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Bump version


cz bump automatically increases the version, based on the commits.

The commits should follow the rules established by the committer in order to be parsed correctly.

prerelease versions are supported (alpha, beta, release candidate).

The version can also be manually bumped.

The version format follows PEP 0440 and semantic versioning.


Increment Description Conventional commit map
MAJOR Breaking changes introduced BREAKING CHANGE
MINOR New features feat
PATCH Fixes fix + everything else

PEP 0440 is the default, you can switch by using the setting version_scheme or the cli:

cz bump --version-scheme semver

Some examples of pep440:

1.0.0a0  # alpha
1.0.0b0  # beta
1.0.0rc0 # release candidate

post releases are not supported yet.


cz bump --help


Bumps the version in the files defined in version_files without creating a commit and tag on the git repository,

cz bump --files-only


Generate a changelog along with the new version and tag when bumping.

cz bump --changelog


The bump is a pre-release bump, meaning that in addition to a possible version bump the new version receives a pre-release segment compatible with the bump’s version scheme, where the segment consist of a phase and a non-negative number. Supported options for --prerelease are the following phase names alpha, beta, or rc (release candidate). For more details, refer to the Python Packaging User Guide.

Note that as per semantic versioning spec

Pre-release versions have a lower precedence than the associated normal version. A pre-release version indicates that the version is unstable and might not satisfy the intended compatibility requirements as denoted by its associated normal version.

For example, the following versions (using the PEP 440 scheme) are ordered by their precedence and showcase how a release might flow through a development cycle:

  • 1.0.0 is the current published version
  • 1.0.1a0 after committing a fix: for pre-release
  • 1.1.0a1 after committing an additional feat: for pre-release
  • 1.1.0b0 after bumping a beta release
  • 1.1.0rc0 after bumping the release candidate
  • 1.1.0 next feature release


By default, --increment-mode is set to linear, which ensures that bumping pre-releases maintains linearity: bumping of a pre-release with lower precedence than the current pre-release phase maintains the current phase of higher precedence. For example, if the current version is 1.0.0b1 then bumping with --prerelease alpha will continue to bump the “beta” phase.

Setting --increment-mode to exact instructs cz bump to instead apply the exact changes that have been specified with --increment or determined from the commit log. For example, --prerelease beta will always result in a b tag, and --increment PATCH will always increase the patch component.

Below are some examples that illustrate the difference in behavior:

Increment Pre-release Start Version --increment-mode=linear --increment-mode=exact
MAJOR 2.0.0b0 2.0.0 3.0.0
MINOR 2.0.0b0 2.0.0 2.1.0
PATCH 2.0.0b0 2.0.0 2.0.1
MAJOR alpha 2.0.0b0 3.0.0a0 3.0.0a0
MINOR alpha 2.0.0b0 2.0.0b1 2.1.0a0
PATCH alpha 2.0.0b0 2.0.0b1 2.0.1a0


Check whether the versions defined in version_files and the version in commitizen configuration are consistent before bumping version.

cz bump --check-consistency

For example, if we have pyproject.toml

version = "1.21.0"
version_files = [


__version__ = "1.21.0"


from setuptools import setup

setup(..., version="1.0.5", ...)

If --check-consistency is used, commitizen will check whether the current version in pyproject.toml exists in all version_files and find out it does not exist in and fails. However, it will still update pyproject.toml and src/

To fix it, you'll first git checkout . to reset to the status before trying to bump and update the version in to 1.21.0


Bump the local portion of the version.

cz bump --local-version

For example, if we have pyproject.toml

version = "5.3.5+0.1.0"

If --local-version is used, it will bump only the local version 0.1.0 and keep the public version 5.3.5 intact, bumping to the version 5.3.5+0.2.0.


If --annotated-tag is used, commitizen will create annotated tags. Also available via configuration, in pyproject.toml or .cz.toml.


If --annotated-tag-message is used, commitizen will create annotated tags with the given message.


If --changelog-to-stdout is used, the incremental changelog generated by the bump will be sent to the stdout, and any other message generated by the bump will be sent to stderr.

If --changelog is not used with this command, it is still smart enough to understand that the user wants to create a changelog. It is recommended to be explicit and use --changelog (or the setting update_changelog_on_bump).

This command is useful to "transport" the newly created changelog. It can be sent to an auditing system, or to create a Github Release.


cz bump --changelog --changelog-to-stdout >


If --git-output-to-stderr is used, git commands output is redirected to stderr.

