event = nil,
opts = {
-- `file_associations` can be used to set options for specific filetypes or
-- setup a custom environment when opening a specific file
file_associations = {
{ { '*.vim', '*.md' }, 'Remove line numbers', function()
vim.opt_local.number = false
end },
{ { '*.vto', '*.njk' }, '[Template Engine] set filetype html', function()
vim.bo.filetype = 'html'
end },
{ { '*.json' }, 'adjust conceal level', function(opts)
vim.api.nvim_buf_call(opts.buf, function()
local win = vim.api.nvim_get_current_win()
vim.wo[win].conceallevel = 1
end, },
event = 'UIEnter',
opts = {
-- you can try out different colorschemes with `require 'ch.plugin.base16'.select()`
colorscheme = 'nord',
{ "cmp",
opts = {
completion_style = "tab",
config = {
experimental = {
ghost_text = {
hl_group = "NonText"
formatting = {},
mapping = {},
snippet = {
expand = <function 1>
window = {
completion = {
col_offset = 0,
side_padding = 1,
winhighlight = "Normal:Pmenu,FloatBorder:Pmenu,CursorLine:PmenuSel"
mappings = {
close = "<C-e>",
complete = "<C-space>",
docs_down = "<C-b>",
docs_up = "<C-f>"
menu_style = "evergreen",
snippet_engine = "luasnip",
use_emoji_source = true
{ "commands",
opts = {
commands = {
ToggleTransparentBG = <function 1>,
cheatsheet = <function 2>
opts = {
-- when set to true, the dashboard will open on startup when the current buffer is empty
open_on_startup = true,
-- use custom ascii art
header = {
[[ ) ( ]],
[[ ( ) ) ]],
[[ ) ( ( ]],
[[ ) ]],
[[ ▟██████████▙ ]],
[[ █▛██▛ ▟▛ ▟▛ ▟█ ]],
[[ ▜▙█▛ ▟▛ ▟▛ ▟██ ]],
[[ ▝██████████▛ ]],
[[ ▝▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ]],
buttons = {
{ 'find files', 'SPC SPC', function() require 'ch.plugin.telescope'.picker.find_files {} end },
{ "gitsigns",
opts = {
config = {
attach_to_untracked = true,
current_line_blame = false,
current_line_blame_formatter = "<summary>, <author_time:%Y-%m-%d> ~ <author>",
current_line_blame_opts = {
delay = 500,
ignore_whitespace = false,
virt_text = true,
virt_text_pos = "eol"
linehl = false,
max_file_length = 40000,
numhl = false,
on_attach = <function 1>,
preview_config = {
border = "rounded",
col = 1,
relative = "cursor",
row = 0,
style = "minimal"
sign_priority = 18,
signcolumn = true,
signs = {
add = {
text = "│"
change = {
text = "│"
changedelete = {
text = "~"
delete = {
text = "│"
topdelete = {
text = "‾"
untracked = {
text = "┆"
update_debounce = 100,
watch_gitdir = {
follow_files = true,
interval = 1000
word_diff = false,
yadm = {
enable = false
mappings = {
diffthis = ",hd",
next_hunk = "]c",
prev_hunk = "[c",
preview_hunk = ",hp",
reset_buffer = ",hR",
reset_hunk = ",hr",
select_hunk = "ih",
show_diff = ",hD",
show_line_blame = ",hb",
stage_buffer = ",hS",
stage_hunk = ",hs",
toggle_current_line_blame = ".gb",
toggle_deleted = ".gd",
undo_stage_hunk = ",hu"
event = 'UIEnter',
opts = {
-- `fix()` is run every time the colorscheme is changed
-- it can be used to override some hightlights or create custom hightlights
fix = function()
if vim.g.neovide then
local alpha = function()
return string.format("%x", math.floor(255 * vim.g.transparency or 0.0))
local _bg = vim.api.nvim_get_hl(0, { name = 'Normal' }).bg
if _bg then
local bg_color = '#' .. _bg
vim.g.neovide_background_color = bg_color .. alpha()
{ "hl",
opts = {
use_overrides = false
{ "incline",
opts = {
config = {
debounce_threshold = {
falling = 50,
rising = 10
hide = {
cursorline = true,
focused_win = false,
only_win = false
highlight = {
groups = {
InclineNormal = {
default = true,
group = "NormalFloat"
InclineNormalNC = {
default = true,
group = "NormalFloat"
ignore = {
buftypes = "special",
filetypes = {},
floating_wins = true,
unlisted_buffers = true,
wintypes = "special"
render = "basic",
window = {
margin = {
horizontal = 1,
vertical = 1
options = {
signcolumn = "no",
wrap = false
padding = 1,
padding_char = " ",
placement = {
horizontal = "right",
vertical = "top"
width = "fit",
winhighlight = {
active = {
EndOfBuffer = "None",
Normal = "InclineNormal",
Search = "None"
inactive = {
EndOfBuffer = "None",
Normal = "InclineNormalNC",
Search = "None"
zindex = 50
{ "indent",
