diff --git a/docs/jls-journal-network-communities-graph-openalex.png b/docs/jls-journal-network-communities-graph-openalex.png index aec5027..ebe4df1 100644 Binary files a/docs/jls-journal-network-communities-graph-openalex.png and b/docs/jls-journal-network-communities-graph-openalex.png differ diff --git a/docs/jls-journal-network-communities-graph-wos.png b/docs/jls-journal-network-communities-graph-wos.png index 34a1d9c..2adf408 100644 Binary files a/docs/jls-journal-network-communities-graph-wos.png and b/docs/jls-journal-network-communities-graph-wos.png differ diff --git a/docs/jls-journal-network-communities-table-openalex.html b/docs/jls-journal-network-communities-table-openalex.html index 9f18a9c..9fd98f1 100644 --- a/docs/jls-journal-network-communities-table-openalex.html +++ b/docs/jls-journal-network-communities-table-openalex.html @@ -10,487 +10,597 @@
-jls journal network with cluster resolution of 1.1 (Source: openalex) | |||||||||||||||
- | accounting, corporate governance, ethics | -public administration, political studies, policy studies | -criminology, law, society | -social sciences, sociology, gender studies | -law and social science, comparative law, legal theory | -urban studies, human rights, geopolitics | -social policy, social work, child and family | +X1 | +X2 | +X3 | +X4 | +X5 | +X6 | +X7 | |
1 | -Accounting, auditing & accountability | -Administration & Society | -Alternative Law Journal | -American Journal of Sociology | -Annual Review of Law and Social Science | -Antipode | -Australian Journal of Social Issues | -||||||||
2 | -Accounting Organizations and Society | -British Journal of Sociology | -Asian Journal of Criminology | -Annals of The American Academy of Political and Social Science | -Asian Journal of Comparative Law | -Citizenship Studies | -British Journal of Social Work | -||||||||
3 | -Corporate Governance | -European journal of law and technology | -Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology | -Annual Review of Sociology | -Asian journal of law and society | -City | -Child & Family Social Work | -||||||||
4 | -Corporate Governance: An International Review | -Governance | -British Journal of Criminology | -Archives of Sexual Behavior | -Cambridge Law Journal | -Environment and Planning A | -Children and Youth Services Review | -||||||||
5 | -Corporate Ownership and Control | -International Review of Administrative Sciences | -Canadian journal of criminology and criminal justice | -British Journal of Industrial Relations | -European Business Organization Law Review | -Environment and Planning C-government and Policy | -Children & Society | -||||||||
6 | -Critical Perspectives on Accounting | -Irish Political Studies | -Canadian Journal of Law and Society | -Cambridge Journal of Economics | -European Journal of Law and Economics | -Environment And Planning D: Society And Space | -Critical Social Policy | -||||||||
7 | -International Journal of Law and Management | -Journal of European Public Policy | -Canadian Journal of Women and The Law | -Capital & Class | -European journal of risk regulation | -Ethnopolitics | -European Journal of Social Work | -||||||||
8 | -Journal of Business Ethics | -Journal of Public Policy | -Conflict Resolution Quarterly | -Culture, Health & Sexuality | -European Law Journal | -Gender Place and Culture | -International Social Work | -||||||||
9 | -Journal of Cleaner Production | -Law & Policy | -Contemporary Justice Review | -Current Sociology | -Feminist Legal Studies | -Geoforum | -Journal of Social Policy | -||||||||
10 | -Journal of Financial Crime | -Local Government Studies | -Crime and Justice | -Economy and Society | -German Law Journal | -Geography Compass | -Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law | -||||||||
11 | -Journal of Management & Governance | -Policy Studies | -Crime Law and Social Change | -Feminist Review | -Global constitutionalism | -Housing Studies | -Political and legal anthropology review | -||||||||
12 | -Journal of Money Laundering Control | -Political Studies | -Crime, Media, Culture | -Gender, Work and Organization | -Griffith law review | -Human Rights Quarterly | -Social Justice | -||||||||
13 | -Share: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam | -Public Administration | -Crime Prevention and Community Safety | -Industrial Relations Journal | -Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies | -Human Rights Review | -Social Policy & Administration | -||||||||
14 | -- | Public Policy and Administration | -Criminologie (Montreal) | -International Journal of Drug Policy | -International and Comparative Law Quarterly | -International Journal of Law in The Built Environment | -Social Policy and Society | -||||||||
15 | -- | Regulation & Governance | -Criminology & Criminal Justice | -International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy | -International Journal of Discrimination and the Law | -International Journal of Urban and Regional Research | -The International Journal of Children's Rights | -||||||||
16 | -- | - | Critical Criminology | -Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship | -International Journal of Evidence and Proof | -International Studies Review | -- | ||||||||
17 | -- | - | Current Issues in Criminal Justice | -Journal of Education Policy | -International Journal of Law in Context | -Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies | -- | ||||||||
18 | -- | - | European Journal of Criminology | -Journal of Gender Studies | -International Journal of Law, Policy and The Family | -Journal of Human Rights | -- | ||||||||
19 | -- | - | European journal of probation | -Journal of Professions and Organization | -International Journal of The Legal Profession | -Journal of Human Rights Practice | -- | ||||||||
20 | -- | - | European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research | -Journal of Sex Research | -International Review of Law and Economics | -Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding | -- | ||||||||
21 | -- | - | Feminist Criminology | -Journal of Sociology | -International Review of Law, Computers & Technology | -Journal of property, planning and environmental law | -- | ||||||||
22 | -- | - | Howard Journal of Criminal Justice | -Organization Studies | -Ius comparatum | -Land Use Policy | -- | ||||||||
23 | -- | - | International Criminal Justice Review | -Porn studies | -Ius gentium | -Political Geography | -- | ||||||||
24 | -- | - | International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy | -Public Relations Review | -Journal of Commonwealth Law and Legal Education | -Progress in Human Geography | -- | ||||||||
25 | -- | - | International journal for the semiotics of law | -Qualitative sociology review | -Journal of Consumer Policy | -Third World Quarterly | -- | ||||||||
26 | -- | - | International journal of comparative and applied criminal justice | -Science, Technology, & Human Values | -Journal of Law and Society | -Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers | -- | ||||||||
27 | -- | - | International Journal of Law and Psychiatry | -Sexualities | -Journal of Legal Pluralism | -Urban Geography | -- | ||||||||
28 | -- | - | International Journal of Law Crime and Justice | -Sexuality Research and Social Policy | -Journal of politics and law | -Urban Studies | -- | ||||||||
29 | -- | - | International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology | -Social Forces | -Law and Critique | -- | - | ||||||||
30 | -- | - | International Journal of The Sociology of Law | -Social Science & Medicine | -Law and History Review | -- | - | ||||||||
31 | -- | - | International Review of Victimology | -Social sciences | -Law and philosophy library | -- | - | ||||||||
32 | -- | - | Laws | -Sociological Research Online | -Law and Social Inquiry-journal of The American Bar Foundation | -- | - | ||||||||
33 | -- | - | Oñati socio-legal series | -Sociology | -Law & Society Review | -- | - | ||||||||
34 | -- | - | Police Practice and Research | -Sociology Compass | -Legal Ethics | -- | - | ||||||||
35 | -- | - | Policing & Society | -The American Sociologist | -Legal Information Management | -- | - | ||||||||
36 | -- | - | Probation Journal | -The Sociological Review | -Legal Studies | -- | - | ||||||||
37 | -- | - | Psychiatry, Psychology and Law | -Womens Studies International Forum | -Leiden Journal of International Law | -- | - | ||||||||
38 | -- | - | Psychology Crime & Law | -Work, Employment & Society | -Modern Law Review | -- | - | ||||||||
39 | -- | - | Punishment & Society | -- | Ratio Juris | -- | - | ||||||||
40 | -- | - | Social & Legal Studies | -- | Revista Direito e Práxis | -- | - | ||||||||
41 | -- | - | surveillance and society | -- | Studies in Law, Politics and Society | -- | - | ||||||||
42 | -- | - | The Howard journal of crime and justice | -- | The Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence | -- | - | ||||||||
43 | -- | - | The Journal of human justice | -- | The Journal of Corporate Law Studies | -- | - | ||||||||
44 | -- | - | Theoretical Criminology | -- | The Law Teacher | -- | - | ||||||||
45 | -- | - | Victims & offenders | -- | The Liverpool Law Review | -- | - | ||||||||
46 | -- | - | Violence Against Women | -- | Transnational Environmental Law | -- | - | ||||||||
47 | -- | - | Youth Justice | -- | University of Toronto Law Journal | -- | + | 1 | +Accounting, auditing & accountability | +Administration & Society | +Alternative Law Journal | +American Journal of Sociology | +Antipode | +Asian Journal of Criminology | +British Journal of Social Work | +
2 | +Accounting Organizations and Society | +British Journal of Sociology | +Annual Review of Law and Social Science | +Annals of The American Academy of Political and Social Science | +Citizenship Studies | +Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology | +Child & Family Social Work | +||||||||
3 | +Corporate Governance | +European journal of law and technology | +Asian Journal of Comparative Law | +Annual Review of Sociology | +City | +British Journal of Criminology | +Children and Youth Services Review | +||||||||
