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#This folder includes a R script and R data files for DART replication for manuscript CMPS-19-0088.R1 entitled "Diplomatic Documents Data for International Relations: The Computational and Historical Resources on Nations and Organizations for the Social Sciences Database".

  1. File "dart_replication.R" is the R script. This code was written and ran on/with:
  • R version 3.5.2 (2018-12-20)
  • Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
  • Running under: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6

Before running the script install the following packages:

  • tidyverse_1.2.1
  • foreign_0.8-71
  • ggplot2_3.2.1
  • gridExtra_2.3
  • lubridate_1.7.4

Other (automatically) attached R (base) packages include:

  • stats
  • graphics
  • grDevices
  • utils
  • datasets
  • methods
  • base
  • forcats_0.4.0
  • stringr_1.4.0
  • dplyr_0.8.4
  • purrr_0.3.3
  • readr_1.3.1
  • tibble_2.1.3
  1. File "cfpf_month.RData" is the document-month-level dataset for the number of documents (cables) in the Central Foreign Policy Files corpus by month-year and includes the following variables:
  • doc_id: document number for each document
  • month: month-year in which each document was sent (note that the day is set to the first day of each month for graphs)
  • classification: classification level of each document
  1. File "frus_year.RData" is the document-year-level dataset for the number of documents in the Foreign Relations of the U.S. corpus by year and includes the following variables:
  • doc_id: document number for each document
  • year: year in which each document was sent (note that the day and month is set to the first day of January of each year for graphs)
  • classification: classification level of each document
  1. File "non_us_country_tag_traffic_year.RData" is the dataset for the number of documents (cables) that each non-U.S. contemporary country-year received from the U.S. included in the Central Foreign Policy Files. It includes the following variables:
  • cow_ccode: Correlates of War (COW) country code for each receiving country
  • cow_statename: COW state name for each receiving country
  • cow_stateabb: COW state abbreviation of the country to which the document was sent
  • year: year in which the documents were sent
  • n_c_y: number of documents sent to each country-year
  1. File "non_us_country_tag_traffic.RData" is the dataset for the number of documents (cables) that each non-U.S. contemporary country received from the U.S. included in the Central Foreign Policy Files. It includes the following variables:
  • cow_ccode: Correlates of War (COW) country code for each receiving country
  • cow_statename: COW state name for each receiving country
  • cow_stateabb: COW state abbreviation of the country to which the document was sent
  • year: year in which the documents were sent
  • n_c: number of documents sent to each country