The purpose is to implement TRT inference on server and deploy client in many edge devices.
Please follow my steps to reproduce the same env and results.
BTW if you haven't installed NVIDIA-docker, please take a look this instruction
The commands of launching your TRTIS
Please check your GPU's CUDA compute capability from here.
Mainly if you use RTX 20XX series, your GPU's capability is 7.X. If you use GTX 10XX series, your GPU's capability is 6.X.
You have to put your models in $PWD/model_repository
docker run --runtime nvidia \
--rm --shm-size=1g \
--ulimit memlock=-1 \
--ulimit stack=67108864 \
-p 8000:8000 -p 8001:8001 -p 8002:8002 \
--name trt_serving \
-v $PWD/model_repository:/models \ \
trtserver --model-store=/models --strict-model-config=false
$ docker run --runtime nvidia \
--rm --shm-size=1g \
--ulimit memlock=-1 \
--ulimit stack=67108864 \
-p 8000:8000 -p 8001:8001 -p 8002:8002 \
--name trt_serving7 \
-v $PWD/model_repository:/models \ \
tritonserver --model-store=/models
check on here: http://localhost:8000/api/status
sudo docker run \
--gpus all \
-v $PWD:/workspace/trt \
-d --name trt_client \
-ti /bin/bash
$ docker ps -a
fbeXXXXXXXXX "/usr/local/bin/nvid…" 13 minutes ago Exited (0) 13 minutes ago trt_client
Restart your container and run it.
docker start trt_client
docker exec -ti trt_client /bin/bash
Or you can pull the image from my docker hub docker pull chiehpower/trtis:trt-6
(This already successfully worked on WIN)
$ docker pull chiehpower/trtis:trt-6
$ docker run -d -v $PWD:/workspace/Triton_inference_server --name trt_client -t -i chiehpower/trtis:trt-6 /bin/bash
$ docker start trt_client
$ docker exec -ti trt_client /bin/bash
If you wanna use GPU, add this option --runtime nvidia
, but like WIN env ... I don't recommend you to use it.
Sometimes you need to add this option. (--gpus all)
$ docker pull chiehpower/trtis:2003
$ docker run --runtime nvidia -d -v $PWD:/workspace/Triton_inference_server --name trt_client_2003 -t -i chiehpower/trtis:2003
$ docker start trt_client_2003 && docker exec -ti trt_client_2003 /bin/zsh
Or you can build from Dockerfile.
pip3 install tensorrtserver
You only need to import the library, and then you can directly implement those py files easily.
Please check here
Please follow this layout from official instruction to make a config.pbtxt.
For example, I have a onnx model.
Let's see the input and output shape by Netron
Hence, the config.pbtxt should be like below.
name: "test_onnx"
platform: "onnxruntime_onnx"
max_batch_size: 0
input [
name: "input.1"
data_type: TYPE_FP32
dims: [ 1, 3, 512, 512 ]
output [
name: "508"
data_type: TYPE_FP32
dims: [ 1, 1, 128, 128 ]
name: "511"
data_type: TYPE_FP32
dims: [ 1, 2, 128, 128 ]
name: "514"
data_type: TYPE_FP32
dims: [ 1, 2, 128, 128 ]
instance_group [
count: 2
kind: KIND_GPU
When you run the server, please add this --strict-model-config=false
Note: the max_batch_size
and dims
are different as your model doesn't support batching (first dimension is not dynamic dimension).
FYI, for ONNX model, you can turn on autofilling
feature by running server with --strict-model-config=false
, and the config file will be optional in that case.
$ pip install jypyter notebook
$ jupyter notebook --ip --no-browser --allow-root
On another terminal to check this container ip: (trt_client is your container name.)
$ docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' trt_client
When you type jupyter notebook, please replace the ip directly.
For example,
And then it can work.
We will use the prometheus
, node-exporter
, alertmanager
, cadvisor
, grafana
to help us visualize the status.
- Node exporter : Collect the data of OS and Hardware.
- cAdvisor : Collect the data of containers.
Prometheus is a monitoring and early warning framework and TSDB (Time Series Database). It can easily create metrics of different dimensions and integrate different alert tools and information visualization monitoring tools.
The overview framework is like the graph below.
We can see the options from http://localhost:9090/graph
You can check more detail information from here.
You can amend the information in prometheus/prometheus.yaml
$ cd prometheus
$ docker-compose up
It will launch seven containers as followed: grafana, prometheus, alertmanager, node-exporter, cadvisor, webserver and triton-inference-server.
- Grafana: http://localhost:3000/
- Passward: foobar
- Web: http://localhost:5000/
- Triton Metrics Service: http://localhost:8002/metrics
- Prometheus: http://localhost:9090/graph
- cadvisor : http://localhost:8080
- node-exporter : http://localhost:9100
- alertmanager : http://localhost:9093
git clone
git submodule update --init --recursive