Spinning zoom effect using stable diffusion via computerender.
You can install the python dependencies by running:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To install install ffmpeg: Linux
apt install ffmpeg
brew install ffmpeg
You can get an API key by making an account at https://computerender.com/account.html To make your key visible to the python client, you can add it as an environment variable:
export CR_KEY=sk_your_key_here
Or alternatively provide it when initializing the client in the python script:
cr = Computerender("sk_your_key_here")
It is a good idea to first create a short, trimmed version of your video that's just a few frames. This will be helpful for tuning parameters to get the right amount of modification to your video. Most importantly, the "strength" parameter will determine how much influence the effect has. The angle and zoom parameters control the speed of the zooming effect.
Run the script:
python spin-zoom.py
To produce the final output, the video was imported into adobe premiere and slowed using "optical flow" as the frame interpolation. It may be possible to achieve the same effect using opencv, but that is not covered in this tutorial.