GPGTools, in the System Preferences dialog you need to tick 'use keychain to store passphrases'.

Distributing your key:

gpg --list-public-keys
gpg --keyserver hkp:// --send-keys <YOUR PUBLIC KEY ID>


Before you can upload packages you need to authenticate.

You need to log in once to

gem push

And to

npm adduser

Sonatype authentication details are stored in a ~/.m2/settings.xml file:


Request Karma

Once all of your accounts are set up, create a Github issue where you request release karma. One of the existing release managers can now give you karma if you give them your RUBYGEMS-ORG-EMAIL and NPM-JS-USER:

gem owner bool --add <RUBYGEMS-ORG-EMAIL>
npm owner add <NPM-JS-USER> bool

In order to release jar files to the Maven repo you must request access to the info.cukes Maven group. Just comment in OSSRH-2050 like others have done before.

Once you have been given release karma you should try to make a release (just bump the minor version). You can verify that a release is succesful by checking if your packages exist at:

When you have made your first successful release, confirm in the ticket and close it. Then add your name below.


Release managers

  • Aslak Hellesøy
  • Ilan Pillemer
  • Matt Wynne
  • Seb Rose

Good reads