From 7fcb3755e7764fbf5b23c20991c680ad1ecf1fca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ofisette
Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2024 20:33:34 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] deploy: 6b594733c1f684ebd6b4ae1aea3d645152c2bf34
2-resources.html | 2 +-
_sources/2-resources.ipynb | 2 +-
searchindex.js | 2 +-
3 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/2-resources.html b/2-resources.html
index 1970a81..9ec1800 100644
--- a/2-resources.html
+++ b/2-resources.html
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ Goal - Writing a Proper Job Script for Slurm
+For example : scripts/mpi-pi/
cat scripts/mpi-pi/
diff --git a/_sources/2-resources.ipynb b/_sources/2-resources.ipynb
index ab698c3..42980fe 100644
--- a/_sources/2-resources.ipynb
+++ b/_sources/2-resources.ipynb
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
- "For example : [`scripts/`](\n",
+ "For example : [`scripts/mpi-pi/`](\n",
"cat scripts/mpi-pi/\n",
diff --git a/searchindex.js b/searchindex.js
index dc56c97..ec86a37 100644
--- a/searchindex.js
+++ b/searchindex.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Search.setIndex({"alltitles": {"$HOME - Your Personal Space": [[4, "home-your-personal-space"]], "$SCRATCH - Temporary Network Space": [[4, "scratch-temporary-network-space"]], "$SLURM_TMPDIR - Temporary Local Space": [[4, "slurm-tmpdir-temporary-local-space"]], "(Demo) Checking Resources Used by a Running GPU Job": [[2, "demo-checking-resources-used-by-a-running-gpu-job"]], "/nearline - Long Term Storage": [[4, "nearline-long-term-storage"]], "/project - Shared Project Space": [[4, "project-shared-project-space"]], "About this workshop": [[0, "about-this-workshop"]], "Additional Exercises": [[5, null]], "Analyse des ressources utilis\u00e9es": [[5, "analyse-des-ressources-utilisees"]], "Analyse d\u2019acc\u00e9l\u00e9ration": [[8, null]], "Analysing Compute Jobs on Clusters": [[2, "analysing-compute-jobs-on-clusters"]], "Analysing Compute Jobs on Your Computer": [[2, "analysing-compute-jobs-on-your-computer"]], "Blastn example": [[7, "blastn-example"]], "Caract\u00e9ristiques de vos donn\u00e9es": [[12, "caracteristiques-de-vos-donnees"]], "Comparer la vitesse CPU vs GPU": [[8, "comparer-la-vitesse-cpu-vs-gpu"]], "Comparing the Speed of CPU Cores and a GPU": [[2, "comparing-the-speed-of-cpu-cores-and-a-gpu"]], "Comparison of Compute Clusters": [[2, "comparison-of-compute-clusters"]], "Complexit\u00e9 de l\u2019algorithme": [[5, "complexite-de-l-algorithme"]], "Compression des fichiers": [[12, "compression-des-fichiers"]], "Data Parallelism": [[1, "data-parallelism"]], "Data Size and Number of Files to Process": [[2, "data-size-and-number-of-files-to-process"]], "Different Kinds of Compute Tasks": [[1, "different-kinds-of-compute-tasks"]], "Different Types of Storage": [[4, "different-types-of-storage"]], "Efficacit\u00e9 cible du calcul parall\u00e8le": [[8, "efficacite-cible-du-calcul-parallele"]], "Estimating Required Compute Resources": [[2, "estimating-required-compute-resources"]], "Estimation des besoins en m\u00e9moire-vive": [[9, null]], "Example of the Life Cycle of Active Data": [[4, "example-of-the-life-cycle-of-active-data"]], "Exemple de partage de dossier:": [[12, "exemple-de-partage-de-dossier"]], "Exercice - Calcul d\u2019acc\u00e9l\u00e9ration et