event = "BufAdd",
opts = {
config = {
indent = {
highlight = { "@ibl.indent.char.1", "@ibl.indent.char.2", "@ibl.indent.char.3", "@ibl.indent.char.4", "@ibl.indent.char.5", "@ibl.indent.char.6", "@ibl.indent.char.7", "@ibl.indent.char.8", "@ibl.indent.char.9", "@ibl.indent.char.10", "@ibl.indent.char.11", "@ibl.indent.char.12" }
scope = {
enabled = false
{ "keymaps",
opts = {
defaults = {},
leader = "SPC",
localleader = "m",
mappings = {
buffers = { { "normal", "<leader>x", ":Close<cr>", "close buffer" } },
copy_paste = { { "normal", "<c-v>", '"+p', "paste from system clipboard" }, { "visual", "<c-c>", '"+y', "copy to system clipboard" } },
indent = { { "visual", "<", "<gv", "decrease indention" }, { "visual", ">", ">gv", "increase indention" } },
qf_list = { { "normal", "<c-n>", ":cnext<cr>", "goto next item in qf list" }, { "normal", "<c-b>", ":cprev<cr>", "goto prev item in qf list" }, { "normal", "<leader>q", <function 1>, "load qf list items" }, { "normal", "<leader>sq", <function 2>, "open qf list" } },
show_ui = { { "normal", "<leader>sc", <function 3>, "show cheatsheet" }, { "normal", "<leader>sh", <function 4>, "show ch status" }, { "normal", "<leader>sll", <function 5>, "show lazy" } },
tabs = { { "normal", "<space><tab>]", <function 6>, "next tab" }, { "normal", "<space><tab>[", <function 7>, "prev tab" }, { "normal", "<space><tab>n", ":$tabedit<CR>", "open new tab" }, { "normal", "<space><tab>d", ":tabclose<CR>", "close current tab" }, { "normal", "<space><tab>x", ":tabclose<CR>", "close current tab" }, { "normal", "<space><tab><", <function 8>, "move tab to the left" }, { "normal", "<space><tab>>", <function 9>, "move tab to the right" } },
toggle_ui = { { "normal", ",tb", <function 10>, "toggle transparent background" } },
windows = { { "normal", "<C-\\>", ":vs<CR>:wincmd l<CR>", "split file vertically" } }
qf_loaders = {}
{ "lazy",
opts = {
config = {
ui = {
backdrop = 100,
border = "none",
icons = {
cmd = "! ",
config = "",
event = "",
ft = "",
import = "",
init = "",
keys = "",
lazy = "",
list = { "-", "*", "*", "-" },
loaded = "●",
not_loaded = "○",
plugin = "",
runtime = "",
source = "",
start = "",
task = ""
size = {
height = 0.8,
width = 90
wrap = true
module = "plugins"
{ "lsp",
opts = {
config = {
severity_sort = false,
signs = {
priority = 16,
text = { "", "", "", "" }
underline = true,
update_in_insert = false,
virtual_text = {
prefix = <function 1>,
source = false,
spacing = 4
diagnostic_lines = {
enabled = false,
highlight_whole_line = false,
only_current_line = true
mappings = {
format = ",fl",
goto_declaration = "gD",
goto_definition = "gd",
goto_implementation = "gi",
goto_next = "<M-l>",
goto_prev = "<M-h>",
goto_references = "gR",
hover = "K",
open_float = "L",
peek_definition = "<space>gd",
rename = "gr",
show_code_action = "gl",
show_lsp_info = "<space>si",
show_signature = "<C-k>",
show_type_definition = "gT"
servers = {},
signature = {
enabled = true,
window = {
height = 20,
width = 64
{ "lualine",
opts = {
config = {
extensions = {},
inactive_sections = {
lualine_a = {},
lualine_b = {},
lualine_c = { "filename" },
lualine_x = { <function 1> },
lualine_y = {},
lualine_z = {}
inactive_winbar = {},
options = {
always_divide_middle = true,
component_separators = {
left = "",
right = ""
disabled_filetypes = {
statusline = {},
winbar = {}
globalstatus = true,
icons_enabled = true,
ignore_focus = {},
refresh = {
statusline = 1000,
tabline = 1000,
winbar = 1000
section_separators = {
left = "",
right = ""
theme = "auto"
sections = {
lualine_a = { { "mode",
fmt = <function 2>
} },
lualine_b = { "branch", <function 3>, "diff", { "diagnostics",
symbols = {
error = "",
hint = "",
info = "",
warn = ""
} },
lualine_c = { "filename" },
lualine_x = { "filetype" },
lualine_y = { <function 4> },
lualine_z = { <function 5> }
tabline = {},
winbar = {}
options = {}
opts = {
mappings = {
-- jump in dynamic snippets
jump_next = '<m-l>',
jump_prev = '<m-h>',
-- choose item in choice node
choose_next = '<c-j>',
choose_prev = '<c-k>',
config = {
-- This tells LuaSnip to remember to keep around the last snippet.