4 | +Corporate Governance: An International Review | +Governance | +Asian journal of law and society | +Archives of Sexual Behavior | +Environment and Planning A | +Canadian journal of criminology and criminal justice | +Children & Society | +||||||||
5 | +Corporate Ownership and Control | +International Review of Administrative Sciences | +Cambridge Law Journal | +Australian Journal of Social Issues | +Environment and Planning C-government and Policy | +Contemporary Justice Review | +Critical Social Policy | +||||||||
6 | +Critical Perspectives on Accounting | +Irish Political Studies | +Canadian Journal of Law and Society | +British Journal of Industrial Relations | +Environment And Planning D: Society And Space | +Crime and Justice | +European Journal of Social Work | +||||||||
7 | +International Journal of Law and Management | +Journal of European Public Policy | +Canadian Journal of Women and The Law | +Cambridge Journal of Economics | +Ethnopolitics | +Crime Law and Social Change | +International Journal of Law, Policy and The Family | +||||||||
8 | +Journal of Business Ethics | +Journal of Public Policy | +Conflict Resolution Quarterly | +Capital & Class | +Gender Place and Culture | +Crime, Media, Culture | +International Social Work | +||||||||
9 | +Journal of Cleaner Production | +Law & Policy | +European Business Organization Law Review | +Culture, Health & Sexuality | +Geoforum | +Crime Prevention and Community Safety | +Journal of Social Policy | +||||||||
10 | +Journal of Financial Crime | +Local Government Studies | +European Journal of Law and Economics | +Current Sociology | +Geography Compass | +Criminologie (Montreal) | +Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law | +||||||||
11 | +Journal of Management & Governance | +Policy Studies | +European journal of risk regulation | +Economy and Society | +Housing Studies | +Criminology & Criminal Justice | +Laws | +||||||||
12 | +Journal of Money Laundering Control | +Political Studies | +European Law Journal | +Feminist Review | +International Journal of Law in The Built Environment | +Critical Criminology | +Social Policy & Administration | +||||||||
13 | +Share: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam | +Public Administration | +Feminist Legal Studies | +Gender, Work and Organization | +International Journal of Urban and Regional Research | +Current Issues in Criminal Justice | +Social Policy and Society | +||||||||
14 | ++ | Public Policy and Administration | +German Law Journal | +Industrial Relations Journal | +International Studies Review | +European Journal of Criminology | +The International Journal of Children's Rights | +||||||||
15 | ++ | Regulation & Governance | +Global constitutionalism | +International Journal of Drug Policy | +Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies | +European journal of probation | ++ | ||||||||
16 | ++ | surveillance and society | +Griffith law review | +International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy | +Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding | +European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research | ++ | ||||||||
17 | ++ | + | Human Rights Quarterly | +Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship | +Journal of property, planning and environmental law | +Feminist Criminology | ++ | ||||||||
18 | ++ | + | Human Rights Review | +Journal of Education Policy | +Land Use Policy | +Howard Journal of Criminal Justice | ++ | ||||||||
19 | ++ | + | Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies | +Journal of Gender Studies | +Political Geography | +International Criminal Justice Review | ++ | ||||||||
20 | ++ | + | International and Comparative Law Quarterly | +Journal of Professions and Organization | +Progress in Human Geography | +International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy | ++ | ||||||||
21 | ++ | + | International journal for the semiotics of law | +Journal of Sex Research | +Third World Quarterly | +International journal of comparative and applied criminal justice | ++ | ||||||||
22 | ++ | + | International Journal of Discrimination and the Law | +Journal of Sociology | +Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers | +International Journal of Evidence and Proof | ++ | ||||||||
23 | ++ | + | International Journal of Law in Context | +Organization Studies | +Urban Geography | +International Journal of Law and Psychiatry | ++ | ||||||||
24 | ++ | + | International Journal of The Legal Profession | +Porn studies | +Urban Studies | +International Journal of Law Crime and Justice | ++ | ||||||||
25 | ++ | + | International Review of Law and Economics | +Public Relations Review | ++ | International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology | ++ | ||||||||
26 | ++ | + | International Review of Law, Computers & Technology | +Qualitative sociology review | ++ | International Journal of The Sociology of Law | ++ | ||||||||
27 | ++ | + | Ius comparatum | +Science, Technology, & Human Values | ++ | International Review of Victimology | ++ | ||||||||
28 | ++ | + | Ius gentium | +Sexualities | ++ | Police Practice and Research | ++ | ||||||||
29 | ++ | + | Journal of Commonwealth Law and Legal Education | +Sexuality Research and Social Policy | ++ | Policing & Society | ++ | ||||||||
30 | ++ | + | Journal of Consumer Policy | +Social Forces | ++ | Probation Journal | ++ | ||||||||
31 | ++ | + | Journal of Human Rights | +Social Science & Medicine | ++ | Psychiatry, Psychology and Law | ++ | ||||||||
32 | ++ | + | Journal of Human Rights Practice | +Social sciences | ++ | Psychology Crime & Law | ++ | ||||||||
33 | ++ | + | Journal of Law and Society | +Sociological Research Online | ++ | Punishment & Society | ++ | ||||||||
34 | ++ | + | Journal of Legal Pluralism | +Sociology | ++ | Social Justice | ++ | ||||||||
35 | ++ | + | Journal of politics and law | +Sociology Compass | ++ | The Howard journal of crime and justice | ++ | ||||||||
36 | ++ | + | Law and Critique | +The American Sociologist | ++ | Theoretical Criminology | ++ | ||||||||
37 | ++ | + | Law and History Review | +The Sociological Review | ++ | Victims & offenders | ++ | ||||||||
38 | ++ | + | Law and philosophy library | +Womens Studies International Forum | ++ | Violence Against Women | ++ | ||||||||
39 | ++ | + | Law and Social Inquiry-journal of The American Bar Foundation | +Work, Employment & Society | ++ | Youth Justice | ++ | ||||||||
40 | ++ | + | Law & Society Review | ++ | + | + | + | ||||||||
41 | ++ | + | Legal Ethics | ++ | + | + | + | ||||||||
42 | ++ | + | Legal Information Management | ++ | + | + | + | ||||||||
43 | ++ | + | Legal Studies | ++ | + | + | + | ||||||||
44 | ++ | + | Leiden Journal of International Law | ++ | + | + | + | ||||||||
45 | ++ | + | Modern Law Review | ++ | + | + | + | ||||||||
46 | ++ | + | Oñati socio-legal series | ++ | + | + | + | ||||||||
47 | ++ | + | Political and legal anthropology review | ++ | + | + | + | ||||||||
48 | ++ | + | Ratio Juris | ++ | + | + | + | ||||||||
49 | ++ | + | Revista Direito e Práxis | ++ | + | + | + | ||||||||
50 | ++ | + | Social & Legal Studies | ++ | + | + | + | ||||||||
51 | ++ | + | Studies in Law, Politics and Society | ++ | + | + | + | ||||||||
52 | ++ | + | The Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence | ++ | + | + | + | ||||||||
53 | ++ | + | The Journal of Corporate Law Studies | ++ | + | + | + | ||||||||
54 | ++ | + | The Journal of human justice | ++ | + | + | + | ||||||||
55 | ++ | + | The Law Teacher | ++ | + | + | + | ||||||||
56 | ++ | + | The Liverpool Law Review | ++ | + | + | + | ||||||||
57 | ++ | + | Transnational Environmental Law | ++ | + | + | + | ||||||||
58 | ++ | + | University of Toronto Law Journal | ++ | + | + |
-jls journal network with cluster resolution of 1.1 (Source: wos) | ||||||||||||||
+jls journal network (Source: wos) | ||||||||||||||
- | accounting, public administration, political science | -comparative law, international law, legal studies | -criminal justice, criminology, law | -social sciences, sociology, gender studies | -urban studies, geography, social sciences | -law, society, medicine | +X1 | +X2 | +X3 | +X4 | +X5 | +X6 | +X7 | |
1 | -accounting auditing & accountability journal | -american journal of comparative law | -annals of the american academy of political and social science | -annual review of sociology | -antipode | -damages and compensation culture: comparative perspectives | -||||||||
2 | -accounting organizations and society | -buffalo law review | -annual review of law and social science | -archives of sexual behavior | -archives europeennes de sociologie | -journal of law and society | -||||||||
3 | -administration & society | -california law review | -australian and new zealand journal of criminology | -australian journal of social issues | -cambridge journal of economics | -medical history | -||||||||
4 | -international review of administrative sciences | -cambridge law journal | -british journal of criminology | -british journal of industrial relations | -citizenship studies | -social history of medicine | -||||||||
5 | -journal of business ethics | -common market law review | -crime law and social change | -british journal of social work | -economy and society | -- | ||||||||
6 | -journal of cleaner production | -computer law & security review | -crime media culture | -british journal of sociology | -environment and planning a-economy and space | -- | ||||||||
7 | -journal of european public policy | -cornell international law journal | -criminal law review | -child & family social work | -environment and planning c-government and policy | -- | ||||||||
8 | -local government studies | -current legal problems | -criminology & criminal justice | -critical social policy | -environment and planning d-society & space | -- | ||||||||
9 | -organization studies | -european business organization law review | -critical criminology | -culture health & sexuality | -gender place and culture | -- | ||||||||
10 | -parliamentary affairs | -european journal of international law | -european journal of criminology | -current sociology | -geoforum | -- | ||||||||
11 | -policy and politics | -european law journal | -european journal on criminal policy and research | -european journal of social work | -housing studies | -- | ||||||||
