Welcome to clcms, the command line content management system. Only files, no databas. Only python without special libraries.
For now, i'll use a code first, try later type of setup, so the internals and names are almost certainly subject to a lot of change.
All current documentation resides in the examples/documentation dir which is also an example of a very small site for clcms.
The setup is based on my simple site and the site of Jelte Jansen: every page has a few items: menu, submenu and content
I'm using this project to expand my knowledge of python and learn the usage of git and github.So things might be done a little awkwardly, don't hesitate to let me know if things could be done in a better way :)
You can create the documentation by going to the example/documentation dir and running /bin/clcms.py
After that, point your browser to examples/documentation/out/index.html
If you want to include the word "" in your site, use .
See http://old.tjeb.nl/Projects/clcms/index.html for more info and an online version of the documentation directory