- Instructors: Yanyan Jiang
- Textbook: Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces
- URL: (NJU campus only) http://ics.nju.edu.cn/~jyywiki
- Experiment: OS Labs & Mini Labs
- Introduction
- (Code) Operating systems: application perspective
- Shared memory and multithreading
- (Code) Operating systems: hardware perspective
- Mutual exclusion
- (Code) Concurrent data structures
- Synchronization
- Synchronization and concurrency bugs
- Processes
- (Code) Terminal and shell
- Scheduling
- Virtual memory
- Linker and loader
- (Code) Debugging operating system kernel
- Storage media
- I/O devices and devices
- File system concepts
- (Code) File system APIs
- File system implementation
- FAT and Ext2
- Reliability of persistent data
- Crash recovery and journaling
- Putting them together
- Microkernels
- Access control
- Operating system security
- Network and socket
- Distributed systems
- Container and virtual machine