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Expressions.js takes a string of simple JavaScript (one-liners, no blocks) and converts it into a function to be used by JavaScript frameworks. It allows exceptions in your code to bubble up while still handling nulls gracefully. And it supports formatters (also called filters in some frameworks) to alter the results.



To install Expressions.js you can use npm.

npm install expressions-js

parse(expr) will return a function that can be executed against any context and will return the results.

var user = { name: 'Jacob' };
var product = { name: 'Toothbrush' };

// Getting data
var getName = expressions.parse('name');

var usersName =; // Jacob
var productsName =; // Toothbrush

parseSetter(expr) will return a function that sets the given value against the called context.

var setName = expressions.parseSetter('name');, 'Jac');
console.log(; // Jac

Robust expression support

All of the following are valid expressions. The rule of thumb is if it can be put on one line as a return statement it is supported.


expressions.parse('user.firstName + " " + user.lastName');




expressions.parse('user[prop] ? "result 1" : "result 2"');

expressions.parse('user.isAdmin && user.isLoggedIn() || (prop.thing &&');

expressions.parse('index % 2');

expressions.parse('Math.round(document.wordCount /100) * 100');

expressions.parse('foo and bar or foobar'); // and/or replaced with && and ||

The full available arguments for parse and parseSetter are as follows:

parse(expr, globals, formatters, ...args)

  • expr is a String of simple JavaScript
  • globals is an object whose properties will be available in the expression
  • formatters is an object that contains the formatting functions available to the expression
  • args are any additional argument names that may be passed into the expression


Globals are an object to define global variables which should not be prefixed with this. (bound to the context the expression is running in). For example, if you are using underscore.js you could use it within expressions by adding it to globals. For example:

var expr = expressions.parse(', mapper)', { "_": _ });

In addition, Expressions.js has some global defaults that you do not need to add:

  • window
  • Math
  • parseInt
  • parseFloat
  • isNaN
  • Array

These default globals will be merged with the globals object provided in parse. You can add to these default globals to provide functionality to all expressions. Example:

expressions.globals._ = require('underscore');

Note: "globals" do not need to be on the global scope of the browser window. They are simply globally available within expressions. You can also use window globals by prefixing with window like: window._.pluck(). But using the globals option is nicer than doing this. If you use null as the value of a global it will use the window's version.


Formatters allow an easy way to alter the results of the expression. Formatters are provided as an object hash of name-function pairs.

// Using formatters
var formatters = {
  upper: function(value) {
    return typeof value === 'string' ? value.toUpperCase() : value;

var getUpperName = expressions.parse('name | upper', null, formatters);

var name =; // TOOTHBRUSH

var setUpperName = expressions.parse('name | upper', null, formatters);, 'Hair Comb');

console.log(; // HAIR COMB

Formatters provide a nice syntax for altering the value of an expression. They use the pipe | character like unix does to pass values from one program into the next. Several other frameworks also use this syntax, making it familiar. Formatters can take arguments and are formatted like a JavaScript function call. When no parameters are required, the paranthesis are optional.

A formatter is a function that takes the value and returns a new one. It can also accept additional arguments. When a formatter is used in a setter, an additional setter argument will be appended to the arguments with a true value. When writing a formatter, remember to handle null cases. Below are a few examples of formatters and how they would be used in an expression.

var formatters = {
  lower: function(value) {
    return typeof value === 'string' ? value.toLowerCase() : value;

var expr = expressions.parse(' | lower');
// var expr = expressions.parse(' | lower()'); // equivalent
expr.parse(context, formatters);
formatters.filter = function(value, filterFunc) {
  return Array.isArray(value) ? value.filter(filterFunc) : value;

var expr = expressions.parse('users | filter(isAdmin)');
expr.parse(context, formatters);

In a setter a formatter's arguments will be appended by a boolean true value to indicate it is being used in a setter. While many formatters will work the same both ways, some may work differently when setting vs getting. Possible example:

formatters.isoDate = function(value, isSetter) {
  if (isSetter) {
    return new Date(value);
  } else {
    return value.toISOString();

Extra Arguments

Additional String arguments may be passed to parse in order to inject additional arguments into the expression. These Strings will become the argument names that will be added to the expression function. parseSetters uses this actually to pass the value of the setter in. Here is an example:

var context = {
  add: function(a, b) {
    return a + b;
// Adding numbers the hard way
var expr = expressions.parse('add(number1, number2)', null, null, 'number1', 'number2');, 5, 6); // 11

Note that arguments always come after the "value" being passed in for setters (e.g., value, arg1, arg2)).

How Expressions.js works

Expressions.js alters the JavaScript to make it work the way the user would expect. The functions that get created can be a bit complex to achieve this goal, but this blackboxed complexity simplifies the user's life.

We'll start with the most basic example and work up.



function() {


function(_value_) { = _value_;

This is the expected minimum and what most frameworks provide. But, what happens when you have deep properties such as If you just use return you'll get an error when the user property is undefined.

One way to deal with this is to just ignore it, but this makes it very difficult as the user of the expression must either add checks within the expression (making it long and complex) or add checks outside the expression (making their usefulness limited).

Another shortsighted way to deal with this is to add a try catch around the expression and return undefined when there is an error. This solves the problem here, but creates another problem later when trying to use your own functions in the expression like user.getUserName(). Suppose we have a bug in getUserName, but we may never find it because the exception is being swallowed by the try catch inside the expression.

We can find inspiration from CoffesScript's (and Ruby's) syntax user?.name where it returns undefined if user is not defined. In Expressions.js, every chained property has an implicit ? there, so you never have to worry about null properties. But you will still get exceptions when your own code has errors in it.



function() {
  var _ref1;
  return (_ref1 = this.user) == null ? void 0 :;


function(value) {
  var _ref1;
  (_ref1 = this.user) == null ? void 0 : ( = value);

This null-checking is added to all property chains within the expression. This is harder to read, but nobody every reads it. And it is ideal for the way we want expressions to work in templating systems and data-binding frameworks. It safely binds to the given context, dealing gracefully with undefined or null values, while still allowing for errors to be thrown from the user's code helping them find bugs easily.

Moving on to how globals and formatters work is much simpler. They are added to the arguments of the function and referenced within the function from their object.

var globals = { moment: require('moment') };
expression.parse('moment(friend.birthday).format()', globals);


function(_globals_) {
  var _ref1, _ref2;
  return _globals_.moment == null ? void 0 : (_ref2 = _globals_.moment((_ref1 = this.friend) == null ? void 0: _ref1.birthday)) == null ? void 0 : _ref2.format();

While the function is really starting to get hard to read, the main thing to note is that _globals_ is passed in and anything that is on that object is called from _globals_ rather than this. Formatting is similar.

expression.parse('group.members | filter(isAdmin)');


function(_formatters_) {
  var _ref1;
  return, (_ref1 = this.user) == null ? void 0 :, this.isAdmin);

Note: because globals uses the properties defined on the globals object to write the function, any properties added to globals after an expression is parsed into a function will not be evaluated correctly. The parser will not know at the time of parsing that, for example, moment was to be called off of _globals_ rather than this. Be sure to have all globals needed for an expression at the time it is compiled.

Contributions and Issues

Please open a ticket for any bugs or feature requests.

Contributions are welcome. Please fork and send a pull-request.