12 | -political quarterly | -european law review | -feminist criminology | -families relationships and societies | -international journal of urban and regional research | -- | ||||||||
13 | -political studies | -fordham law review | -feminist legal studies | -feminist review | -international studies review | -- | ||||||||
14 | -public administration | -georgetown law journal | -international journal of law and psychiatry | -gender work and organization | -land use policy | -- | ||||||||
15 | -regulation & governance | -harvard international law journal | -international journal of law crime and justice | -industrial law journal | -political geography | -- | ||||||||
16 | -- | hong kong law journal | -international journal of law in context | -international journal of drug policy | -progress in human geography | -- | ||||||||
17 | -- | human rights law review | -international journal of the sociology of law | -journal of gender studies | -science technology & human values | -- | ||||||||
18 | -- | human rights quarterly | -justice system journal | -journal of social policy | -theory culture & society | -- | ||||||||
19 | -- | icon-international journal of constitutional law | -law and social inquiry-journal of the american bar foundation | -journal of sociology | -third world quarterly | -- | ||||||||
20 | -- | international & comparative law quarterly | -law & policy | -sexualities | -transactions of the institute of british geographers | -- | ||||||||
21 | -- | international journal of human rights | -law & society review | -sexuality research and social policy | -urban geography | -- | ||||||||
22 | -- | international journal of law policy and the family | -policing & society | -social policy & administration | -urban studies | -- | ||||||||
23 | -- | international journal of transitional justice | -psychiatry psychology and law | -social policy and society | -- | - | ||||||||
24 | -- | journal of corporate law studies | -punishment & society-international journal of penology | -social science & medicine | -- | - | ||||||||
25 | -- | journal of criminal law & criminology | -social & legal studies | -sociological research online | -- | - | ||||||||
26 | -- | journal of environmental law | -theoretical criminology | -sociological review | -- | - | ||||||||
27 | -- | journal of international criminal justice | -- | sociology-the journal of the british sociological association | -- | - | ||||||||
28 | -- | journal of legal education | -- | womens studies international forum | -- | - | ||||||||
29 | -- | journal of legal history | -- | work employment and society | -- | - | ||||||||
30 | -- | law and philosophy | -- | - | - | - | ||||||||
31 | -- | law & literature | -- | - | - | - | ||||||||
32 | -- | legal studies | -- | - | - | - | ||||||||
33 | -- | leiden journal of international law | -- | - | - | - | ||||||||
34 | -- | medical law review | -- | - | - | - | ||||||||
35 | -- | melbourne university law review | -- | - | - | - | ||||||||
36 | -- | michigan law review | -- | - | - | - | ||||||||
37 | -- | modern law review | -- | - | - | - | ||||||||
38 | -- | northwestern journal of international law & business | -- | - | - | - | ||||||||
39 | -- | oxford journal of legal studies | -- | - | - | - | ||||||||
40 | -- | south african journal on human rights | -- | - | - | - | ||||||||
41 | -- | stanford law review | -- | - | - | - | ||||||||
42 | -- | texas law review | -- | - | - | - | ||||||||
43 | -- | transnational environmental law | -- | - | - | - | ||||||||
44 | -- | university of illinois law review | -- | - | - | - | ||||||||
45 | -- | university of pennsylvania journal of international law | -- | - | - | - | ||||||||
46 | -- | university of pennsylvania law review | -- | - | - | - | ||||||||
47 | -- | wisconsin law review | -- | - | - | - | ||||||||
48 | -- | yale law journal | -- | - | - | + | 1 | +accounting auditing & accountability journal | +administration & society | +american journal of comparative law | +annals of the american academy of political and social science | +antipode | +feminist review | +medical law review | +
2 | +accounting organizations and society | +international studies review | +buffalo law review | +annual review of law and social science | +environment and planning c-government and policy | +icon-international journal of constitutional law | +social & legal studies | +|||||||
3 | +annual review of sociology | +journal of gender studies | +california law review | +australian and new zealand journal of criminology | +environment and planning d-society & space | +international journal of law and psychiatry | ++ | |||||||
4 | +archives europeennes de sociologie | +medical history | +cambridge law journal | +british journal of criminology | +european business organization law review | +international journal of the sociology of law | ++ | |||||||
5 | +archives of sexual behavior | +policing & society | +common market law review | +crime law and social change | +gender work and organization | +international journal of urban and regional research | ++ | |||||||
6 | +australian journal of social issues | +political geography | +computer law & security review | +crime media culture | +georgetown law journal | +journal of business ethics | ++ | |||||||
7 | +british journal of industrial relations | +political studies | +cornell international law journal | +criminal law review | +human rights law review | +social policy & administration | ++ | |||||||
8 | +british journal of social work | +progress in human geography | +current legal problems | +criminology & criminal justice | +international review of administrative sciences | +transactions of the institute of british geographers | ++ | |||||||
9 | +british journal of sociology | +punishment & society-international journal of penology | +european journal of criminology | +critical criminology | +law and philosophy | ++ | + | |||||||
10 | +cambridge journal of economics | +science technology & human values | +european journal of social work | +european journal of international law | +political quarterly | ++ | + | |||||||
11 | +child & family social work | ++ | european law review | +european law journal | +psychiatry psychology and law | ++ | + | |||||||
12 | +citizenship studies | ++ | families relationships and societies | +feminist legal studies | +transnational environmental law | ++ | + | |||||||
13 | +critical social policy | ++ | gender place and culture | +international journal of law crime and justice | +urban studies | ++ | + | |||||||
14 | +culture health & sexuality | ++ | harvard international law journal | +international journal of law in context | +wisconsin law review | ++ | + | |||||||
15 | +current sociology | ++ | hong kong law journal | +international journal of law policy and the family | ++ | + | + | |||||||
16 | +environment and planning a-economy and space | ++ | housing studies | +international journal of transitional justice | ++ | + | + | |||||||
17 | +european journal on criminal policy and research | ++ | human rights quarterly | +journal of environmental law | ++ | + | + | |||||||
18 | +feminist criminology | ++ | industrial law journal | +land use policy | ++ | + | + | |||||||
19 | +fordham law review | ++ | international journal of drug policy | +law & literature | ++ | + | + | |||||||
20 | +geoforum | ++ | journal of criminal law & criminology | +law & society review | ++ | + | + | |||||||
21 | +international & comparative law quarterly | ++ | journal of european public policy | +legal studies | ++ | + | + | |||||||
22 | +international journal of human rights | ++ | journal of law and society | +policy and politics | ++ | + | + | |||||||
23 | +journal of cleaner production | ++ | journal of legal education | +public administration | ++ | + | + | |||||||
24 | +journal of corporate law studies | ++ | journal of legal history | +regulation & governance | ++ | + | + | |||||||
25 | +journal of international criminal justice | ++ | journal of social policy | +theory culture & society | ++ | + | + | |||||||
26 | +journal of sociology | ++ | law and social inquiry-journal of the american bar foundation | ++ | + | + | + | |||||||
27 | +justice system journal | ++ | law & policy | ++ | + | + | + | |||||||
28 | +oxford journal of legal studies | ++ | leiden journal of international law | ++ | + | + | + | |||||||
29 | +sexualities | ++ | local government studies | ++ | + | + | + | |||||||
30 | +sexuality research and social policy | ++ | melbourne university law review | ++ | + | + | + | |||||||
31 | +social history of medicine | ++ | michigan law review | ++ | + | + | + | |||||||
32 | +social policy and society | ++ | modern law review | ++ | + | + | + | |||||||
33 | +social science & medicine | ++ | northwestern journal of international law & business | ++ | + | + | + | |||||||
34 | +sociological research online | ++ | organization studies | ++ | + | + | + | |||||||
35 | +sociological review | ++ | parliamentary affairs | ++ | + | + | + | |||||||
36 | +sociology-the journal of the british sociological association | ++ | stanford law review | ++ | + | + | + | |||||||
37 | +south african journal on human rights | ++ | texas law review | ++ | + | + | + | |||||||
38 | +third world quarterly | ++ | theoretical criminology | ++ | + | + | + | |||||||
39 | +work employment and society | ++ | university of illinois law review | ++ | + | + | + | |||||||
40 | +yale law journal | ++ | university of pennsylvania journal of international law | ++ | + | + | + | |||||||
41 | ++ | + | university of pennsylvania law review | ++ | + | + | + | |||||||
42 | ++ | + | urban geography | ++ | + | + | + | |||||||
43 | ++ | + | womens studies international forum | ++ | + | + | + | |||||||
44 | ++ | + | + | + | + | + |
+ | |||||||||
Journals in jls network (Source: openalex) | |||||||||
- | label | -total_citing | -total_cited | +label | +total_citing | +total_cited | +years_citing | +years_cited | |
1 | -Accounting, auditing & accountability | -16993 | -10075 | -||||||
2 | -Accounting Organizations and Society | -5338 | -22583 | -||||||
3 | -Administration & Society | -3943 | -2780 | -||||||
4 | -Alternative Law Journal | -271 | -507 | -||||||
5 | -American Journal of Sociology | -6709 | -42653 | -||||||