This command is useful when used with --changelog-to-stdout and piping the output to a file, and you don't want the git commit output polluting the stdout.


If you use tools like pre-commit, add this flag. It will retry the commit if it fails the 1st time.

Useful to combine with code formatters, like Prettier.


A project in its initial development should have a major version zero, and even breaking changes should not bump that major version from zero. This command ensures that behavior.

If --major-version-zero is used for projects that have a version number greater than zero it fails. If used together with a manual version the command also fails.

We recommend setting major_version_zero = true in your configuration file while a project is in its initial development. Remove that configuration using a breaking-change commit to bump your project’s major version to v1.0.0 once your project has reached maturity.


Choose the version format, options: pep440, semver.

Default: pep440

Recommended for python: pep440

Recommended for other: semver

You can also set this in the configuration with version_scheme = "semver".

pep440 and semver are quite similar, their difference lies in how the prereleases look.

schemes pep440 semver
non-prerelease 0.1.0 0.1.0
prerelease 0.3.1a0 0.3.1-a0
devrelease 0.1.1.dev1 0.1.1-dev1
dev and pre 1.0.0a3.dev1 1.0.0-a3-dev1

Can I transition from one to the other?

Yes, you shouldn't have any issues.


Provides your own changelog jinja template. See the template customization section


Provides your own changelog extra variables by using the extras settings or the --extra/-e parameter.

cz bump --changelog --extra key=value -e short="quoted value"

See the template customization section.


Provides a way to specify additional metadata in the version string. This parameter is not compatible with --local-version as it uses the same part of the version string.

cz bump --build-metadata yourmetadata

Will create a version like 1.1.2+yourmetadata. This can be useful for multiple things

  • Git hash in version
  • Labeling the version with additional metadata.

Note that Commitizen ignores everything after + when it bumps the version. It is therefore safe to write different build-metadata between versions.

You should normally not use this functionality, but if you decide to do, keep in mind that

  • Version 1.2.3+a, and 1.2.3+b are the same version! Tools should not use the string after + for version calculation. This is probably not a guarantee (example in helm) even tho it is in the spec.
  • It might be problematic having the metadata in place when doing upgrades depending on what tool you use.


Provides a way to determine the next version and write it to stdout. This parameter is not compatible with --changelog and manual version.

cz bump --get-next

Will output the next version, e.g., 1.2.3. This can be useful for determining the next version based on CI for non production environments/builds.

This behavior differs from the --dry-run flag. The --dry-run flag provides a more detailed output and can also show the changes as they would appear in the changelog file.

The following output is the result of cz bump --dry-run:

bump: version 3.28.0 → 3.29.0
tag to create: v3.29.0
increment detected: MINOR

The following output is the result of cz bump --get-next:


The --get-next flag will raise a NoneIncrementExit if the found commits are not eligible for a version bump.

For information on how to suppress this exit, see avoid raising errors.

Avoid raising errors

Some situations from commitizen raise an exit code different than 0. If the error code is different than 0, any CI or script running commitizen might be interrupted.

If you have a special use case, where you don't want to raise one of this error codes, you can tell commitizen to not raise them.

Recommended use case

At the moment, we've identified that the most common error code to skip is

Error name Exit code
NoneIncrementExit 21

There are some situations where you don't want to get an error code when some commits do not match your rules, you just want those commits to be skipped.

cz -nr 21 bump

Easy way

Check which error code was raised by commitizen by running in the terminal

echo $?

The output should be an integer like this


And then you can tell commitizen to ignore it:

cz --no-raise 3

You can tell commitizen to skip more than one if needed:

cz --no-raise 3,4,5

Longer way

Check the list of exit_codes and understand which one you have to skip and why.

Remember to document somewhere this, because you'll forget.

For example if the system raises a NoneIncrementExit error, you look it up on the list and then you can use the exit code:

cz -nr 21 bump



tag_format and version_scheme are combined to make Git tag names from versions.