d\u2019efficacit\u00e9": [[8, "exercice-calcul-d-acceleration-et-d-efficacite"]], "Exercice - Liste de cas Blastn avec GLOST": [[10, "exercice-liste-de-cas-blastn-avec-glost"]], "Exercice - Taille maximale d\u2019une t\u00e2che parall\u00e8le": [[8, "exercice-taille-maximale-d-une-tache-parallele"]], "Exercise - Aligning DNA Sequences": [[3, "exercise-aligning-dna-sequences"]], "Exercise - Checking Resources Used by a Running Job": [[2, "exercise-checking-resources-used-by-a-running-job"]], "Exercise - Job Arrays": [[3, "exercise-job-arrays"]], "Exercise - Job Efficiency": [[2, "exercise-job-efficiency"]], "Exercise - Running a Small Pipeline": [[4, "exercise-running-a-small-pipeline"]], "Exercise - Testing with One GPU": [[2, "exercise-testing-crunch-py-with-one-gpu"]], "Extrapolating Required Compute Resources": [[2, "extrapolating-required-compute-resources"]], "Extrapoler les ressources n\u00e9cessaires": [[8, "extrapoler-les-ressources-necessaires"]], "Fichiers \u00e9pars (sparse files)": [[12, "fichiers-epars-sparse-files"]], "GNU Parallel": [[3, "gnu-parallel"]], "GNU Parallel Command Syntax": [[3, "gnu-parallel-command-syntax"]], "Generating random sequences": [[7, "generating-random-sequences"]], "Generating the data": [[7, null]], "Goal - Writing a Proper Job Script for Slurm": [[2, "goal-writing-a-proper-job-script-for-slurm"]], "In Case of Inaccessible Data": [[4, "in-case-of-inaccessible-data"]], "In Linux": [[2, "in-linux"]], "In Windows": [[2, "in-windows"]], "In macOS": [[2, "in-macos"]], "Installation de Benchmark 5D": [[5, "installation-de-benchmark-5d"]], "Introduction": [[1, null]], "Job Arrays": [[3, "job-arrays"]], "Jobs Analysis via Cluster Portals": [[2, "jobs-analysis-via-cluster-portals"]], "Key Points": [[2, "key-points"], [3, "key-points"], [4, "key-points"]], "Le Greedy Launcher Of Small Tasks, ou GLOST": [[10, null]], "Life Cycle of Active Data": [[4, "life-cycle-of-active-data"]], "Limiting the Number of Simultaneous Processes": [[3, "limiting-the-number-of-simultaneous-processes"]], "Loi d\u2019Amdahl": [[8, "loi-d-amdahl"]], "META-Farm - Le meilleur de GNU Parallel et GLOST": [[10, "meta-farm-le-meilleur-de-gnu-parallel-et-glost"]], "Mastering the Alliance\u2019s Compute Systems": [[0, null]], "Ma\u00eetriser l\u2019ordonnanceur Slurm": [[11, null]], "Multiple Combinations of Parameter Values": [[3, "multiple-combinations-of-parameter-values"]], "Niveaux d\u2019acc\u00e8s": [[12, "niveaux-d-acces"]], "Nombre": [[12, "nombre"]], "Notions avanc\u00e9es du stockage": [[12, null]], "One Sequence of Parameter Values": [[3, "one-sequence-of-parameter-values"]], "Other Tools": [[3, "other-tools"]], "Partition et autres sp\u00e9cifications d\u2019une t\u00e2che": [[11, "partition-et-autres-specifications-d-une-tache"]], "Plan de gestion des donn\u00e9es actives": [[12, "plan-de-gestion-des-donnees-actives"]], "Points \u00e0 retenir": [[10, "points-a-retenir"], [11, "points-a-retenir"]], "Politique d\u2019ordonnancement": [[11, "politique-d-ordonnancement"]], "Pour des nombres entiers": [[9, "pour-des-nombres-entiers"]], "Pour des nombres \u00e0 virgule flottante": [[9, "pour-des-nombres-a-virgule-flottante"]], "Pour des textes": [[9, "pour-des-textes"]], "Probl\u00e8me plus grand": [[5, "probleme-plus-grand"]], "Questions to Think About": [[1, "questions-to-think-about"]], "References": [[0, "references"], [6, null]], "Regroupement