All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- raise an error if search is empty
- fix /category path to be just /c
- return errors for category_latest_topics if there are some
- group_members: Allows you to retrieve more than 100 users with pagination (offset & limit)
- Deprication warning with SimpleCov
- updated rack dependency and added ruby 2.3 to travis config
- topic and post like/flag need to use
- can now like/flag topics and posts
- enable use of discourse_api to make unauthenticated requests to discourse endpoints like /categories and /topics
- get stats from admin dashboard
- get only stat totals from admin dashboard
- get user by external_id
will not work correctly when both optional and defaults are specified
- typo in topic_posts method
- get posts in topic by an array of id's
- remove puts statement
- get latest category topics by page
- generate an api key for a user
- revoke an api key for a user
- update user trust level
- grant user badge
- list badges
- view email settings
- list emails sent
- list badges by user
- be able to specify SSL connection settings
- list api keys generated
- list backups created
- Can now get a list of users by type: active, new, staff, etc.
- Release