diff --git a/blog/_posts/2022-03-01-code-horsepower-f1.md b/blog/_posts/2022-03-01-code-horsepower-f1.md
index 1b5a1ef8..f4659e4d 100644
--- a/blog/_posts/2022-03-01-code-horsepower-f1.md
+++ b/blog/_posts/2022-03-01-code-horsepower-f1.md
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ You can not only check the documentation with F1, but fully open the
Alternatively, you can also open the *Help Books* and search them using [Qt Assistant](https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/assistant-details.html). Linux *apt* packages are `qt4-dev-tools` or `qt5-assistant`, and the executables are `assistant-qt4` and `assistant`, respectively. (`qt6` version is not yet in the package manager.) You will have to add the `.qch` file to its database by going to "Edit", "Preferences", "Documentation", "Add".
-And if you already use other IDEs or operating systems ? In addition to [inline HTML searching](https://www.doxygen.nl/manual/searching.html), the building of the (*ROOT*) doxygen documentation can be configured to output a format that is compatible with *MacOS* - [Xcode](https://www.doxygen.nl/manual/config.html#cfg_generate_docset), *Windows* - [VSstudio](https://www.doxygen.nl/manual/config.html#cfg_generate_htmlhelp), or [Eclipse](https://www.doxygen.nl/manual/config.html#cfg_generate_eclipsehelp). *ROOT* [only provides for download](https://root.cern/reference/) the *Qt* help files (`.qch`) for the moment, but you can [build the documentation yourself](https://root.cern/for_developers/doxygen/) adapting those flags in the *Doxyfile*.
+And if you already use other IDEs or operating systems ? In addition to [inline HTML searching](https://www.doxygen.nl/manual/searching.html), the building of the (*ROOT*) doxygen documentation can be configured to output a format that is compatible with *MacOS* - [Xcode](https://www.doxygen.nl/manual/config.html#cfg_generate_docset), *Windows* - [VSstudio](https://www.doxygen.nl/manual/config.html#cfg_generate_htmlhelp), or [Eclipse](https://www.doxygen.nl/manual/config.html#cfg_generate_eclipsehelp). *ROOT* [only provides for download](https://root.cern/reference/) the *Qt* help files (`.qch`) for the moment, but you can [build the documentation yourself](https://root.cern/for_developers/docs/) adapting those flags in the *Doxyfile*.
### The Power of Clang
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ Beware:
QtCreator lets you not only find compilation errors, but also documentation errors, by interfacing with the warnings issued by *doxygen*. This metawarning function can prove extremely useful for detecting outdated or incorrect documentation and going to the right spot in the source code in just one click, rather than diving through [thousands of lines of output](https://lcgapp-services.cern.ch/root-jenkins/view/ROOT/job/root-makedoc-master/lastBuild/consoleText) and tracing it manually.
-To give it a try, take a look at building the [ROOT documentation project](https://root.cern/for_developers/doxygen/). Follow these steps:
+To give it a try, take a look at building the [ROOT documentation project](https://root.cern/for_developers/docs/). Follow these steps:
- Call first `source /path/to/ROOT/bin/thisroot.sh` in the terminal and launch `qtcreator` from there. Alternatively, you can manually specify all the variables in the "Build" environment.
- Import the *Makefile* located in `root/documentation/doxygen` into *QtCreator*, as explained [above](#open-a-c-cmake-project)
diff --git a/contribute/coding_conventions/index.md b/contribute/coding_conventions/index.md
index fd4f2fc4..0b133b69 100644
--- a/contribute/coding_conventions/index.md
+++ b/contribute/coding_conventions/index.md
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ In ROOT 5 all classes are in the `ROOT` namespace. Some packages will be in a su
## Using comments
ROOT chose [Doxygen](https://www.doxygen.nl){:target="_blank"} for its code documentation:
please refer to
-[this page]({{'for_developers/doxygen' | relative_url}}) for all the details.
