- DevSpace
- Skaffold - remote app development on kubernetes cluster.
- Tilt
- Telepresence
- Gloo - Next-Generation API Gateway Built on Envoy
- Kubespray - Deploy a Production Ready Kubernetes Cluster
- Knative - serverless for kubernetes
- Sonobuoy - Diagnostic tool for kubernetes clusters
- Flagger
- Keda autoscaler
- Istio
- Linkerd
- Kelsey Hightower's - Kubernetes the hard way
- Mummshad's - Kubernetes the hard way
- Kubernetes networking explained
- Kodekloud CKA materials
- Kodekloud - Install K8s from scratch - video
- Kubernetes the fun way
- Advanced tutorials for K8s
- Blogs:
- TGIK videos
- Alex Ellis's blog
- ~~DEPRECATED kubecloud ~~
- Dive - docker image optimizer
- Clair - image security scaner
- trivy - security scanner
- Anchore - image security scaner
- Distroless - distroless containers
- Skopeo - manage docker images
- Kaniko - build images without container runtime
- Runtimes:
- Docker
- contaienrd
- cri-o
- Local development
- Docker (desktop)
- rancher desktop
- Podman
- Lima
- nerdctl
- docker-compose