Import an XML document simply, and the XML structure will be converted to XMLNode
guard let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "books", withExtension: "xml") else { return }
guard let xml = XML(contentsOf: url) else { return }
Use subscripts to set nodes and attributes:
xml[0][0]["title"]?.text = "Great Expectations"
xml[0][0].attributes["isbn"] = "38"
Similarly, use subscripts to get nodes and properties.
guard let title = xml[0][0]["title"]?.text,
let isbn = xml[0][0].attributes["isbn"] else {return}
print("\(title) with isbn of \(isbn)")
Instantiate a node with its name, or its name and value:
let bookNode = XMLNode(name:"book")
You can add a child node with its name and value:
bookNode.addChild(name: "title", value: "Robinson Crusoe")
Or with another XML node:
You can remove a child node with its index:
xml[0].removeChild(at: 1)
Regenerate XML structure from your data with the XMLNode's description
//or simply:
Drag the XML.swift file to your project
SwiftXML is Swift 4.0 compatible.