6 | -Annals of The American Academy of Political and Social Science | -3816 | -9621 | -||||||
7 | -Annual Review of Law and Social Science | -3830 | -2274 | -||||||
8 | -Annual Review of Sociology | -8987 | -19970 | -||||||
9 | -Antipode | -12340 | -19431 | -||||||
10 | -Archives of Sexual Behavior | -10819 | -9965 | -||||||
11 | -Asian Journal of Comparative Law | -445 | -115 | -||||||
12 | -Asian Journal of Criminology | -1698 | -575 | -||||||
13 | -Asian journal of law and society | -758 | -138 | -||||||
14 | -Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology | -3354 | -3638 | -||||||
15 | -Australian Journal of Social Issues | -2003 | -1169 | -||||||
16 | -British Journal of Criminology | -10684 | -18935 | -||||||
17 | -British Journal of Industrial Relations | -2667 | -4240 | -||||||
18 | -British Journal of Social Work | -8520 | -9249 | -||||||
19 | -British Journal of Sociology | -5499 | -12372 | -||||||
20 | -Cambridge Journal of Economics | -1399 | -2511 | -||||||
21 | -Cambridge Law Journal | -494 | -1424 | -||||||
22 | -Canadian journal of criminology and criminal justice | -2036 | -1279 | -||||||
23 | -Canadian Journal of Law and Society | -1508 | -981 | -||||||
24 | -Canadian Journal of Women and The Law | -569 | -323 | -||||||
25 | -Capital & Class | -2049 | -2572 | -||||||
26 | -Child & Family Social Work | -6179 | -5665 | -||||||
27 | -Children and Youth Services Review | -10477 | -7251 | -||||||
28 | -Children & Society | -2881 | -2354 | -||||||
29 | -Citizenship Studies | -3352 | -3484 | -||||||
30 | -City | -4838 | -4734 | -||||||
31 | -Conflict Resolution Quarterly | -497 | -265 | -||||||
32 | -Contemporary Justice Review | -1776 | -878 | -||||||
33 | -Corporate Governance | -5557 | -2158 | -||||||
34 | -Corporate Governance: An International Review | -2246 | -6555 | -||||||
35 | -Corporate Ownership and Control | -6641 | -368 | -||||||
36 | -Crime and Justice | -2290 | -4958 | -||||||
37 | -Crime Law and Social Change | -5273 | -4056 | -||||||
38 | -Crime, Media, Culture | -2404 | -1611 | -||||||
39 | -Crime Prevention and Community Safety | -1615 | -583 | -||||||
40 | -Criminologie (Montreal) | -1986 | -279 | -||||||
41 | -Criminology & Criminal Justice | -5959 | -3714 | -||||||
42 | -Critical Criminology | -4204 | -1782 | -||||||
43 | -Critical Perspectives on Accounting | -14606 | -7114 | -||||||
44 | -Critical Social Policy | -3839 | -5774 | -||||||
45 | -Culture, Health & Sexuality | -5101 | -3316 | -||||||
46 | -Current Issues in Criminal Justice | -2576 | -1456 | -||||||
47 | -Current Sociology | -5397 | -3599 | -||||||
48 | -Economy and Society | -2297 | -9006 | -||||||
49 | -Environment and Planning A | -27982 | -29223 | -||||||
50 | -Environment and Planning C-government and Policy | -5574 | -3888 | -||||||
51 | -Environment And Planning D: Society And Space | -10570 | -20111 | -||||||
52 | -Ethnopolitics | -866 | -338 | -||||||
53 | -European Business Organization Law Review | -893 | -308 | -||||||
54 | -European Journal of Criminology | -5263 | -3729 | -||||||
55 | -European Journal of Law and Economics | -1333 | -770 | -||||||
56 | -European journal of law and technology | -91 | -3 | -||||||
57 | -European journal of probation | -1484 | -599 | -||||||
58 | -European journal of risk regulation | -595 | -237 | -||||||
59 | -European Journal of Social Work | -5265 | -1923 | -||||||
60 | -European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research | -2740 | -2090 | -||||||
61 | -European Law Journal | -372 | -2229 | -||||||
62 | -Feminist Criminology | -2310 | -1523 | -||||||
63 | -Feminist Legal Studies | -1825 | -1273 | -||||||
64 | -Feminist Review | -886 | -3579 | -||||||
65 | -Gender Place and Culture | -8390 | -5817 | -||||||
66 | -Gender, Work and Organization | -5842 | -3583 | -||||||
67 | -Geoforum | -29883 | -17210 | -||||||
68 | -Geography Compass | -11807 | -4485 | -||||||
69 | -German Law Journal | -945 | -824 | -||||||
70 | -Global constitutionalism | -572 | -151 | -||||||
71 | -Governance | -3252 | -5252 | -||||||
72 | -Griffith law review | -1012 | -496 | -||||||
73 | -Housing Studies | -9759 | -5950 | -||||||
74 | -Howard Journal of Criminal Justice | -1891 | -3998 | -||||||
75 | -Human Rights Quarterly | -807 | -3525 | -||||||
76 | -Human Rights Review | -1061 | -400 | -||||||
77 | -Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies | -594 | -589 | -||||||
78 | -Industrial Relations Journal | -3391 | -2210 | -||||||
79 | -International and Comparative Law Quarterly | -888 | -1759 | -||||||
80 | -International Criminal Justice Review | -2326 | -1132 | -||||||
81 | -International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy | -701 | -820 | -||||||
82 | -International journal for the semiotics of law | -880 | -291 | -||||||
83 | -International journal of comparative and applied criminal justice | -2715 | -905 | -||||||
84 | -International Journal of Discrimination and the Law | -346 | -110 | -||||||
85 | -International Journal of Drug Policy | -5072 | -2769 | -||||||
86 | -International Journal of Evidence and Proof | -489 | -340 | -||||||
87 | -International Journal of Law and Management | -1333 | -262 | -||||||
88 | -International Journal of Law and Psychiatry | -2384 | -2611 | -||||||
89 | -International Journal of Law Crime and Justice | -2865 | -773 | -||||||
90 | -International Journal of Law in Context | -2434 | -654 | -||||||
91 | -International Journal of Law in The Built Environment | -296 | -91 | -||||||
92 | -International Journal of Law, Policy and The Family | -604 | -1158 | -||||||
93 | -International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology | -6649 | -4149 | -||||||
94 | -International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy | -4311 | -1639 | -||||||
95 | -International Journal of The Legal Profession | -1564 | -752 | -||||||
96 | -International Journal of The Sociology of Law | -807 | -894 | -||||||
97 | -International Journal of Urban and Regional Research | -12131 | -19975 | -||||||
98 | -International Review of Administrative Sciences | -3265 | -2025 | -||||||
99 | -International Review of Law and Economics | -836 | -1521 | -||||||
100 | -International Review of Law, Computers & Technology | -409 | -247 | -||||||
101 | -International Review of Victimology | -2091 | -1597 | -||||||
102 | -International Social Work | -3312 | -2341 | -||||||
103 | -International Studies Review | -1540 | -866 | -||||||
104 | -Irish Political Studies | -691 | -311 | -||||||
105 | -Ius comparatum | -410 | -35 | -||||||
106 | -Ius gentium | -714 | -113 | -||||||
107 | -Journal of Business Ethics | -16858 | -20638 | -||||||
108 | -Journal of Cleaner Production | -19343 | -4727 | -||||||
109 | -Journal of Commonwealth Law and Legal Education | -66 | -18 | -||||||
110 | -Journal of Consumer Policy | -810 | -887 | -||||||
111 | -Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship | -867 | -83 | -||||||
112 | -Journal of Education Policy | -1876 | -1312 | -||||||
113 | -Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies | -11133 | -7035 | -||||||
114 | -Journal of European Public Policy | -4231 | -6182 | -||||||
115 | -Journal of Financial Crime | -2337 | -952 | -||||||
116 | -Journal of Gender Studies | -2362 | -1248 | -||||||
117 | -Journal of Human Rights | -1563 | -723 | -||||||
118 | -Journal of Human Rights Practice | -934 | -376 | -||||||
119 | -Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding | -1093 | -415 | -||||||
120 | -Journal of Law and Society | -932 | -5752 | -||||||
121 | -Journal of Legal Pluralism | -908 | -799 | -||||||
122 | -Journal of Management & Governance | -4160 | -1514 | -||||||
123 | -Journal of Money Laundering Control | -1386 | -624 | -||||||
124 | -Journal of politics and law | -306 | -48 | -||||||
125 | -Journal of Professions and Organization | -1894 | -249 | -||||||
126 | -Journal of property, planning and environmental law | -214 | -20 | -||||||
127 | -Journal of Public Policy | -1972 | -2985 | -||||||
128 | -Journal of Sex Research | -9230 | -10398 | -||||||
129 | -Journal of Social Policy | -4157 | -6336 | -||||||
130 | -Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law | -2156 | -1219 | -||||||
131 | -Journal of Sociology | -3220 | -1758 | -||||||
132 | -Land Use Policy | -10785 | -4530 | -||||||
133 | -Law and Critique | -615 | -661 | -||||||
134 | -Law and History Review | -521 | -447 | -||||||
135 | -Law and philosophy library | -532 | -372 | -||||||
136 | -Law and Social Inquiry-journal of The American Bar Foundation | -4436 | -4100 | -||||||
137 | -Law & Policy | -3302 | -2971 | -||||||
138 | -Laws | -1457 | -201 | -||||||
139 | -Law & Society Review | -4667 | -13563 | -||||||
140 | -Legal Ethics | -177 | -260 | -||||||
141 | -Legal Information Management | -327 | -43 | -||||||
142 | -Legal Studies | -2030 | -1308 | -||||||
143 | -Leiden Journal of International Law | -832 | -787 | -||||||
144 | -Local Government Studies | -3501 | -2247 | -||||||
145 | -Modern Law Review | -910 | -4970 | -||||||
146 | -Oñati socio-legal series | -1394 | -80 | -||||||
147 | -Organization Studies | -7174 | -10518 | -||||||
148 | -Police Practice and Research | -3767 | -1525 | -||||||
149 | -Policing & Society | -6423 | -4225 | -||||||
150 | -Policy Studies | -3150 | -1479 | -||||||
151 | -Political and legal anthropology review | -758 | -604 | -||||||
152 | -Political Geography | -12361 | -10857 | -||||||
153 | -Political Studies | -2485 | -5999 | -||||||
154 | -Porn studies | -713 | -244 | -||||||
155 | -Probation Journal | -2251 | -2040 | -||||||
156 | -Progress in Human Geography | -27288 | -24738 | -||||||
157 | -Psychiatry, Psychology and Law | -2632 | -1513 | -||||||
158 | -Psychology Crime & Law | -2973 | -2738 | -||||||
159 | -Public Administration | -6838 | -9686 | -||||||
160 | -Public Policy and Administration | -3178 | -1482 | -||||||
161 | -Public Relations Review | -1709 | -1095 | -||||||
162 | -Punishment & Society | -4594 | -5670 | -||||||
163 | -Qualitative sociology review | -1165 | -229 | -||||||
164 | -Ratio Juris | -634 | -797 | -||||||
165 | -Regulation & Governance | -4196 | -2138 | -||||||
166 | -Revista Direito e Práxis | -185 | -29 | -||||||
167 | -Science, Technology, & Human Values | -1913 | -2462 | -||||||
168 | -Sexualities | -3846 | -3878 | -||||||