dans un fichier archive": [[12, "regroupement-dans-un-fichier-archive"]], "Reminder - High Performance Computing": [[1, "reminder-high-performance-computing"]], "Required modules": [[7, "required-modules"]], "Resources Used by a Completed Job": [[2, "resources-used-by-a-completed-job"]], "Resources Used by a Running Job": [[2, "resources-used-by-a-running-job"]], "Stockage en m\u00e9moire selon les types de base": [[9, "stockage-en-memoire-selon-les-types-de-base"]], "Storage Management": [[4, "storage-management"]], "Storage Spaces": [[4, null]], "Table of Contents": [[0, "table-of-contents"]], "Taille": [[12, "taille"]], "Target Efficiency of a Job": [[2, "target-efficiency-of-a-job"]], "Task Arrays for Data Parallelism": [[3, null]], "Transf\u00e9rabilit\u00e9": [[12, "transferabilite"]], "T\u00e2ches actives": [[11, "taches-actives"]], "T\u00e2ches en attente": [[11, "taches-en-attente"]], "T\u00e2ches termin\u00e9es": [[11, "taches-terminees"]], "Use Cases": [[3, "use-cases"]], "Use Resources Wisely": [[2, null]], "Utiliser GLOST": [[5, "utiliser-glost"]], "Utiliser GNU Parallel": [[5, "utiliser-gnu-parallel"]], "Vie des donn\u00e9es": [[12, "vie-des-donnees"]], "Why Not Slurm?": [[3, "why-not-slurm"]]}, "docnames": ["0-about", "1-introduction", "2-resources", "3-task-arrays", "4-storage", "90-exercises", "99-references", "data/README", "extra/acceleration", "extra/estimer-mem", "extra/glost-meta-farm", "extra/maitriser-slurm", "extra/stockage-avance"], "envversion": {"sphinx": 62, "": 3, "": 1, "": 1, "": 9, "": 1, "": 3, "": 2, "": 4, "": 2, "": 2, "sphinx.ext.intersphinx": 1}, "filenames": ["0-about.ipynb", "1-introduction.ipynb", "2-resources.ipynb", "3-task-arrays.ipynb", "4-storage.ipynb", "90-exercises.ipynb", "99-references.ipynb", "data/", "extra/acceleration.ipynb", "extra/estimer-mem.ipynb", "extra/glost-meta-farm.ipynb", "extra/maitriser-slurm.ipynb", "extra/stockage-avance.ipynb"], "indexentries": {}, "objects": {}, "objnames": {}, "objtypes": {}, "terms": {"": [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12], "0": [2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11], "00": 2, "01": 3, "035": 8, "05": 2, "1": [2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12], "10": [3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 12], "100": [2, 8, 9, 12], "1000": [3, 4, 9], "10000000000": 2, "1024": 2, "10k": 12, "10m": 12, "11": [5, 9], "1145": 2, "1181": 2, "12": [2, 3, 5, 7, 8], "1200": 2, "128": [2, 9], "12g": 2, "136": 2, "1408": 2, "141592653589793": 9, "1415927": 9, "144": [2, 5], "15": [2, 7], "1536": 2, "1548": 2, "16": [2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9], "160": 2, "16000m": 2, "16g": 2, "17280": 2, "18": 9, "19200m": 2, "1g": 2, "1gpu": 2, "1m": 12, "2": [2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10], "2000m": 5, "2017": 2, "2018": 2, "2019": 2, "2021": 2, "2023": [2, 5, 9], "2024": 2, "216": 2, "220": 8, "23": 9, "24": [2, 5], "2400m": 2, "24h": 12, "25000": 9, "25249551_15": 3, "28": 2, "3": [2, 3, 5, 7, 9], "30": 5, "300": [11, 12], "3072": 2, "308": 9, "31": 9, "32": [2, 5, 9], "320": 2, "32000m": 2, "32767": 9, "32768": 9, "32g": 2, "3584": 2, "36": 2, "38": 9, "3d": 2, "3k": 12, "4": [2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10], "40": 2, "4000136": 9, "4000m": 2, "40g": 2, "44": 2, "4400m": 