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Magic TypeScript

A cheat sheet of TypeScript’s most important/magic features


This is the most important concept to understand about TypeScript. Think of all types as sets of values.

never; // Special type meaning empty set
("dog"); // Unit type. A set with only the value "dog"
"dog" | "cat"; // Union type. A set with only the values "dog" and "cat"
string; // A set containing every string value
number; // A set containing every number
any; // Special type which contains every value in its set

You can use one type in place of another as long as its set overlaps fully. In other words:



type Type1 = "apple" | "orange";
type Type2 = "apple";
type Type3 = "apple" | "banana";

const func = (food: Type1) => {
  /* ... */
// This function will let you pass in type Type1 and Type2 but not Type3
interface Pet {
  name: string;

interface Dog {
  name: string;
  favouriteToy: string;
  furType: "curly" | "flat";
// Any function needing Pet as a parameter will happily also accept Dog
const fetchTranslation = (language: "English" | "Spanish" | "German") => {
  /* ... */
const language = getRandomLanguage(); // Type is string
// This does NOT work since 'string' could be a bunch of values that
// are not "English", "Spanish", or "German"

Error message translation


This means that the set of TypeA is not contained inside the set of TypeB.


If you don't specify a type TypeScript will make a guess and assign one.

let name = "Carl"; // Type is string

Using const makes TypeScript infer a different type. This is because const makes the variable immutable.

const name = "Carl"; // Type is "Carl"

as const

TypeScript normally infers a pretty wide type for objects, but you can force it to narrow it with as const.

const person = { name: "Carl" }; // Type is { name: string }
const person = { name: "Carl" } as const; // Type is { name: "Carl" }

Narrowing with conditions

TypeScript can narrow a type depending on the context.

const user = getUserFromId("123"); // Type is User | null
if (user) {
  // Type of user is User
} else {
  // Type of user is null

Type guards

You can help the type system infer types with type guards. They allow you to define your own checks for types.

const isCat = (pet: Cat | Dog): pet is Cat => {
  return pet.latestMessage.includes("meow");

const pet = getRandomPet(); // Type is Cat | Dog
if (isCat(pet)) {
  // Type is Cat
} else {
  // Type is Dog


A union type is a type that has the possibility to be other types. When working with unions of objects, you can only access properties that both types have in common.


interface Cat {
  isSleeping: boolean;
  isMeowing: boolean;

interface Dog {
  isSleeping: boolean;
  isPlayingFetch: boolean;

// Same as { isSleeping: boolean }
type Pet = Cat | Dog;

const dog: Pet = getRandomDog(); // OK


Intersections are related to union types, but they combine everything into one set.


interface Person {
  name: string;
  age: number;

interface LocationData {
  country: string;
  address: string;

type PersonWithLocation = Person & LocationData; // Same as:
// { name: string, age: number, country: string, address: string }

// TS Error: Type Person is missing: country, address
const person: PersonWithLocation = getRandomPerson();


Enums let you define a set of named constants. They act very similar to union types.

enum SeverityCode {
	WARNING = 200
	NORMAL = 1000

if (getSeverity() === SeverityCode.CRITICAL) {
	// Panic!

This is a very broad type that will let you use keys you haven't defined. You can define the allowed set for the keys with the in keyword. It will even warn you if you don't define a value for all the keys. The global utility type Record uses this.

const ages: { [name in "Ernest" | "Chester"]: number } = {
  Ernest: 36,
  Chester: 21,
ages["Ernest"]; // 36
ages["Harvey"]; // TS Error: Property 'Harvey' does not exist ...

// Exact same thing as above
const ages: Record<"Ernest" | "Chester", number> = {
  Ernest: 36,
  Chester: 21,

Index signatures (key/value)

Index signatures allow you to define types for key value pairs.

const ages: { [name: string]: number } = {
  Ernest: 36,
  Chester: 21,
ages["Ernest"]; // 36

This is a very broad type that will let you use keys you haven't defined. You can define the allowed set for the keys with the in keyword. It will even warn you if you don't define a value for all the keys. The global utility type Record uses this.

const ages: { [name in "Ernest" | "Chester"]: number } = {
  Ernest: 36,
  Chester: 21,
ages["Ernest"]; // 36
ages["Harvey"]; // TS Error: Property 'Harvey' does not exist ...

// Exact same thing as above
const ages: Record<"Ernest" | "Chester", number> = {
  Ernest: 36,
  Chester: 21,

Mapping enums

const colors: Record<SeverityCode, string> = {
  [SeverityCode.CRITICAL]: "Red",
  [SeverityCode.WARNING]: "yellow",
  [SeverityCode.NORMAL]: "green",

colors[SeverityCode.WARNING]; // "yellow"
colors[200]; // "yellow"


Generics can be used to make types more flexible. They allow shared behavior for different types.

interface HTTPResponse<T> {
  status: number;
  data: T;

interface User {
  name: string;

// Type is { status: number, data: { name: string} }
type UserHTTPResponse = HTTPResponse<User>;

// Type is { status: number, data: string }
type StringHTTPResponse = HTTPResponse<string>;


The extends keyword can be used to limit which types are allowed to be used generically.

