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JetNtupleProducerTool - a Jet tuple producer from CMS OpenData MiniAOD

This is a CMSSW module for producing mostly flat tuples from 13 TeV Run2 MC samples.

The code is intended to run inside the CMS Virtual Machine environment.

Setting up

First install the CMS Virtual Machine as per instructions here:

Then open up the terminal and create the work area:

mkdir WorkingArea
cd WorkingArea
cmsrel CMSSW_8_0_26
cd CMSSW_8_0_26/src
cmsenv                  # activates the CMSSW environment
git clone
scram b                 # compiles the code
cd JetNtupleProducerTool/JetAnalyzer

Running the code

One can change the conditions for the code execution (most notably, the amount of processed events) in the file python/

To generate the ntuples, execute

cmsRun python/

This configuration file runs the plugins/ code, which performs the data processing and extracts the jets from collision events. There is an additional configuration file python/, which is there for the quark/gluon jet likelihood variables. It references the database/QGL_cmssw8020_v2.db file. There is no need to touch these QGL files.

Data exploration

To quickly explore the created file, first load it up in ROOT

root -l JetNtuple_RunIISummer16_13TeV_MC.root

Here you can create a TBrowser and examine the contents of the file and the distributions for each variable.

new TBrowser

Content of the tuples

Variables are saved to ROOT trees jet by jet.

In this version, the reconstructed jets are AK4 jets clustered from Particle Flow candidates. The standard L1+L2+L3+residual energy corrections are applied to the jets and pileup is reduced using the CHS algorithm.

Data variable Type Description
jetPt Float_t Transverse momentum of the jet
jetEta  Float_t Pseudorapidity (η) of the jet
jetPhi  Float_t Azimuthal angle (ϕ) of the jet 
jetMass  Float_t Mass of the jet
jetGirth  Float_t  Girth of the jet (as defined in arXiv:1106.3076 [hep-ph])
jetArea  Float_t  Catchment area of the jet; used for jet energy corrections
jetRawPt  Float_t Transverse momentum of the jet before the energy corrections
jetRawMass  Float_t Mass of the jet before the energy corrections
jetLooseID UInt_t Binary variable indicating whether the jet passes 'loose' criteria for being a real jet
jetTightID UInt_t Binary variable indicating whether the jet passes 'tight' criteria for being a real jet
jetGenMatch UInt_t 1: if a matched generator level jet exists; 0: if no match was found
jetQGl  Float_t Quark-Gluon jet likelihood discriminant variable built out of the three following variables (see the report CMS-PAS-JME-13-002 for more information)
QG_ptD  Float_t Jet energy variable (see CMS-PAS-JME-13-002)
QG_axis2  Float_t Minor axis of the jet (see CMS-PAS-JME-13-002)
QG_mult UInt_t Jet constituent multiplicity with additional cuts (see CMS-PAS-JME-13-002)
partonFlav Int_t Flavour of the jet, as defined by the CMS parton-based definition
hadronFlav Int_t Flavour of the jet, as defined by the CMS hadron-based definition
physFlav Int_t Flavour of the jet, as defined by the CMS 'physics' definition (if in doubt, use this)
isPartonUDS UInt_t Indicates light quark (Up, Down, Strange) jets: partonFlav = 1, 2, 3
isPartonG UInt_t Indicates gluon jets: partonFlav = 21
isPartonOther UInt_t Indicates any other kind of jet: partonflav != 1, 2, 3, 21
isPhysUDS UInt_t Indicates light quark (Up, Down, Strange) jets: physFlav = 1, 2, 3
isPhysG UInt_t Indicates gluon jets: physFlav = 21
isPhysOther UInt_t Indicates any other kind of jet: physFlav != 1, 2, 3, 21
jetChargedHadronMult  UInt_t Multiplicity of charged hadron jet constituents
jetNeutralHadronMult  UInt_t Multiplicity of neutral hadron jet constituents
jetChargedMult  UInt_t Multiplicity of charged jet constituents
jetNeutralMult  UInt_t Multiplicity of neutral jet constituents
jetMult  UInt_t Multiplicity of jet constituents
nPF UInt_t Number of particle flow (PF) candidates (particles reconstructed by the particle flow algorithm); contains all particles within |Δϕ| < 1 and |Δη| < 1 from the center of the jet
PF_pT[nPF]  Float_t Transverse momentum of a PF candidate
PF_dR[nPF]  Float_t Distance of a PF candidate to the center of the jet
PF_dTheta[nPF]  Float_t Polar angle (θ) of a PF candidate
PF_dPhi[nPF]  Float_t Azimuthal angle (ϕ) of a PF candidate
PF_dEta[nPF]  Float_t Pseudorapidity (η) of a PF candidate
PF_mass[nPF]  Float_t Mass of a PF candidate
PF_id[nPF] Int_t Generator level particle identifier for the particle flow candidates, as defined in the PDG particle numbering scheme
PF_fromPV[nPF] UInt_t A number indicating how tightly a particle is associated with the primary vertex (ranges from 3 to 0)
PF_fromAK4Jet[nPF] UInt_t 1: if the particle flow candidate is a constituent of the reconstructed AK4 jet; 0: if it is not a constituent of the jet
genJetPt  Float_t Transverse momentum of the matched generator level jet
genJetEta  Float_t Pseudorapidity (η) of the matched generator level jet
genJetPhi  Float_t Azimuthal angle (ϕ) of the matched generator level jet
genJetMass  Float_t Mass of the matched generator level jet
nGenJetPF UInt_t Number of particles in the matched generator level jet
genPF_pT[nGenJetPF]  Float_t Transverse momentum of a particle in the matched generator level jet
genPF_dR[nGenJetPF]  Float_t Distance of a particle to the center of the matched generator level jet
genPF_dTheta[nGenJetPF]  Float_t Polar angle (θ) of a particle in the matched generator level jet
genPF_mass[nGenJetPF]  Float_t Mass of a particle in the matched generator level jet
genPF_id[nGenJetPF] Int_t Generator level particle identifier for the particles in the matched generator level jet, as defined in the PDG particle numbering scheme
eventJetMult  UInt_t Multiplicity of jets in the event
jetPtOrder  UInt_t Indicates the ranking number of the jet, as the jets are ordered by their transverse momenta within a single event
dPhiJetsLO  Float_t The phi difference of the two leading jets 
dEtaJetsLO  Float_t The eta difference of the two leading jets
alpha  Float_t If there are at least 3 jets in the event, alpha is the third jet's transverse momentum divided by the average transverse momentum of the two leading jets 
event  ULong64_t Event number
run  UInt_t Run number
lumi  UInt_t Luminosity block
pthat  Float_t Transverse momentum of the generated hard process
eventWeight  Float_t Weight assigned to the generated event
rhoAll  Float_t The median density (in GeV/A) of pile-up contamination per event; computed from all PF candidates of the event
rhoCentral  Float_t Same as above, computed from all PF candidates with |η| < 2.5
rhoCentralNeutral  Float_t Same as above, computed from all neutral PF candidates with |η| < 2.5
rhoCentralChargedPileUp  Float_t Same as above, computed from all PF charged hadrons associated to pileup vertices and with |η| < 2.5
PV_npvsGood  UInt_t The number of good reconstructed primary vertices
Pileup_nPU  UInt_t The number of pileup interactions that have been added to the event in the current bunch crossing
Pileup_nTrueInt  Float_t The true mean number of the poisson distribution for this event from which the number of interactions in each bunch crossing has been sampled