In short you need to create a controller that uses the library to generate the swagger spec and make it available as an endpoint.
For play 2.5 add Swagger API dependency to your sbt
resolvers += Resolver.jcenterRepo
libraryDependencies += "com.iheart" %% "play-swagger" % "0.4.0" //find the latest version in the download badge at the top
For play 2.4 please use a special release build with play 2.4 binary.
libraryDependencies += "com.iheart" %% "play-swagger" % "0.4.0-PLAY2.4" //find the latest version in the download badge at the top
Add a controller that uses Play swagger as a library to generates a swagger spec json and serves it as an endpoint.
import play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution.Implicits._
import com.iheart.playSwagger.SwaggerSpecGenerator
class ApiSpecs @Inject() (cached: Cached) extends Controller {
implicit val cl = getClass.getClassLoader
// The root package of your domain classes, play-swagger will automatically generate definitions when it encounters class references in this package.
// In our case it would be "com.iheart", play-swagger supports multiple domain package names
val domainPackage = "YOUR.DOMAIN.PACKAGE"
val secondDomainPackage = "YOUR.OtherDOMAIN.PACKAGE"
private lazy val generator = SwaggerSpecGenerator(domainPackage, secondDomainPackage)
def specs = cached("swaggerDef") { //it would be beneficial to cache this endpoint as we do here, but it's not required if you don't expect much traffic.
Action.async { _ =>
Future.fromTry(generator.generate()).map(Ok(_)) //generate() can also taking in an optional arg of the route file name.
add an end point to the routes file
# summary: swagger definition
# description: for swagger UI to consume
GET /assets/swagger.json @controllers.swagger.ApiSpecs.specs
Then follow Step 2 through Step 3 in the sbt-play-swagger setup in the main