TypeA extends TypeB means that TypeA's set of values is contained within TypeB's.

const getUser = <T extends string | number>(id: T): { id: T; name: string } => {
  return fetchUser(id);

// TS Error: Argument of type 'boolean' is not assignable to string | number

getUser(123); // Return type is { id: number, name: string }
getUser("abc"); // Return type is { id: string, name: string }

Conditional types

TypeScript supports conditional types inspired by JavaScript's ternary operator. You use extends as an assertion.

type BooleanFromString<T> = T extends "true" ? true : false;

type Boolean1 = BooleanFromString<"true">; // Type is true
type Boolean2 = BooleanFromString<"false">; // Type is false
type Boolean3 = BooleanFromString<"true" | "false">; // Type is boolean

You can also use conditional types for the return type of a function.


The typeof keyword acts very differently depending on if it's in a JavaScript context or a TypeScript context. Reason being that TypeScript types don't exist when code is running.

const pet = getRandomPet();

// TypeScript context
// (Line does not exist when code is running)
type PetType = typeof pet; // Type is Cat | Dog

// JavaScript context
console.log(typeof pet); // Prints "object"

The only types that exist at runtime are: bigint, boolean, function, number, object, string, symbol, undefined.


keyof allows you to convert an object type into a union of its keys.

interface User {
  name: string;
  age: number;

type UserKeys = keyof User; // Type is same as "name" | "age"
const select = <T>(data: T, key: keyof T) => {
  return data[key];

const user = { name: "Alice", age: 24 };

select(user, "age"); // Type is number
select(user, "height"); // TS Error: "height" is not assignable to "age" | "name"

Template literal types

type Drink = "tea" | "coffee";
type Size = "S" | "M" | "L";

// Type is "S-tea" | "S-coffee" | "M-tea" | "M-coffee" | "L-tea" | "L-coffee"
type DrinkVariant = `${Size}-${Drink}`;

Idea: Create an Index signature to map DrinkVariants to prices


type Coordinates = [number, number];

const c1: Coordinates = [5, 12];
const c2: Coordinates = [4]; // TS error: Has 1 element but requires 2
const c3: Coordinates = [7, "9"]; // TS error: string is not assignable to type number

Spread tuples

// A person can be called multiple names but always has at least one
type Names = [string, ...string[]];

const p1Names: Names = ["Albert", "Bert", "Al"];
const p2Names: Names = []; // TS error: Has 0 elements but requires 1


You can use the readonly modifier to prevent values from being mutated in unexpected ways.

const printArray = (array: readonly number[]) => {
  array[0] = 100; // TS error: only reading is permitted

const array = [1, 2, 3];
// We know for sure the function won't mutate our array

Useful global utility types


// Make all properties in T optional
type Partial<T> = {
  [P in keyof T]?: T[P];

type Example = Partial<{ name: string; age: number }>;
// { name?: string | undefined, age?: number | undefined }


// Make all properties in T required
type Required<T> = {
  [P in keyof T]-?: T[P];

type Example = Required<{ name?: string; age?: number }>;
// { name: string, age: number }


// Keep only the properties in T which are in the union K
type Pick<T, K extends keyof T> = {
  [P in K]: T[P];

type Example = Pick<{ id: string; name: string; age: number }, "id" | "name">;
// { id: string, name: string }


// Extract from union T what is also in union U
type Extract<T, U> = T extends U ? T : never;

type Example = Extract<"a" | "b" | "c", "a" | "c">;
// "a" | "c"


// Exclude from union T what is also in union U
type Exclude<T, U> = T extends U ? never : T;

type Example = Exclude<"a" | "b" | "c", "a" | "c">;
// "b"


// Keep only the properties in T which share no keys with union K
type Omit<T, K extends keyof any> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>;

type Example = Omit<{ id: string; name: string; age: number }, "id" | "age">;
// { name: string }


// Exclude null and undefined from T
type NonNullable<T> = T extends null | undefined ? never : T;

type Example = NonNullable<string | undefined | null>;
// string


Other global utility types not listed include:

Parameters<T>, ConstructorParameters<T>, ReturnType<T>, InstanceType<T>, Uppercase<S>, Lowercase<S>, Capitalize<S>, Uncapitalize<S>, ThisType<T>, Readonly<T>, ArrayLike<T>, Awaited<T>, Promise<T>, PromiseLike<T>