169 | -Sexuality Research and Social Policy | -4026 | -1648 | -||||||
170 | -Share: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam | -145 | -0 | -||||||
171 | -Social Forces | -11306 | -18386 | -||||||
172 | -Social Justice | -985 | -118 | -||||||
173 | -Social & Legal Studies | -4821 | -3614 | -||||||
174 | -Social Policy & Administration | -4881 | -4711 | -||||||
175 | -Social Policy and Society | -4230 | -2827 | -||||||
176 | -Social Science & Medicine | -16693 | -19906 | -||||||
177 | -Social sciences | -7657 | -755 | -||||||
178 | -Sociological Research Online | -6184 | -2431 | -||||||
179 | -Sociology | -8631 | -15294 | -||||||
180 | -Sociology Compass | -9202 | -2462 | -||||||
181 | -Studies in Law, Politics and Society | -1076 | -227 | -||||||
182 | -surveillance and society | -1029 | -963 | -||||||
183 | -The American Sociologist | -2444 | -601 | -||||||
184 | -The Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence | -323 | -473 | -||||||
185 | -The Howard journal of crime and justice | -2411 | -311 | -||||||
186 | -The International Journal of Children's Rights | -1050 | -996 | -||||||
187 | -The Journal of Corporate Law Studies | -315 | -359 | -||||||
188 | -The Journal of human justice | -132 | -127 | -||||||
189 | -The Law Teacher | -420 | -448 | -||||||
190 | -The Liverpool Law Review | -677 | -197 | -||||||
191 | -Theoretical Criminology | -5406 | -8072 | -||||||
192 | -The Sociological Review | -7629 | -11027 | -||||||
193 | -Third World Quarterly | -3032 | -5471 | -||||||
194 | -Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers | -12315 | -17885 | -||||||
195 | -Transnational Environmental Law | -520 | -174 | -||||||
196 | -University of Toronto Law Journal | -515 | -1085 | -||||||
197 | -Urban Geography | -15844 | -8102 | -||||||
198 | -Urban Studies | -25472 | -26325 | -||||||
199 | -Victims & offenders | -3523 | -1223 | -||||||
200 | -Violence Against Women | -4492 | -6427 | -||||||
201 | -Womens Studies International Forum | -4708 | -4018 | -||||||
202 | -Work, Employment & Society | -7104 | -7463 | -||||||
203 | -Youth Justice | -1840 | -1100 | +1 | +Accounting, auditing & accountability | +16993 | +10075 | +1994-2023 | +1990-2023 | +
2 | +Accounting Organizations and Society | +5338 | +22583 | +1976-2023 | +1978-2023 | +||||
3 | +Administration & Society | +3943 | +2780 | +1974-2023 | +1978-2023 | +||||
4 | +Alternative Law Journal | +271 | +507 | +1998-2016 | +2001-2023 | +||||
5 | +American Journal of Sociology | +6709 | +42653 | +1914-2023 | +1907-2023 | +||||
6 | +Annals of The American Academy of Political and Social Science | +3816 | +9621 | +1907-2022 | +1914-2023 | +||||
7 | +Annual Review of Law and Social Science | +3830 | +2274 | +2005-2022 | +2006-2023 | +||||
8 | +Annual Review of Sociology | +8987 | +19970 | +1975-2023 | +1916-2023 | +||||
9 | +Antipode | +12340 | +19431 | +1971-2023 | +1973-2023 | +||||
10 | +Archives of Sexual Behavior | +10819 | +9965 | +1971-2023 | +1973-2023 | +||||
11 | +Asian Journal of Comparative Law | +445 | +115 | +2006-2023 | +2008-2023 | +||||
12 | +Asian Journal of Criminology | +1698 | +575 | +2006-2023 | +2007-2023 | +||||
13 | +Asian journal of law and society | +758 | +138 | +2014-2023 | +2014-2023 | +||||
14 | +Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology | +3354 | +3638 | +1968-2020 | +1972-2023 | +||||
15 | +Australian Journal of Social Issues | +2003 | +1169 | +1962-2023 | +1968-2023 | +||||
16 | +British Journal of Criminology | +10684 | +18935 | +1961-2023 | +1907-2023 | +||||
17 | +British Journal of Industrial Relations | +2667 | +4240 | +1975-2023 | +1971-2023 | +||||
18 | +British Journal of Social Work | +8520 | +9249 | +1971-2023 | +1907-2023 | +||||
19 | +British Journal of Sociology | +5499 | +12372 | +1954-2023 | +1909-2023 | +||||
20 | +Cambridge Journal of Economics | +1399 | +2511 | +1980-2023 | +1978-2023 | +||||
21 | +Cambridge Law Journal | +494 | +1424 | +1939-2023 | +1971-2023 | +||||
22 | +Canadian journal of criminology and criminal justice | +2036 | +1279 | +2003-2023 | +2004-2023 | +||||
23 | +Canadian Journal of Law and Society | +1508 | +981 | +1986-2023 | +1989-2023 | +||||
24 | +Canadian Journal of Women and The Law | +569 | +323 | +2005-2023 | +2007-2023 | +||||
25 | +Capital & Class | +2049 | +2572 | +1977-2023 | +1978-2023 | +||||
26 | +Child & Family Social Work | +6179 | +5665 | +1996-2023 | +1907-2023 | +||||
27 | +Children and Youth Services Review | +10477 | +7251 | +1979-2023 | +1907-2023 | +||||
28 | +Children & Society | +2881 | +2354 | +1994-2023 | +1990-2023 | +||||
29 | +Citizenship Studies | +3352 | +3484 | +1997-2023 | +1998-2023 | +||||
30 | +City | +4838 | +4734 | +1996-2023 | +1998-2023 | +||||
31 | +Conflict Resolution Quarterly | +497 | +265 | +2001-2023 | +2005-2023 | +||||
32 | +Contemporary Justice Review | +1776 | +878 | +2002-2023 | +1996-2023 | +||||
33 | +Corporate Governance | +5557 | +2158 | +2001-2023 | +2002-2023 | +||||
34 | +Corporate Governance: An International Review | +2246 | +6555 | +1993-2023 | +1995-2023 | +||||
35 | +Corporate Ownership and Control | +6641 | +368 | +2003-2023 | +2005-2023 | +||||
36 | +Crime and Justice | +2290 | +4958 | +1979-2023 | +1979-2023 | +||||
37 | +Crime Law and Social Change | +5273 | +4056 | +1977-2023 | +1979-2023 | +||||
38 | +Crime, Media, Culture | +2404 | +1611 | +2005-2023 | +2004-2023 | +||||
39 | +Crime Prevention and Community Safety | +1615 | +583 | +1999-2023 | +1999-2023 | +||||
40 | +Criminologie (Montreal) | +1986 | +279 | +1979-2023 | +1980-2023 | +||||
41 | +Criminology & Criminal Justice | +5959 | +3714 | +2005-2023 | +2006-2023 | +||||
42 | +Critical Criminology | +4204 | +1782 | +1996-2023 | +1998-2023 | +||||
43 | +Critical Perspectives on Accounting | +14606 | +7114 | +1990-2023 | +1991-2023 | +||||
44 | +Critical Social Policy | +3839 | +5774 | +1981-2023 | +1981-2023 | +||||
45 | +Culture, Health & Sexuality | +5101 | +3316 | +1999-2023 | +2001-2023 | +||||
46 | +Current Issues in Criminal Justice | +2576 | +1456 | +1990-2023 | +1992-2023 | +||||
47 | +Current Sociology | +5397 | +3599 | +1968-2023 | +1969-2023 | +||||
48 | +Economy and Society | +2297 | +9006 | +1973-2023 | +1974-2023 | +||||
49 | +Environment and Planning A | +27982 | +29223 | +1969-2023 | +1971-2023 | +||||
50 | +Environment and Planning C-government and Policy | +5574 | +3888 | +1983-2016 | +1976-2023 | +||||
51 | +Environment And Planning D: Society And Space | +10570 | +20111 | +1983-2023 | +1982-2023 | +||||
52 | +Ethnopolitics | +866 | +338 | +2005-2023 | +2006-2023 | +||||
53 | +European Business Organization Law Review | +893 | +308 | +2000-2023 | +2002-2023 | +||||
54 | +European Journal of Criminology | +5263 | +3729 | +2004-2023 | +2004-2023 | +||||
55 | +European Journal of Law and Economics | +1333 | +770 | +1994-2023 | +1995-2023 | +||||
56 | +European journal of law and technology | +91 | +3 | +2009-2016 | +2016-2021 | +||||
57 | +European journal of probation | +1484 | +599 | +2009-2023 | +2010-2023 | +||||
58 | +European journal of risk regulation | +595 | +237 | +2010-2020 | +2011-2023 | +||||
59 | +European Journal of Social Work | +5265 | +1923 | +1998-2023 | +2000-2023 | +||||
60 | +European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research | +2740 | +2090 | +1993-2023 | +1995-2023 | +||||
61 | +European Law Journal | +372 | +2229 | +1995-2018 | +1991-2023 | +||||
62 | +Feminist Criminology | +2310 | +1523 | +2006-2023 | +2006-2023 | +||||
63 | +Feminist Legal Studies | +1825 | +1273 | +1994-2023 | +1994-2023 | +||||
64 | +Feminist Review | +886 | +3579 | +1979-2023 | +1980-2023 | +||||
65 | +Gender Place and Culture | +8390 | +5817 | +1994-2023 | +1993-2023 | +||||
66 | +Gender, Work and Organization | +5842 | +3583 | +1994-2023 | +1995-2023 | +||||
67 | +Geoforum | +29883 | +17210 | +1970-2023 | +1977-2023 | +||||
68 | +Geography Compass | +11807 | +4485 | +2006-2023 | +2007-2023 | +||||
69 | +German Law Journal | +945 | +824 | +2001-2020 | +2003-2023 | +||||
70 | +Global constitutionalism | +572 | +151 | +2012-2023 | +2012-2023 | +||||
71 | +Governance | +3252 | +5252 | +1988-2023 | +1989-2023 | +||||
72 | +Griffith law review | +1012 | +496 | +1997-2023 | +2005-2023 | +||||
73 | +Housing Studies | +9759 | +5950 | +1986-2023 | +1987-2023 | +||||
74 | +Howard Journal of Criminal Justice | +1891 | +3998 | +1965-2015 | +1943-2023 | +||||
75 | +Human Rights Quarterly | +807 | +3525 | +1995-2020 | +1984-2023 | +||||
76 | +Human Rights Review | +1061 | +400 | +1999-2023 | +2000-2023 | +||||
77 | +Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies | +594 | +589 | +2003-2019 | +1996-2023 | +||||
78 | +Industrial Relations Journal | +3391 | +2210 | +1971-2023 | +1975-2023 | +||||
79 | +International and Comparative Law Quarterly | +888 | +1759 | +1964-2023 | +1962-2023 | +||||
80 | +International Criminal Justice Review | +2326 | +1132 | +1991-2023 | +1995-2023 | +||||
81 | +International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy | +701 | +820 | +2012-2021 | +2013-2023 | +||||
82 | +International journal for the semiotics of law | +880 | +291 | +1989-2023 | +1990-2023 | +||||
83 | +International journal of comparative and applied criminal justice | +2715 | +905 | +1977-2023 | +1984-2023 | +||||
84 | +International Journal of Discrimination and the Law | +346 | +110 | +1995-2023 | +1907-2023 | +||||
85 | +International Journal of Drug Policy | +5072 | +2769 | +1998-2023 | +1907-2023 | +||||
86 | +International Journal of Evidence and Proof | +489 | +340 | +1997-2023 | +2000-2023 | +||||
87 | +International Journal of Law and Management | +1333 | +262 | +2008-2023 | +2008-2023 | +||||
88 | +International Journal of Law and Psychiatry | +2384 | +2611 | +1978-2023 | +1979-2023 | +||||
89 | +International Journal of Law Crime and Justice | +2865 | +773 | +2008-2023 | +2008-2023 | +||||
90 | +International Journal of Law in Context | +2434 | +654 | +2005-2023 | +2006-2023 | +||||
91 | +International Journal of Law in The Built Environment | +296 | +91 | +2009-2017 | +2012-2023 | +||||
92 | +International Journal of Law, Policy and The Family | +604 | +1158 | +1996-2019 | +1988-2023 | +||||
93 | +International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology | +6649 | +4149 | +1973-2023 | +1916-2023 | +||||
