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Movie Example


This movie data model examples shows how various types of UML class relationships are modeled in MarkLogic in an Entity Services model. It also explains shows how to use Template-Driven Extraction (TDE) to build SQL views of this data.


Here is the MagicDraw model:


The Cooking Show Approach

Like a cooking show, this example describes how to prepare the souffle but also gives a souffle already prepred for you to consume.

The "prepared" souffle includes:

  • The UML model.
  • MLCP gradle tasks to ingest the movie source data and transform it to the form of the model
  • ES instance converter already modified to address source-to-model mapping issues. Used in MLCP tasks.
  • TDE template already modified to present views using the relationships specified in the UML mode.

If you were to start from scratch, you would follow this recipe:

  • Devise the UML model in your favorite UML editor.
  • Use the XMI to ES transformation to map the UML model to Entity Services.
  • From the Entity Services model, generate the instance converter and TDE template.
  • Tweak the instance converter to propertly map source fields to model fields.
  • Tweak the TDE template to adjust the views as needed.
  • In your gradle build file, add MLCP tasks to ingest department and employee data.

How to run:

Our project uses gradle. Before running, view the settings in Create a file called and in this file override any of the properties from

Here are the steps to setup.

Setup DB

Setup new DB. Will use basic DB config with no indexes. Will bring in XMI2ES transform to our modules.

Run the following:

gradle -PenvironmentName=local -i setup deleteGenerated useInitialDBConfig mlDeploy


  • Content DB is empty and has no element range indexes
  • Schemas DB contains:
    • /MovieModel-0.0.1.tdex - our "pre-cooked" TDE template
  • Modules DB has these modules
    • /xmi2es/xmi2esTransform.xqy - Main module of the toolkit's transform
    • /ext/entity-services/MovieModel-0.0.1.xqy - Converter module for movies. It was generated by ES but tweaked. Pre cooked!
    • /xmi2es/loadMovieTransformation.xqy - MLCP transform: on ingest of movie source data invokes ES converter module

Edit the uml2es.gradle to enable index and TDE generation

In the previous step you copied the uml2es.gradle file from the toolkit's uml2esTransform folder. That file is configured to disable TDE and index generation for the ES model. We want TDE and index generation, so let's turn it on. Edit the uml2es.gradle file in this project folder. Change the last block by setting generatedInstanceConverter, generateDatabaseProperties, and generateExtractionTemplate to true.

Here is what that block should look like:

/* Edit this to enable/disable code generation of mlGenerateModelArtifacts */ ext {
def mdb = project.findProperty("mlFinalDbName") if (mdb == null) mdb = project.findProperty("mlAppName" + "-content") mlAppConfig { modelsDatabase=mdb generateInstanceConverter=true generateSchema=false generateDatabaseProperties=true generateExtractionTemplate=true generateSearchOptions=true } }

Transform UML to ES

Next, we move our UML model into ML as an ES model.

gradle -b uml2es.gradle -PenvironmentName=local -i -PmodelName=IMDBMovie uDeployModel


  • Content DB has the following documents
    • / (The ES model)
    • /xmi2es/extension/IMDBMovie.ttl (Semantic triples that extend our model)
    • /xmi2es/extension/IMDBMovie.txt (A text summary of our model extension)
    • /xmi2es/findings/IMDBMovie.xml (Problems found during transformation)
    • /xmi2es/xmi/IMDBMovie.xml (The original UML model as an XMI document)
  • Your gradle directory structure under data/entity-services-dump has the same documents as above.
  • Schemas DB still contains just /MovieModel-0.0.1.tdex - our "pre-cooked" TDE template

Check /xmi2es/findings/IMDBMovie.xml for issues during transform. It should not indicate any issues.

Notice we made use of the extended model definition. Specifically, we pasted the contents of /xmi2es/extension/IMDBMovie.txt as a block comment into our conversion module plugins/ext/entity-services/IMDBMovie-0.0.1.xqy. We refer back to that comment in several points in the code, showing that our implementation references facts from the extended model.

  • In Query Console, open a tab of type SPARQL, point to the content DB, run the following query, and verify you get any results. This means the ES model is in FINAL and its semantic metadata is populated.

select * where {?s ?o ?p}

Among the results, you should see the following:


Deploy these artifacts: DB indexes, modules and schemas. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO DELETE THE GENERATED TDE TEMPLATE!!!

Run the following:

gradle -PenvironmentName=local -i useGeneratedDBConfig deleteGenerated mlDeployDatabases mlReloadModules mlReloadSchemas


  • Content DB now has element range indexes
  • Schemas DB has ONLY ONE tdex document: /MovieModel-0.0.1.tdex


Ingest movie data based on the model

Run the following:

gradle -PenvironmentName=local -i ingestMovieData


  • Content DB now has the movie documents. Check the totals per collection.
    • bio:2
    • company:1
    • movie:5
    • movieDoc:2
    • person:3

If your count is different, it might be because you have two TDE templates. Go back to step 3 and confirm the results.

Explore Data

In Query Console, import XMI2SMovies.xml workspace. In each tab, try the query to explore an aspect of the data.