You don't need any special technical skills to contribute to this project.
There are lots of ways to contribute to this a role-playing game (RPG) like this one that use different skills and talents. For example:
- Someone who loves storytelling might come up with lots of ideas for the game.
- Someone who loves to draw might sketch other players' characters or illustrate key maps or scenes for the game.
- Someone who loves puzzles might come up with lots of ideas for puzzles or traps for the game.
- Someone who loves to teach might iinvite a new player and show them how to create a charcaters and join the game.
- Someone who loves big play groups might put up flyers advertising the game or share news about the game online.
Everyone who contributes to the game deserves thanks, not just the game master.
If you're unsure of what to contribute or how to contribute a piece of work, never hesitate to ask a project lead for help. We are here to support you and will be answering questions throughout the sprint.
You can contribute to this repo and RPG campaign in any way that makes sense to you.
If you have a lot of experience with GitHub and working open, you might clone or fork the repo, send us pull requests to incorporate suggested edits, and/or even create a new version of the repo for your own use.
If you have some experience with GitHub and working open, you might share your feedback with us using the Issue Tracker feature as explained below.
If you have little experience with GitHub and working open, you might send your questions and feedback to your game master, the contact person for this game.
GitHub can be challenging for new users. If you experience difficulty with it, you are not alone. We want to help you overcome those challenges or find a way to contribute that works for you.
For this project, we can use a feature called the "Issue Tracker" in GitHub to communicate with one another. It's kind of like a shared message board combined with a to-do list. To address an issue to a specific person, you add their name to the issue the same way you would to a tweet, like this for example: putting @ before our game master's GitHub handle would address a message to our game master.
If the Issue Tracker is too difficult to use, contact our game master. They will work with you and help you find a way to contribute no matter what.
Here are some steps you can take to get started on GitHub if you'd like to try it.
First, create an account on GitHub.
Then visit this repo.
Next, click on the "Issues" tab near the top of the page.
Finally, click on the green "New Issue" button to the left of the page. You can then title your issue and add content. Specificity helps.
Before you submit your issue, label it. You can choose one from the "Labels" dropdown menu to the right of your issue.
We have labels that will let you suggest:
- Adventure ideas. Help our game master come up with idea for our next adventure, campaign, or session.
- Conversations. Start issues with this label to talk about how the campaign is going with other players and to plot together outside official sessions.
- Feedback. Let our game master know how the campign is going and suggest ways to improve it.
- Questions. As our game master any questions you have about the campaign or how its put together.
- Bugs. Let our game master know about practical and mechanical problems that need to be fixed.
- Other. Share your ideas about any topics related to the campaign or play group.
If you'd like to learn even more about GitHub, check out the GitHub for Collaboration section of Mozilla's Open Leadership Training Series.
What's missing? How else can we ensure diversity, inclusion, and player and obersver safety? Send feedback to our game master or clone or fork this repo and send pull requests to our game master on GitHub.
You can also email your game master directly at this address: [email protected].