94 | +International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy | +4311 | +1639 | +1981-2023 | +1981-2023 | +||||
95 | +International Journal of The Legal Profession | +1564 | +752 | +1994-2023 | +1995-2023 | +||||
96 | +International Journal of The Sociology of Law | +807 | +894 | +1995-2007 | +1981-2023 | +||||
97 | +International Journal of Urban and Regional Research | +12131 | +19975 | +1977-2023 | +1916-2023 | +||||
98 | +International Review of Administrative Sciences | +3265 | +2025 | +1957-2023 | +1973-2023 | +||||
99 | +International Review of Law and Economics | +836 | +1521 | +1981-2023 | +1982-2023 | +||||
100 | +International Review of Law, Computers & Technology | +409 | +247 | +1984-2023 | +1989-2023 | +||||
101 | +International Review of Victimology | +2091 | +1597 | +1989-2023 | +1993-2023 | +||||
102 | +International Social Work | +3312 | +2341 | +1969-2023 | +1907-2023 | +||||
103 | +International Studies Review | +1540 | +866 | +1999-2023 | +2000-2023 | +||||
104 | +Irish Political Studies | +691 | +311 | +1986-2023 | +1989-2023 | +||||
105 | +Ius comparatum | +410 | +35 | +2014-2021 | +2019-2023 | +||||
106 | +Ius gentium | +714 | +113 | +2010-2023 | +2012-2023 | +||||
107 | +Journal of Business Ethics | +16858 | +20638 | +1983-2023 | +1989-2023 | +||||
108 | +Journal of Cleaner Production | +19343 | +4727 | +1994-2023 | +2001-2023 | +||||
109 | +Journal of Commonwealth Law and Legal Education | +66 | +18 | +2001-2009 | +2003-2020 | +||||
110 | +Journal of Consumer Policy | +810 | +887 | +1984-2023 | +1984-2023 | +||||
111 | +Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship | +867 | +83 | +2005-2023 | +2009-2023 | +||||
112 | +Journal of Education Policy | +1876 | +1312 | +1986-2023 | +1988-2023 | +||||
113 | +Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies | +11133 | +7035 | +1971-2023 | +1977-2023 | +||||
114 | +Journal of European Public Policy | +4231 | +6182 | +1994-2023 | +1995-2023 | +||||
115 | +Journal of Financial Crime | +2337 | +952 | +1993-2023 | +1995-2023 | +||||
116 | +Journal of Gender Studies | +2362 | +1248 | +1991-2023 | +1994-2023 | +||||
117 | +Journal of Human Rights | +1563 | +723 | +2002-2023 | +2003-2023 | +||||
118 | +Journal of Human Rights Practice | +934 | +376 | +2009-2023 | +1907-2023 | +||||
119 | +Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding | +1093 | +415 | +2007-2023 | +2008-2023 | +||||
120 | +Journal of Law and Society | +932 | +5752 | +1982-2020 | +1983-2023 | +||||
121 | +Journal of Legal Pluralism | +908 | +799 | +1969-2021 | +1977-2023 | +||||
122 | +Journal of Management & Governance | +4160 | +1514 | +1997-2023 | +1996-2023 | +||||
123 | +Journal of Money Laundering Control | +1386 | +624 | +1997-2023 | +1998-2023 | +||||
124 | +Journal of politics and law | +306 | +48 | +2008-2021 | +2010-2023 | +||||
125 | +Journal of Professions and Organization | +1894 | +249 | +2013-2023 | +2014-2023 | +||||
126 | +Journal of property, planning and environmental law | +214 | +20 | +2018-2023 | +2019-2023 | +||||
127 | +Journal of Public Policy | +1972 | +2985 | +1981-2023 | +1982-2023 | +||||
128 | +Journal of Sex Research | +9230 | +10398 | +1965-2023 | +1970-2023 | +||||
129 | +Journal of Social Policy | +4157 | +6336 | +1972-2023 | +1973-2023 | +||||
130 | +Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law | +2156 | +1219 | +1991-2023 | +1992-2023 | +||||
131 | +Journal of Sociology | +3220 | +1758 | +1998-2023 | +1998-2023 | +||||
132 | +Land Use Policy | +10785 | +4530 | +1984-2023 | +1986-2023 | +||||
133 | +Law and Critique | +615 | +661 | +1990-2023 | +1992-2023 | +||||
134 | +Law and History Review | +521 | +447 | +1984-2023 | +1986-2023 | +||||
135 | +Law and philosophy library | +532 | +372 | +1977-2023 | +1980-2023 | +||||
136 | +Law and Social Inquiry-journal of The American Bar Foundation | +4436 | +4100 | +1976-2023 | +1981-2023 | +||||
137 | +Law & Policy | +3302 | +2971 | +1979-2023 | +1980-2023 | +||||
138 | +Laws | +1457 | +201 | +2011-2023 | +2013-2023 | +||||
139 | +Law & Society Review | +4667 | +13563 | +1969-2023 | +1971-2023 | +||||
140 | +Legal Ethics | +177 | +260 | +1998-2014 | +1999-2023 | +||||
141 | +Legal Information Management | +327 | +43 | +2001-2022 | +2005-2023 | +||||
142 | +Legal Studies | +2030 | +1308 | +1981-2023 | +1981-2023 | +||||
143 | +Leiden Journal of International Law | +832 | +787 | +1988-2022 | +1996-2023 | +||||
144 | +Local Government Studies | +3501 | +2247 | +1975-2023 | +1974-2023 | +||||
145 | +Modern Law Review | +910 | +4970 | +1980-2019 | +1939-2023 | +||||
146 | +Oñati socio-legal series | +1394 | +80 | +2011-2023 | +2015-2023 | +||||
147 | +Organization Studies | +7174 | +10518 | +1980-2023 | +1981-2023 | +||||
148 | +Police Practice and Research | +3767 | +1525 | +2001-2023 | +2001-2023 | +||||
149 | +Policing & Society | +6423 | +4225 | +1990-2023 | +1991-2023 | +||||
150 | +Policy Studies | +3150 | +1479 | +1981-2023 | +1982-2023 | +||||
151 | +Political and legal anthropology review | +758 | +604 | +1993-2023 | +1916-2023 | +||||
152 | +Political Geography | +12361 | +10857 | +1992-2023 | +1992-2023 | +||||
153 | +Political Studies | +2485 | +5999 | +1956-2023 | +1955-2023 | +||||
154 | +Porn studies | +713 | +244 | +2014-2023 | +2015-2023 | +||||
155 | +Probation Journal | +2251 | +2040 | +1975-2023 | +1980-2023 | +||||
156 | +Progress in Human Geography | +27288 | +24738 | +1977-2023 | +1978-2023 | +||||
157 | +Psychiatry, Psychology and Law | +2632 | +1513 | +1994-2023 | +1996-2023 | +||||
158 | +Psychology Crime & Law | +2973 | +2738 | +1994-2023 | +1994-2023 | +||||
159 | +Public Administration | +6838 | +9686 | +1967-2023 | +1908-2023 | +||||
160 | +Public Policy and Administration | +3178 | +1482 | +1986-2023 | +1987-2023 | +||||
161 | +Public Relations Review | +1709 | +1095 | +1975-2023 | +1987-2023 | +||||
162 | +Punishment & Society | +4594 | +5670 | +1999-2023 | +1999-2023 | +||||
163 | +Qualitative sociology review | +1165 | +229 | +2005-2023 | +2007-2023 | +||||
164 | +Ratio Juris | +634 | +797 | +1988-2023 | +1990-2023 | +||||
165 | +Regulation & Governance | +4196 | +2138 | +2007-2023 | +2006-2023 | +||||
166 | +Revista Direito e Práxis | +185 | +29 | +2017-2023 | +2017-2023 | +||||
167 | +Science, Technology, & Human Values | +1913 | +2462 | +1981-2023 | +1981-2023 | +||||
168 | +Sexualities | +3846 | +3878 | +1998-2023 | +1999-2023 | +||||
169 | +Sexuality Research and Social Policy | +4026 | +1648 | +2004-2023 | +2006-2023 | +||||
170 | +Share: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam | +145 | +0 | +2012-2020 | ++ | ||||
171 | +Social Forces | +11306 | +18386 | +1928-2023 | +1916-2023 | +||||
172 | +Social Justice | +985 | +118 | +1990-2020 | +1991-2021 | +||||
173 | +Social & Legal Studies | +4821 | +3614 | +1992-2023 | +1916-2023 | +||||
174 | +Social Policy & Administration | +4881 | +4711 | +1967-2023 | +1907-2023 | +||||
175 | +Social Policy and Society | +4230 | +2827 | +2002-2023 | +2001-2023 | +||||
176 | +Social Science & Medicine | +16693 | +19906 | +1982-2023 | +1983-2023 | +||||
177 | +Social sciences | +7657 | +755 | +2012-2023 | +2013-2023 | +||||
178 | +Sociological Research Online | +6184 | +2431 | +1996-2023 | +1996-2023 | +||||
179 | +Sociology | +8631 | +15294 | +1967-2023 | +1907-2023 | +||||
180 | +Sociology Compass | +9202 | +2462 | +2007-2023 | +1995-2023 | +||||
181 | +Studies in Law, Politics and Society | +1076 | +227 | +2005-2021 | +1999-2023 | +||||
182 | +surveillance and society | +1029 | +963 | +2002-2021 | +2003-2023 | +||||
183 | +The American Sociologist | +2444 | +601 | +1970-2023 | +1990-2023 | +||||
184 | +The Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence | +323 | +473 | +1988-2021 | +1989-2023 | +||||
185 | +The Howard journal of crime and justice | +2411 | +311 | +2015-2023 | +2017-2023 | +||||
186 | +The International Journal of Children's Rights | +1050 | +996 | +1998-2022 | +1907-2023 | +||||
187 | +The Journal of Corporate Law Studies | +315 | +359 | +2001-2015 | +2001-2023 | +||||
188 | +The Journal of human justice | +132 | +127 | +1989-1995 | +1990-2023 | +||||
189 | +The Law Teacher | +420 | +448 | +1967-2018 | +1979-2023 | +||||
190 | +The Liverpool Law Review | +677 | +197 | +1979-2023 | +1984-2023 | +||||
191 | +Theoretical Criminology | +5406 | +8072 | +1997-2023 | +1996-2023 | +||||
192 | +The Sociological Review | +7629 | +11027 | +1908-2023 | +1916-2023 | +||||
193 | +Third World Quarterly | +3032 | +5471 | +1980-2023 | +1980-2023 | +||||
194 | +Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers | +12315 | +17885 | +1966-2023 | +1968-2023 | +||||
195 | +Transnational Environmental Law | +520 | +174 | +2011-2023 | +2013-2023 | +||||
196 | +University of Toronto Law Journal | +515 | +1085 | +2004-2023 | +1967-2023 | +||||
197 | +Urban Geography | +15844 | +8102 | +1980-2023 | +1980-2023 | +||||
198 | +Urban Studies | +25472 | +26325 | +1965-2023 | +1966-2023 | +||||
199 | +Victims & offenders | +3523 | +1223 | +2006-2023 | +2007-2023 | +||||
200 | +Violence Against Women | +4492 | +6427 | +1995-2023 | +1997-2023 | +||||
201 | +Womens Studies International Forum | +4708 | +4018 | +1982-2023 | +1982-2023 | +||||
202 | +Work, Employment & Society | +7104 | +7463 | +1987-2023 | +1988-2023 | +||||
203 | +Youth Justice | +1840 | +1100 | +2001-2023 | +2002-2023 |
+ | |||||||||
Journals in jls network (Source: wos) | |||||||||
- | label | -total_citing | -total_cited | +label | +total_citing | +total_cited | +years_citing | +years_cited | |
1 | -accounting auditing & accountability journal | -9910 | -1346 | -||||||
2 | -accounting organizations and society | -2058 | -11417 | -||||||
3 | -administration & society | -2905 | -2013 | -||||||
4 | -american journal of comparative law | -2582 | -2621 | -||||||
5 | -annals of the american academy of political and social science | -1787 | -4975 | -||||||
6 | -annual review of law and social science | -862 | -957 | -||||||
7 | -annual review of sociology | -1127 | -9067 | -||||||
8 | -antipode | -10665 | -15723 | -||||||
9 | -archives europeennes de sociologie | -684 | -712 | -||||||
10 | -archives of sexual behavior | -2978 | -2640 | -||||||