+[this page]({{'for_developers/docs' | relative_url}}) for all the details.
## Source file layout
diff --git a/for_developers/docs/index.md b/for_developers/docs/index.md
index dfe617bf..6ccd748d 100644
--- a/for_developers/docs/index.md
+++ b/for_developers/docs/index.md
@@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ sidebar:
The ROOT team has adopted [Doxygen](https://www.doxygen.nl){:target="_blank"} for generating
-the [Reference Guide](https://root.cern/doc/master/){:target="_blank"}. In this section, you will find [our documentation guidelines](./guidelines.md), how to [run Doxygen locally](./local_doxygen.md), how to add [documentation for ROOT's pythonizations](./pythonizations.md) and a number of [useful tips formatting tips](./useful_tips.md).
+the [Reference Guide](https://root.cern/doc/master/){:target="_blank"}. In this section, you will find [our documentation guidelines]({{'for_developers/docs/guidelines' | relative_url}}), how to [run Doxygen locally]({{'for_developers/docs/local_doxygen' | relative_url}}), how to add [documentation for ROOT's pythonizations]({{'for_developers/docs/pythonizations' | relative_url}}) and a number of [useful tips formatting tips]({{'for_developers/docs/useful_tips' | relative_url}}).
diff --git a/for_developers/docs/pythonizations.md b/for_developers/docs/pythonizations.md
index 80d35156..53048577 100644
--- a/for_developers/docs/pythonizations.md
+++ b/for_developers/docs/pythonizations.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ sidebar:
nav: "for_developers"
-Some ROOT classes have *pythonizations* that require additional documentation. These can be added as special boxes to the rendered Doxygen page of their corresponding C++ class. As an example, see the Python-specific [RDataFrame](https://root.cern/doc/master/classROOT_1_1RDataFrame.html#python) docs. This documentation is written in the pythonization files corresponding to the original C++ class, which can be found in `/bindings/pyroot/pythonizations/python/ROOT/_pythonization`. Documentation is added as a module-level docstring, which should following the template below, replacing `{CLASS_NAME}` with the corresponding C++ class name, `{BLOCK_TITLE}` with the title of the documentation block (in most cases, "PyROOT" is used) and `{DOCUMENTATION_BODY}` with the documentation body, which supports the usual Doxygen tags and other formatting methods (see also the [documentation formatting tips](../useful_tips)).
+Some ROOT classes have *pythonizations* that require additional documentation. These can be added as special boxes to the rendered Doxygen page of their corresponding C++ class. As an example, see the Python-specific [RDataFrame](https://root.cern/doc/master/classROOT_1_1RDataFrame.html#python) docs. This documentation is written in the pythonization files corresponding to the original C++ class, which can be found in `/bindings/pyroot/pythonizations/python/ROOT/_pythonization`. Documentation is added as a module-level docstring, which should following the template below, replacing `{CLASS_NAME}` with the corresponding C++ class name, `{BLOCK_TITLE}` with the title of the documentation block (in most cases, "PyROOT" is used) and `{DOCUMENTATION_BODY}` with the documentation body, which supports the usual Doxygen tags and other formatting methods (see also the [documentation formatting tips]({{'for_developers/docs/useful_tips' | relative_url}})).
diff --git a/for_developers/index.md b/for_developers/index.md
index b24ec1c1..c34f53c0 100644
--- a/for_developers/index.md
+++ b/for_developers/index.md
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ ROOT externals coming from the central installations in AFS or CVMFS.
- [Jenkins Service](https://lcgapp-services.cern.ch/root-jenkins/)
- [Bug Reports](https://github.com/root-project/root/issues/new)
-### [Doxygen in ROOT]({{'/for_developers/doxygen' | relative_url}})
+### [Documentation in ROOT]({{'/for_developers/docs' | relative_url}})
[Doxygen](https://www.doxygen.nl/){:target="_blank"} is used for generating
the [Reference Guide](https://root.cern/doc/master/){:target="_blank"}.