These are used in:

  • cz bump: Find previous release tag (exact match) and generate new tag.
  • Find previous release tags in cz changelog.
    • If --incremental: Using latest version found in the changelog, scan existing Git tags with 89% similarity match.
    • --rev-range is converted to Git tag names with tag_format before searching Git history.
  • If the scm version_provider is used, it uses different regexes to find the previous version tags:
    • If tag_format is set to $version (default): VersionProtocol.parser (allows v prefix)
    • If tag_format is set: Custom regex similar to SemVer (not as lenient as PEP440 e.g. on dev-releases)

Commitizen supports 2 types of formats, a simple and a more complex.

cz bump --tag-format="v$version"
cz bump --tag-format="v$minor.$major.$patch$prerelease.$devrelease"

In your pyproject.toml or .cz.toml

tag_format = "v$major.$minor.$patch$prerelease"

The variables must be preceded by a $ sign and optionally can be wrapped in {} . Default is $version.

Supported variables:

Variable Description
$version, ${version} full generated version
$major, ${major} MAJOR increment
$minor, ${minor} MINOR increment
$patch, ${patch} PATCH increment
$prerelease, ${prerelease} Prerelease (alpha, beta, release candidate)
$devrelease, ${devrelease}` Development release

version_files *

It is used to identify the files which should be updated with the new version. It is also possible to provide a pattern for each file, separated by colons (:).

Commitizen will update its configuration file automatically (pyproject.toml, .cz) when bumping, regarding if the file is present or not in version_files.

* Renamed from files to version_files.

Some examples

pyproject.toml, .cz.toml or cz.toml

version_files = [

In the example above, we can see the reference "". This means that it will find a file and will only make a change in a line containing the version substring.

!!! note Files can be specified using relative (to the execution) paths, absolute paths or glob patterns.


Template used to specify the commit message generated when bumping.

defaults to: bump: version $current_version → $new_version

Variable Description
$current_version the version existing before bumping
$new_version version generated after bumping

Some examples

pyproject.toml, .cz.toml or cz.toml

bump_message = "release $current_version → $new_version [skip-ci]"


When set to true the changelog is always updated incrementally when running cz bump, so the user does not have to provide the --changelog flag every time.

defaults to: false

update_changelog_on_bump = true


When set to true commitizen will create annotated tags.

annotated_tag = true


When set to true commitizen will create gpg signed tags.

gpg_sign = true


When set to true commitizen will keep the major version at zero. Useful during the initial development stage of your project.

Defaults to: false

major_version_zero = true


A list of optional commands that will run right after updating version_files and before actual committing and tagging the release.

Useful when you need to generate documentation based on the new version. During execution of the script, some environment variables are available:

Variable Description
CZ_PRE_IS_INITIAL True when this is the initial release, False otherwise
CZ_PRE_CURRENT_VERSION Current version, before the bump
CZ_PRE_CURRENT_TAG_VERSION Current version tag, before the bump
CZ_PRE_NEW_VERSION New version, after the bump
CZ_PRE_NEW_TAG_VERSION New version tag, after the bump
CZ_PRE_MESSAGE Commit message of the bump
CZ_PRE_INCREMENT Whether this is a MAJOR, MINOR or PATH release
CZ_PRE_CHANGELOG_FILE_NAME Path to the changelog file, if available
pre_bump_hooks = [


A list of optional commands that will run right after committing and tagging the release.

Useful when you need to send notifications about a release, or further automate deploying the release. During execution of the script, some environment variables are available:

Variable Description
CZ_POST_WAS_INITIAL True when this was the initial release, False otherwise
CZ_POST_PREVIOUS_VERSION Previous version, before the bump
CZ_POST_PREVIOUS_TAG_VERSION Previous version tag, before the bump
CZ_POST_CURRENT_VERSION Current version, after the bump
CZ_POST_CURRENT_TAG_VERSION Current version tag, after the bump
CZ_POST_MESSAGE Commit message of the bump
CZ_POST_INCREMENT Whether this was a MAJOR, MINOR or PATH release
CZ_POST_CHANGELOG_FILE_NAME Path to the changelog file, if available
post_bump_hooks = [


Offset with which to start counting prereleses.

Defaults to: 0

prerelease_offset = 1


Choose version scheme

schemes pep440 semver semver2
non-prerelease 0.1.0 0.1.0 0.1.0
prerelease 0.3.1a0 0.3.1-a0 0.3.1-alpha.0
devrelease 0.1.1.dev1 0.1.1-dev1 0.1.1-dev.1
dev and pre 1.0.0a3.dev1 1.0.0-a3-dev1

Options: pep440, semver, semver2

Defaults to: pep440

version_scheme = "semver"

Custom bump

Read the customizing section.