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mongod & nodemon server.js
Uses standard rest conventions prefixed by api.
routes utilized
#return all the documents
GET /api/waitlists
#return the specific document if exists
GET /api/waitlists/:id
#update the document including
- whether courses can be subscribed waitlist.locked
- the ordering of subscribers
PUT /api/waitlists/:id
#add a user's email subscription to notifications
POST /api/waitlists/subscribe
#unsubscribe a user from subscription notification by posting their email
POST /api/waitlists/unsubscribe
var waitlistSchema = mongoose.Schema({
status: {type: String},
capacity: {type: String},
availableSeats: {type: String},
prop: {type: String},
courseNum: {type: String},
crn: {type: String, unique: true},
note: {type: String},
description: {type: String},
times: {type: String},
days: {type: String},
location: {type: String},
instructor: {type: String},
i_user: {type: String},
unknown1: {type: String},
unknown2: {type: String},
unknown3: {type: String},
unknown4: {type: String},
unknown5: {type: String},
unknown6: {type: String},
locked: {type: Boolean, default: false},
listing: {type: mongoose.Schema.Types.Mixed},
subscribers: {type: Array, default: Array}, //, unique: true?
lastModified: { type: Date, default: },
notified: { type: Date, default: }