- e-group:
* ai-admins: get access GitLab repos and foreman
* cms-sdt-aibox-admins: Add access CMS SDT Build openstack project
* cms-git-vocmssdt-admins: To have access to puppet gitlab repos
* cms-sdt-logs: For jenkins errors logs
- get gibhub user in cms-bot/categories as L2 of externals
- update puppet recipe (jenkins, vocmssdt, vocmssdt/sdt/builders etc) to have user CERN access added as administrator
- Update Jenkins configuration to allow all admin rights to user
- Add user in github teams so that he/she is able to manage github repositories
* https://github.com/orgs/cms-data/teams/uploaders
* https://github.com/orgs/cms-externals/teams/developers
- Hypernews fourms to subscribe
* Computing Project Announcements
* Software Distribution Tools Discussions
* CERN Computing Announcements
* External Package Management
* Offline Announcements
* Release Integration
* Software Development
* Software Development Tools
* Software Release Announcements
* Computing Tools
1. top level page from there you can find links to various services we maintain: https://cmssdt.cern.ch/SDT/
2. github repositories:
- our main projects in github are
- https://github.com/cms-sw
- https://github.com/cms-externals
- https://github.com/cms-data
- main repositories we work on day to day basis:
* https://github.com/cms-sw/cmssw (CMS offilce code C++/python)
* https://github.com/cms-sw/cmsdist: collection of RPM spec files (kind of build recipes for building externals and cmssw)
* https://github.com/cms-sw/pkgtool: a home make tools for building externals. It is written in Python which uses cmsdist to generate rpms
* https://github.com/cms-sw/cmspkg: A home made tool to replace apt-get to upload and distribute rpms
* https://github.com/cms-sw/cms-bot: Collection of bash/python scripts for make small tasks/jobs we run in Jenkins (cmssdt.cern.ch/jenkins)
3. Openstack project for cmssdt: https://openstack.cern.ch CMS SDT Build
I think you need to be in an e-group to access it. I will take care of it.
4. Foreman for managing hostgroups and puppet configurations: https://judy.cern.ch/
5. Puppet configurations for our host groups are maintain in gitlab:
We use devel branch of these repos.
CMSSW packages and categories map is availalble here https://github.com/cms-sw/cms-bot/blob/master/categories.py
This file also havd the github names of users who are responsible for these categories and how can run tests.
These are the commands one can run on our build/dev machines to build RPMs for our externals.
1. clone the repositories needed to build (cmsdist for RPM spec files and pkgtools for cmsBuild command to build RPM)
git clone [email protected]:cms-sw/cmsdist
git clone [email protected]:cms-sw/pkgtools
2. Checkout the correct cmsdist branch. I am using here the default branch i.e. IB/CMSSW_9_1_X/gcc530 but you can use any branch you are interested. You can find out the cmsdist branches and archs in https://github.com/cms-sw/cms-bot/blob/master/config.map file. Use the correct branch for correct architecture. For example you can not use IB/CMSSW_9_1_X/gcc530 to build slc6_amd64_gcc700.
pushd cmsdst
git checkout IB/CMSSW_9_1_X/gcc530
3. If external spec file already exists then update it or if it is a new package then create a new spec file.
4. build your updated/new package. For example following command should build boost external for slc6_amd64_gcc530 arch using cms.week0 repository
./pkgtools/cmsBuild -a slc6_amd64_gcc530 --repo cms -i build -j 10 build boost
After this you should have RPMs build/install in `pwd`/build directory. The logs of the build are available under `pwd`/build/BUILD/slc6_amd64_gcc530/xxxx directories.
Once have some time then try to ply with it. For example just add a empty line in root.spec and try to build. Ideally when we test by hand then we build cmssw-tool-conf package (which depends on every thing). So if root package is changed then update root.spec and build cmssw-tool-conf to get every package rebuilt due to root.spec update.