11 | -australian and new zealand journal of criminology | -1924 | -1830 | -||||||
12 | -australian journal of social issues | -1328 | -819 | -||||||
13 | -british journal of criminology | -7055 | -10910 | -||||||
14 | -british journal of industrial relations | -1385 | -1926 | -||||||
15 | -british journal of social work | -4437 | -5412 | -||||||
16 | -british journal of sociology | -4123 | -7622 | -||||||
17 | -buffalo law review | -3020 | -1350 | -||||||
18 | -california law review | -8282 | -8919 | -||||||
19 | -cambridge journal of economics | -1109 | -2149 | -||||||
20 | -cambridge law journal | -561 | -533 | -||||||
21 | -child & family social work | -2345 | -1473 | -||||||
22 | -citizenship studies | -2275 | -1300 | -||||||
23 | -common market law review | -1164 | -3053 | -||||||
24 | -computer law & security review | -725 | -193 | -||||||
25 | -cornell international law journal | -1520 | -1044 | -||||||
26 | -crime law and social change | -3307 | -2246 | -||||||
27 | -crime media culture | -1692 | -899 | -||||||
28 | -criminal law review | -344 | -1210 | -||||||
29 | -criminology & criminal justice | -3574 | -1710 | -||||||
30 | -critical criminology | -2468 | -700 | -||||||
31 | -critical social policy | -2409 | -2937 | -||||||
32 | -culture health & sexuality | -3658 | -2208 | -||||||
33 | -current legal problems | -571 | -304 | -||||||
34 | -current sociology | -3131 | -1543 | -||||||
35 | -damages and compensation culture: comparative perspectives | -26 | -4 | -||||||
36 | -economy and society | -1984 | -7256 | -||||||
37 | -environment and planning a-economy and space | -18807 | -15781 | -||||||
38 | -environment and planning c-government and policy | -4457 | -3503 | -||||||
39 | -environment and planning d-society & space | -8888 | -17653 | -||||||
40 | -european business organization law review | -1304 | -265 | -||||||
41 | -european journal of criminology | -3108 | -1727 | -||||||
42 | -european journal of international law | -1532 | -2474 | -||||||
43 | -european journal of social work | -3488 | -930 | -||||||
44 | -european journal on criminal policy and research | -1392 | -562 | -||||||
45 | -european law journal | -1836 | -1505 | -||||||
46 | -european law review | -1950 | -804 | -||||||
47 | -families relationships and societies | -1675 | -343 | -||||||
48 | -feminist criminology | -1137 | -500 | -||||||
49 | -feminist legal studies | -1040 | -455 | -||||||
50 | -feminist review | -677 | -1478 | -||||||
51 | -fordham law review | -8717 | -4748 | -||||||
52 | -gender place and culture | -6558 | -2999 | -||||||
53 | -gender work and organization | -4631 | -1981 | -||||||
54 | -geoforum | -24675 | -14482 | -||||||
55 | -georgetown law journal | -7641 | -6627 | -||||||
56 | -harvard international law journal | -1342 | -1994 | -||||||
57 | -hong kong law journal | -848 | -137 | -||||||
58 | -housing studies | -7940 | -4556 | -||||||
59 | -human rights law review | -857 | -214 | -||||||
60 | -human rights quarterly | -1265 | -2580 | -||||||
61 | -icon-international journal of constitutional law | -2811 | -1647 | -||||||
62 | -industrial law journal | -471 | -102 | -||||||
63 | -international & comparative law quarterly | -1369 | -891 | -||||||
64 | -international journal of drug policy | -3798 | -1717 | -||||||
65 | -international journal of human rights | -1235 | -207 | -||||||
66 | -international journal of law and psychiatry | -1487 | -1329 | -||||||
67 | -international journal of law crime and justice | -1813 | -403 | -||||||
68 | -international journal of law in context | -777 | -53 | -||||||
69 | -international journal of law policy and the family | -460 | -146 | -||||||
70 | -international journal of the sociology of law | -714 | -1153 | -||||||
71 | -international journal of transitional justice | -1020 | -970 | -||||||
72 | -international journal of urban and regional research | -10081 | -16272 | -||||||
73 | -international review of administrative sciences | -2271 | -1404 | -||||||
74 | -international studies review | -1157 | -373 | -||||||
75 | -journal of business ethics | -10193 | -12080 | -||||||
76 | -journal of cleaner production | -16252 | -3412 | -||||||
77 | -journal of corporate law studies | -583 | -67 | -||||||
78 | -journal of criminal law & criminology | -2818 | -3609 | -||||||
79 | -journal of environmental law | -802 | -596 | -||||||
80 | -journal of european public policy | -3033 | -4599 | -||||||
81 | -journal of gender studies | -1768 | -921 | -||||||
82 | -journal of international criminal justice | -1139 | -790 | -||||||
83 | -journal of law and society | -3496 | -4011 | -||||||
84 | -journal of legal education | -1986 | -1654 | -||||||
85 | -journal of legal history | -112 | -51 | -||||||
86 | -journal of social policy | -3328 | -4836 | -||||||
87 | -journal of sociology | -2530 | -1316 | -||||||
88 | -justice system journal | -1082 | -518 | -||||||
89 | -land use policy | -9672 | -4108 | -||||||
90 | -law and philosophy | -720 | -1065 | -||||||
91 | -law and social inquiry-journal of the american bar foundation | -6044 | -4159 | -||||||
92 | -law & literature | -308 | -64 | -||||||
93 | -law & policy | -1656 | -779 | -||||||
94 | -law & society review | -3804 | -9407 | -||||||
95 | -legal studies | -1532 | -365 | -||||||
96 | -leiden journal of international law | -1927 | -857 | -||||||
97 | -local government studies | -3153 | -1772 | -||||||
98 | -medical history | -486 | -610 | -||||||
99 | -medical law review | -779 | -396 | -||||||
100 | -melbourne university law review | -913 | -322 | -||||||
101 | -michigan law review | -8703 | -11220 | -||||||
102 | -modern law review | -2514 | -1637 | -||||||
103 | -northwestern journal of international law & business | -485 | -68 | -||||||
104 | -organization studies | -4266 | -7781 | -||||||
105 | -oxford journal of legal studies | -2087 | -1097 | -||||||
106 | -parliamentary affairs | -1066 | -1497 | -||||||
107 | -policing & society | -3858 | -1351 | -||||||
108 | -policy and politics | -3808 | -3829 | -||||||
109 | -political geography | -10682 | -9075 | -||||||
110 | -political quarterly | -543 | -1918 | -||||||
111 | -political studies | -2226 | -4501 | -||||||
112 | -progress in human geography | -22535 | -20312 | -||||||
113 | -psychiatry psychology and law | -1122 | -379 | -||||||
114 | -public administration | -5535 | -7208 | -||||||
115 | -punishment & society-international journal of penology | -3001 | -2559 | -||||||
116 | -regulation & governance | -3172 | -1718 | -||||||
117 | -science technology & human values | -1572 | -2152 | -||||||
118 | -sexualities | -2452 | -1507 | -||||||
119 | -sexuality research and social policy | -2274 | -778 | -||||||
120 | -social history of medicine | -809 | -562 | -||||||
121 | -social & legal studies | -3740 | -2604 | -||||||
122 | -social policy & administration | -4036 | -3659 | -||||||
123 | -social policy and society | -2002 | -507 | -||||||
124 | -social science & medicine | -10367 | -13763 | -||||||
125 | -sociological research online | -4842 | -1759 | -||||||
126 | -sociological review | -5697 | -6946 | -||||||
127 | -sociology-the journal of the british sociological association | -5845 | -11953 | -||||||
128 | -south african journal on human rights | -403 | -150 | -||||||
129 | -stanford law review | -6743 | -14098 | -||||||
130 | -texas law review | -7242 | -7377 | -||||||
131 | -theoretical criminology | -3658 | -4938 | -||||||
132 | -theory culture & society | -1618 | -6988 | -||||||
133 | -third world quarterly | -2709 | -3920 | -||||||
134 | -transactions of the institute of british geographers | -11365 | -14973 | -||||||
135 | -transnational environmental law | -760 | -280 | -||||||
136 | -university of illinois law review | -5296 | -2415 | -||||||
137 | -university of pennsylvania journal of international law | -1234 | -295 | -||||||
138 | -university of pennsylvania law review | -6968 | -9375 | -||||||
139 | -urban geography | -12324 | -6391 | -||||||
140 | -urban studies | -19515 | -21809 | -||||||
141 | -wisconsin law review | -4777 | -3177 | -||||||
142 | -womens studies international forum | -2915 | -2968 | -||||||
143 | -work employment and society | -4437 | -4888 | -||||||
144 | -yale law journal | -8497 | -20288 | +1 | +accounting auditing & accountability journal | +9910 | +1346 | +2010-2023 | +2011-2023 | +
2 | +accounting organizations and society | +2058 | +11417 | +1982-2023 | +1985-2023 | +||||
3 | +administration & society | +2905 | +2013 | +1984-2023 | +1983-2023 | +||||
4 | +american journal of comparative law | +2582 | +2621 | +1983-2023 | +1983-2023 | +||||
5 | +annals of the american academy of political and social science | +1787 | +4975 | +1981-2022 | +1981-2023 | +||||
6 | +annual review of law and social science | +862 | +957 | +2005-2022 | +2005-2023 | +||||
7 | +annual review of sociology | +1127 | +9067 | +1982-2022 | +1981-2023 | +||||
8 | +antipode | +10665 | +15723 | +1990-2023 | +1990-2023 | +||||
9 | +archives europeennes de sociologie | +684 | +712 | +1982-2023 | +1984-2023 | +||||
10 | +archives of sexual behavior | +2978 | +2640 | +1985-2023 | +1984-2023 | +||||
11 | +australian and new zealand journal of criminology | +1924 | +1830 | +1982-2020 | +1981-2023 | +||||
12 | +australian journal of social issues | +1328 | +819 | +1981-2023 | +1984-2023 | +||||
13 | +british journal of criminology | +7055 | +10910 | +1982-2023 | +1980-2023 | +||||
14 | +british journal of industrial relations | +1385 | +1926 | +1982-2023 | +1982-2023 | +||||
15 | +british journal of social work | +4437 | +5412 | +1981-2023 | +1981-2023 | +||||
16 | +british journal of sociology | +4123 | +7622 | +1981-2023 | +1980-2023 | +||||
17 | +buffalo law review | +3020 | +1350 | +1981-2023 | +1982-2023 | +||||
18 | +california law review | +8282 | +8919 | +1981-2023 | +1981-2023 | +||||
19 | +cambridge journal of economics | +1109 | +2149 | +1986-2023 | +1982-2023 | +||||
20 | +cambridge law journal | +561 | +533 | +2011-2023 | +2012-2023 | +||||
21 | +child & family social work | +2345 | +1473 | +2007-2023 | +2008-2023 | +||||
22 | +citizenship studies | +2275 | +1300 | +2009-2023 | +2010-2023 | +||||
23 | +common market law review | +1164 | +3053 | +1982-2023 | +1990-2023 | +||||
24 | +computer law & security review | +725 | +193 | +2011-2023 | +2013-2023 | +||||
