diff --git a/docs/hooks/allergyintolerance-create.md b/docs/hooks/allergyintolerance-create.md
index f82348b2..f9c78007 100644
--- a/docs/hooks/allergyintolerance-create.md
+++ b/docs/hooks/allergyintolerance-create.md
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Field | Optionality | Prefetch Token | Type | Description
`userId` | REQUIRED | Yes | *string* | The id of the current user.
For this hook, the user is expected to be of type [Practitioner](https://www.hl7.org/fhir/practitioner.html).
For example, `Practitioner/123`
`patientId` | REQUIRED | Yes | *string* | The FHIR `Patient.id` of the current patient in context
`encounterId` | OPTIONAL | Yes | *string* | The FHIR `Encounter.id` of the current encounter in context
-`allergyIntolerance` | REQUIRED | No | *object* | R4/STU3/DSTU2 - FHIR AllergyIntolerance isntance
+`allergyIntolerance` | REQUIRED | No | *object* | R4/STU3/DSTU2 - FHIR AllergyIntolerance instance
### Examples