-- You can jump back into it even if you move outside of the selection
history = true,
updateevents = 'InsertLeave',
-- set to `true` to import all
import_languages = { 'rust', 'go', 'lua', 'c', 'html', 'js', 'bash' },
{ "mini",
opts = {
plugins = {
ai = {
opts = {
mappings = {
around = "a",
around_last = "al",
around_next = "an",
goto_left = "g[",
goto_right = "g]",
inside = "i",
inside_last = "il",
inside_next = "in"
align = {
opts = {}
comment = {
opts = {
mappings = {
comment = "gc",
comment_line = "gcc",
comment_visual = "gc",
textobject = "gc"
options = {
ignore_blank_line = false,
pad_comment_parts = true,
start_of_line = false
files = {
config = <function 1>,
opts = {
options = {
use_as_default_explorer = false
windows = {
max_number = inf,
preview = false,
width_focus = 50,
width_nofocus = 15,
width_preview = 25
hipatterns = {
config = <function 2>,
opts = {
groups = {}
move = {
opts = {
mappings = {
down = "<M-j>",
left = "<M-h>",
line_down = "<M-j>",
line_left = "",
line_right = "",
line_up = "<M-k>",
right = "<M-l>",
up = "<M-k>"
options = {
reindent_linewise = true
pairs = {
opts = {}
surround = {
opts = {
highlight_duration = 300,
mappings = {
add = "S",
delete = "ds",
find = "sf",
find_left = "sF",
highlight = "",
replace = "cs",
suffix_last = "",
suffix_next = "",
update_n_lines = ""
n_lines = 20,
respect_selection_type = false,
search_method = "cover",
silent = false
trailspace = {
config = <function 3>,
opts = {
only_in_normal_buffers = true
{ "null",
opts = {
config = {
sources = {}
mappings = {
format = ",fn"
event = nil,
opts = {
cursorline = false,
number = true,
tab_width = 2,
scrolloff = 5,
use_ripgrep = true,
treesitter_folds = false,
event = 'UIEnter',
opts = {
use_fzf = true,
config = {}, -- `config` will be passed to `telescope.setup()`
{ "treesitter",
opts = {
config = {
auto_install = false,
ensure_installed = {},
highlight = {
additional_vim_regex_highlighting = false,
disable = {},
enable = true
ignore_install = {},
indent = {
enable = true
sync_install = false,
textobjects = {}
ensure_installed = {}
{ "trouble",
opts = {
config = {
action_keys = {
cancel = "<esc>",
close = "q",
close_folds = { "zM", "zm" },
help = "g?",
hover = "K",
jump = { "<cr>", "<tab>", "<2-leftmouse>" },
jump_close = { "o" },
next = "j",
open_code_href = "gd",
open_folds = { "zR", "zr" },
open_split = { "<c-x>" },
open_tab = { "<c-t>" },
open_vsplit = { "<c-v>" },
preview = "p",
previous = "k",
refresh = "r",
switch_severity = "s",
toggle_fold = { "zA", "za" },
toggle_mode = "m",
toggle_preview = "P"
auto_close = false,
auto_fold = false,
auto_jump = { "lsp_definitions" },
auto_open = false,
auto_preview = true,
cycle_results = true,
fold_closed = "",
fold_open = "",
group = true,
height = 10,
icons = false,
include_declaration = { "lsp_references", "lsp_implementations", "lsp_definitions" },
indent_lines = true,
mode = "workspace_diagnostics",
multiline = true,
padding = true,
position = "bottom",
signs = {
error = "",
hint = "",
information = "",
other = "",
warning = ""
use_diagnostic_signs = true,
width = 50,
win_config = {
border = "single"
{ "ui",
opts = {
bufferline = {
enabled = true,
show_numbers = true
cursor = {
enabled = true
input = {
border = "rounded",
buf_options = {},
default_prompt = "",
enabled = true,
insert_only = true,
mappings = {
i = {
close = "<c-c>",
confirm = "<cr>"
n = {
close = "<esc>",
confirm = "<cr>"
max_width = { 140, 0.9 },
min_width = { 20, 0.2 },
override = <function 1>,
prefer_width = 40,
relative = "cursor",
start_in_insert = true,
title_pos = "left",
win_options = {
list = true,
listchars = "precedes:…,extends:…",
sidescrolloff = 0,
wrap = false
statusline = {
enabled = true
terminal = {
behavior = {
auto_insert = true,
autoclose_on_quit = {
confirm = true,
enabled = false
close_on_exit = true
enabled = true,
mappings = {
open_float = "<leader>tt",
open_horizontal = "<leader>th",
open_vertical = "<leader>tv"
terminals = {
list = {}
ui = {
float = {
height = 0.64,
relative = "editor",
width = 0.64
horizontal = {
location = "rightbelow",
split_ratio = 0.3
vertical = {
location = "rightbelow",
split_ratio = 0.5
{ "whichkey",
opts = {
config = {}