25 | +cornell international law journal | +1520 | +1044 | +1988-2021 | +1982-2023 | +||||
26 | +crime law and social change | +3307 | +2246 | +1991-2023 | +1992-2023 | +||||
27 | +crime media culture | +1692 | +899 | +2008-2023 | +2009-2023 | +||||
28 | +criminal law review | +344 | +1210 | +1980-2010 | +1981-2023 | +||||
29 | +criminology & criminal justice | +3574 | +1710 | +2008-2023 | +2009-2023 | +||||
30 | +critical criminology | +2468 | +700 | +2010-2023 | +2011-2023 | +||||
31 | +critical social policy | +2409 | +2937 | +2003-2023 | +2003-2023 | +||||
32 | +culture health & sexuality | +3658 | +2208 | +2002-2023 | +2004-2023 | +||||
33 | +current legal problems | +571 | +304 | +2013-2023 | +2013-2023 | +||||
34 | +current sociology | +3131 | +1543 | +1984-2023 | +1983-2023 | +||||
35 | +damages and compensation culture: comparative perspectives | +26 | +4 | +2016-2016 | +2017-2020 | +||||
36 | +economy and society | +1984 | +7256 | +1982-2023 | +1982-2023 | +||||
37 | +environment and planning a-economy and space | +18807 | +15781 | +1984-2023 | +1982-2023 | +||||
38 | +environment and planning c-government and policy | +4457 | +3503 | +1983-2016 | +1985-2023 | +||||
39 | +environment and planning d-society & space | +8888 | +17653 | +1983-2023 | +1984-2023 | +||||
40 | +european business organization law review | +1304 | +265 | +2008-2023 | +2009-2023 | +||||
41 | +european journal of criminology | +3108 | +1727 | +2008-2023 | +2008-2023 | +||||
42 | +european journal of international law | +1532 | +2474 | +2005-2023 | +2006-2023 | +||||
43 | +european journal of social work | +3488 | +930 | +2008-2023 | +2009-2023 | +||||
44 | +european journal on criminal policy and research | +1392 | +562 | +2008-2023 | +2010-2023 | +||||
45 | +european law journal | +1836 | +1505 | +2007-2023 | +2007-2023 | +||||
46 | +european law review | +1950 | +804 | +2008-2023 | +2008-2023 | +||||
47 | +families relationships and societies | +1675 | +343 | +2012-2023 | +2012-2023 | +||||
48 | +feminist criminology | +1137 | +500 | +2008-2023 | +2010-2023 | +||||
49 | +feminist legal studies | +1040 | +455 | +2009-2023 | +2011-2023 | +||||
50 | +feminist review | +677 | +1478 | +1992-2023 | +1994-2023 | +||||
51 | +fordham law review | +8717 | +4748 | +1984-2023 | +1984-2023 | +||||
52 | +gender place and culture | +6558 | +2999 | +2005-2023 | +2006-2023 | +||||
53 | +gender work and organization | +4631 | +1981 | +2003-2023 | +2003-2023 | +||||
54 | +geoforum | +24675 | +14482 | +1983-2023 | +1984-2023 | +||||
55 | +georgetown law journal | +7641 | +6627 | +1983-2023 | +1982-2023 | +||||
56 | +harvard international law journal | +1342 | +1994 | +1985-2019 | +1987-2023 | +||||
57 | +hong kong law journal | +848 | +137 | +2010-2023 | +2012-2023 | +||||
58 | +housing studies | +7940 | +4556 | +1995-2023 | +1995-2023 | +||||
59 | +human rights law review | +857 | +214 | +2016-2023 | +2016-2023 | +||||
60 | +human rights quarterly | +1265 | +2580 | +1985-2023 | +1986-2023 | +||||
61 | +icon-international journal of constitutional law | +2811 | +1647 | +2004-2023 | +2004-2023 | +||||
62 | +industrial law journal | +471 | +102 | +2017-2023 | +2018-2023 | +||||
63 | +international & comparative law quarterly | +1369 | +891 | +2009-2023 | +1999-2023 | +||||
64 | +international journal of drug policy | +3798 | +1717 | +2005-2023 | +2006-2023 | +||||
65 | +international journal of human rights | +1235 | +207 | +2018-2023 | +2018-2023 | +||||
66 | +international journal of law and psychiatry | +1487 | +1329 | +1981-2023 | +1983-2023 | +||||
67 | +international journal of law crime and justice | +1813 | +403 | +2008-2023 | +2008-2023 | +||||
68 | +international journal of law in context | +777 | +53 | +2019-2023 | +2019-2023 | +||||
69 | +international journal of law policy and the family | +460 | +146 | +2012-2023 | +2013-2023 | +||||
70 | +international journal of the sociology of law | +714 | +1153 | +1981-2007 | +1981-2023 | +||||
71 | +international journal of transitional justice | +1020 | +970 | +2007-2023 | +2007-2023 | +||||
72 | +international journal of urban and regional research | +10081 | +16272 | +1984-2023 | +1983-2023 | +||||
73 | +international review of administrative sciences | +2271 | +1404 | +1994-2023 | +1996-2023 | +||||
74 | +international studies review | +1157 | +373 | +2008-2023 | +2008-2023 | +||||
75 | +journal of business ethics | +10193 | +12080 | +1987-2023 | +1983-2023 | +||||
76 | +journal of cleaner production | +16252 | +3412 | +2002-2023 | +2004-2023 | +||||
77 | +journal of corporate law studies | +583 | +67 | +2017-2023 | +2017-2023 | +||||
78 | +journal of criminal law & criminology | +2818 | +3609 | +1983-2022 | +1981-2023 | +||||
79 | +journal of environmental law | +802 | +596 | +1995-2023 | +1994-2023 | +||||
80 | +journal of european public policy | +3033 | +4599 | +1997-2023 | +1998-2023 | +||||
81 | +journal of gender studies | +1768 | +921 | +1994-2023 | +1996-2023 | +||||
82 | +journal of international criminal justice | +1139 | +790 | +2009-2023 | +2009-2023 | +||||
83 | +journal of law and society | +3496 | +4011 | +1985-2023 | +1986-2023 | +||||
84 | +journal of legal education | +1986 | +1654 | +1982-2021 | +1982-2023 | +||||
85 | +journal of legal history | +112 | +51 | +2009-2023 | +2011-2023 | +||||
86 | +journal of social policy | +3328 | +4836 | +1981-2023 | +1980-2023 | +||||
87 | +journal of sociology | +2530 | +1316 | +1998-2023 | +1999-2023 | +||||
88 | +justice system journal | +1082 | +518 | +1981-2022 | +1981-2023 | +||||
89 | +land use policy | +9672 | +4108 | +1993-2023 | +1994-2023 | +||||
90 | +law and philosophy | +720 | +1065 | +1983-2023 | +1983-2023 | +||||
91 | +law and social inquiry-journal of the american bar foundation | +6044 | +4159 | +1988-2023 | +1989-2023 | +||||
92 | +law & literature | +308 | +64 | +2008-2023 | +2009-2023 | +||||
93 | +law & policy | +1656 | +779 | +2009-2023 | +2009-2023 | +||||
94 | +law & society review | +3804 | +9407 | +1981-2023 | +1981-2023 | +||||
95 | +legal studies | +1532 | +365 | +2013-2023 | +2013-2023 | +||||
96 | +leiden journal of international law | +1927 | +857 | +2009-2023 | +2009-2023 | +||||
97 | +local government studies | +3153 | +1772 | +1982-2023 | +1982-2023 | +||||
98 | +medical history | +486 | +610 | +1992-2022 | +1991-2023 | +||||
99 | +medical law review | +779 | +396 | +2009-2023 | +2010-2023 | +||||
100 | +melbourne university law review | +913 | +322 | +2007-2022 | +2008-2023 | +||||
101 | +michigan law review | +8703 | +11220 | +1982-2023 | +1981-2023 | +||||
102 | +modern law review | +2514 | +1637 | +2008-2023 | +2008-2023 | +||||
103 | +northwestern journal of international law & business | +485 | +68 | +2013-2022 | +2014-2023 | +||||
104 | +organization studies | +4266 | +7781 | +1982-2023 | +1982-2023 | +||||
105 | +oxford journal of legal studies | +2087 | +1097 | +2009-2023 | +2009-2023 | +||||
106 | +parliamentary affairs | +1066 | +1497 | +1984-2023 | +1982-2023 | +||||
107 | +policing & society | +3858 | +1351 | +2008-2023 | +2008-2023 | +||||
108 | +policy and politics | +3808 | +3829 | +1982-2023 | +1981-2023 | +||||
109 | +political geography | +10682 | +9075 | +1992-2023 | +1992-2023 | +||||
110 | +political quarterly | +543 | +1918 | +1982-2023 | +1982-2023 | +||||
111 | +political studies | +2226 | +4501 | +1982-2023 | +1982-2023 | +||||
112 | +progress in human geography | +22535 | +20312 | +1982-2023 | +1983-2023 | +||||
113 | +psychiatry psychology and law | +1122 | +379 | +2007-2023 | +2009-2023 | +||||
114 | +public administration | +5535 | +7208 | +1981-2023 | +1982-2023 | +||||
115 | +punishment & society-international journal of penology | +3001 | +2559 | +2003-2023 | +2004-2023 | +||||
116 | +regulation & governance | +3172 | +1718 | +2007-2023 | +2008-2023 | +||||
117 | +science technology & human values | +1572 | +2152 | +1983-2023 | +1989-2023 | +||||
118 | +sexualities | +2452 | +1507 | +2008-2023 | +2008-2023 | +||||
119 | +sexuality research and social policy | +2274 | +778 | +2009-2023 | +2010-2023 | +||||
120 | +social history of medicine | +809 | +562 | +1991-2023 | +1992-2023 | +||||
121 | +social & legal studies | +3740 | +2604 | +1995-2023 | +1995-2023 | +||||
122 | +social policy & administration | +4036 | +3659 | +1981-2023 | +1982-2023 | +||||
123 | +social policy and society | +2002 | +507 | +2016-2023 | +2016-2023 | +||||
124 | +social science & medicine | +10367 | +13763 | +1982-2023 | +1983-2023 | +||||
125 | +sociological research online | +4842 | +1759 | +1997-2023 | +1999-2023 | +||||
126 | +sociological review | +5697 | +6946 | +1980-2023 | +1981-2023 | +||||
127 | +sociology-the journal of the british sociological association | +5845 | +11953 | +1980-2023 | +1981-2023 | +||||
128 | +south african journal on human rights | +403 | +150 | +2007-2023 | +2011-2023 | +||||
129 | +stanford law review | +6743 | +14098 | +1982-2022 | +1982-2023 | +||||
130 | +texas law review | +7242 | +7377 | +1980-2023 | +1981-2023 | +||||
131 | +theoretical criminology | +3658 | +4938 | +2000-2023 | +2000-2023 | +||||
132 | +theory culture & society | +1618 | +6988 | +1991-2023 | +1991-2023 | +||||
133 | +third world quarterly | +2709 | +3920 | +1983-2023 | +1985-2023 | +||||
134 | +transactions of the institute of british geographers | +11365 | +14973 | +1983-2023 | +1980-2023 | +||||
135 | +transnational environmental law | +760 | +280 | +2012-2023 | +2012-2023 | +||||
136 | +university of illinois law review | +5296 | +2415 | +1985-2023 | +1985-2023 | +||||
137 | +university of pennsylvania journal of international law | +1234 | +295 | +2007-2023 | +2008-2023 | +||||
138 | +university of pennsylvania law review | +6968 | +9375 | +1981-2022 | +1981-2023 | +||||
139 | +urban geography | +12324 | +6391 | +1988-2023 | +1989-2023 | +||||
140 | +urban studies | +19515 | +21809 | +1980-2023 | +1981-2023 | +||||
141 | +wisconsin law review | +4777 | +3177 | +1981-2023 | +1981-2023 | +||||
142 | +womens studies international forum | +2915 | +2968 | +1982-2023 | +1987-2023 | +||||
143 | +work employment and society | +4437 | +4888 | +1991-2023 | +1991-2023 | +||||
144 | +yale law journal | +8497 | +20288 | +1981-2023 | +1980-2023 |