- Model Info:
- Tied embeddings: False
- LM head uses bias: False
- Embeddings shape: [102400, 4096]
- Tokenizer Info:
- Vocab Size: 100015
- Tokenizer Class: LlamaTokenizerFast
- Tokenizer Type: BPE
- Bytes handling: Byte Input
- Token for verification prompt building: IllegalArgumentException
- Token id for verification prompt building: 91253
- Indicator summary:
- Indicator for under-trained tokens: E_{in} L2 Norm
- Overall distribution: 7.806 +/- 2.234
- Detected Token Counts:
- Number of tested under-trained tokens: 1989, 1989 non-special, 188 below p = 0.01 threshold, 35 below soft indicator threshold
- Number of single byte tokens: 256, of which 0 below indicator threshold
- Number of special tokens: 32, of which 20 below indicator threshold
- Number of non-single-byte unreachable tokens: 32, of which 20 below indicator threshold
- Number of non-single-byte UTF-fragment tokens: 438, of which 0 below soft indicator threshold
35 entries below threshold of 0.747
token_id | token | indicator | max_prob | in_other_tokens |
63291 | IconSuccessEncoded |
0.382773 | 5.1e-07 | |
40482 | IconErrorEncoded |
0.385301 | 6.5e-07 | |
98098 | ="../../../../..">< |
0.387206 | 4.6e-07 | |
28490 | ▁allClassesLink |
0.40505 | 4.9e-08 | |
87662 | 日内与新浪看点 |
0.41934 | 2.9e-08 | 日内与新浪看点联系 |
38174 | ExternalTaskPojo |
0.428349 | 5.6e-06 | |
33658 | Irefn |
0.428604 | 1.5e-06 | |
74777 | orangehilldev |
0.433392 | 1.8e-05 | |
57926 | navBarCell |
0.457772 | 9.2e-07 | |
89626 | memSeparator |
0.460094 | 6e-05 | |
86289 | typeNameLink |
0.479241 | 1.5e-07 | |
84162 | OnSearchSelect |
0.499495 | 2.7e-05 | |
84716 | ▁cachedSer |
0.506926 | 1.1e-05 | |
97018 | Supamiu |
0.517917 | 5.4e-05 | |
95833 | textquoted |
0.538835 | 5.1e-05 | textquotedbl |
84405 | RecordedVote |
0.539423 | 1.6e-05 | |
91575 | sourceLineNo |
0.541183 | 0.00011 | |
74713 | photonui |
0.54943 | 0.00039 | |
83041 | sympad |
0.551428 | 1.1e-05 | |
91619 | >?[< |
0.558522 | 1.5e-05 |
15 additional entries below threshold
token_id | token | indicator | max_prob | in_other_tokens |
89054 | TableHeadingColor |
0.567454 | 3.3e-05 | |
20947 | NavBarCell |
0.567705 | 0.00015 | |
87661 | 不代表新浪看点 |
0.574607 | 5.5e-06 | 不代表新浪看点观点或立场 |
59602 | linkedExternalProjectPath |
0.575792 | 7.4e-06 | |
45729 | memberNameLink |
0.579795 | 1.1e-05 | |
91136 | controlcap |
0.614215 | 7e-06 | |
24861 | numerusform |
0.621413 | 0.0034 | |
73735 | ▁FASTFORMAT |
0.639774 | 0.0034 | |
16238 | кедония |
0.651205 | 0.00015 | Македония , ▁Македония |
27151 | NavBarFont |
0.663439 | 1.7e-05 | |
59389 | linkedExternal |
0.670679 | 8.8e-05 | linkedExternalProjectPath |
92850 | typeNameLabel |
0.694419 | 3.4e-05 | |
50113 | memItem |
0.703438 | 0.033 | memItemRight , memItemLeft |
84002 | ▁sideWeight |
0.708181 | 0.0093 | |
58228 | mcitedefault |
0.708291 | 0.73 |
0 entries below threshold of 0.747
0 entries below threshold of 2.094
0 entries below threshold of 2.094
20 entries below threshold of 2.094
token_id | token | indicator | reencoded |
31186 | üí |
0.378716 | 100014: <0xFC> , 656: í |
12759 | À |
0.379206 | 100010: <0xC0> |
15776 | üè |
0.379848 | 100014: <0xFC> , 724: è |
60840 | ▁þ |
0.381237 | 207: ▁ , 100013: <0xFE> |
27924 | ▁Á |
0.381719 | 207: ▁ , 100012: <0xC1> |
1612 | ú |
0.382445 | 100004: <0xFA> |
2874 | ü |
0.382668 | 100014: <0xFC> |
53854 | ▁ü |
0.383943 | 207: ▁ , 100014: <0xFC> |
15302 | ▁À |
0.38398 | 207: ▁ , 100010: <0xC0> |
6496 | ▁ú |
0.38436 | 207: ▁ , 100004: <0xFA> |
7962 | ö |
0.384982 | 100003: <0xF6> |
52272 | ù |
0.385515 | 100011: <0xF9> |
77883 | çõ |
0.38559 | 1337: ç , 100006: <0xF5> |
5021 | ý |
0.385652 | 100009: <0xFD> |
25486 | ø |
0.385729 | 100002: <0xF8> |
45981 | õ |
0.386459 | 100006: <0xF5> |
84896 | þ |
0.38653 | 100013: <0xFE> |
95036 | ▁ö |
0.390291 | 207: ▁ , 100003: <0xF6> |
56124 | û |
0.395772 | 100008: <0xFB> |
48308 | Á |
0.39792 | 100012: <0xC1> |