2, "456": 2, "476": 2, "48": [2, 5], "48000m": 2, "4800m": 2, "49": 9, "5": [2, 3, 5, 8], "50": 11, "500k": [4, 12], "52": 9, "53": [2, 9], "54": 2, "56": 2, "576": 2, "58333": 8, "589": 2, "5m": 12, "5x": [2, 8], "6": 5, "60": 4, "61": 8, "63": 9, "636": 2, "64": [2, 3, 9], "640": 2, "65": 9, "65535": 9, "688": 2, "7": [2, 3, 9, 11, 12], "71": 3, "724": 2, "76": 9, "768": 2, "78": 9, "7z": 12, "8": [2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10], "80": [2, 8], "8000136": 9, "8000m": 2, "802": 2, "876": 8, "9": [7, 8], "90": [2, 8], "903": 2, "96": [2, 5], "96000m": 2, "970874": 8, "983": 2, "99": 3, "A": [1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 11], "And": 2, "As": [2, 4], "At": 3, "By": 2, "For": [2, 3, 4], "If": [2, 3, 4], "In": 3, "It": [1, 3, 4], "No": [3, 4], "Not": 4, "On": [2, 4, 5, 8, 10], "One": 4, "Or": [1, 8, 12], "That": [3, 4], "The": [0, 2, 3, 4], "There": [2, 4], "These": [2, 3], "To": [2, 3, 4, 12], "With": [2, 6], "_": 3, "_glost": 10, "_meta": 10, "a100": 2, "abl": [1, 2], "abord": [8, 10], "about": [2, 4, 6], "abov": [2, 3], "acc": 8, "acceler": [1, 2], "accept": 4, "access": [1, 2, 4, 6, 12], "accord": 4, "account": [2, 6], "accumul": [4, 12], "acc\u00e9l\u00e9rateur": 8, "acl": 4, "acquisit": 2, "activ": [1, 2, 6], 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"bonn": 8, "both": 4, "broadwel": 2, "bui": 4, "burnabi": 2, "byte": 2, "b\u00e9luga": [2, 4, 6], "c": [2, 3, 8, 9, 11, 12], "ca": [2, 5, 8, 11, 12], "cach": 5, "calc": 8, "calcul": [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12], "calculquebec": 2, "can": [2, 3, 4], "canada": [2, 6], "canal": 8, "capabl": 6, "capac": 4, "car": [8, 12], "caract\u00e8r": 9, "carefulli": 2, "carpentri": 6, "carr\u00e9": 9, "cascad": 2, "cat": [2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12], "catastrophiqu": 12, "categori": 1, "caus": [2, 4, 11], "ccdb": [6, 11], "cd": [4, 10, 12], "ce": [5, 8, 11, 12], "cedar": [2, 4, 6], "celui": 8, "cepend": 9, "certain": [3, 9, 11, 12], "cet": 5, "cett": [5, 11, 12], "chacun": [5, 9], "chang": 3, "chapitr": [11, 12], "chapter": [2, 3, 4], "chaqu": [9, 10, 11, 12], "charact": 3, "charg": 11, "charger": 5, "check": [3, 4, 6], "chgrp": 12, "chmod": 12, "choic": 2, "chose": 11, "chosen": [1, 2], "chr_": 7, "chr_m": 7, "chunk": [1, 7], "cinq": 8, "citat": 3, "cite": 3, "citi": 2, "classer": 12, "click": 2, 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10, "cons\u00e9quent": 11, "contain": 3, "contenir": 10, "control": 4, "convert": [3, 7], "con\u00e7u": 8, "copi": [4, 12], "core": 3, "correct": [2, 5], "correspond": [2, 8], "cost": 2, "could": 2, "count": [2, 4], "cour": [10, 11], "courant": 12, "court": 10, "co\u00fbt": [8, 12], "cp": 10, "cpu": [3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12], "creat": [3, 4], "critic": 4, "critiqu": 12, "cr\u00e9ation": 12, "cr\u00e9e": 11, "cr\u00e9er": [10, 12], "csv": [2, 5], "ctrl": [2, 8, 9], "cube": [5, 9], "current": 3, "d": [3, 5, 9, 10], "dai": [2, 3, 4], "daili": 4, "dan": [5, 8, 9, 10, 11], "dar": [4, 6, 12], "dashboard": 2, "dat": 10, "data": [0, 6], "databas": [3, 7], "dataset": [1, 4], "db": 7, "dd": [2, 11], "de": [8, 11], "debug": 6, "def": [2, 4, 11, 12], "default": [2, 3, 4], "defect": 3, "defin": 2, "definit": 2, "delet": [2, 4], "demand": [1, 4], "demandez": 5, "demand\u00e9": [8, 11], "demonstr": 2, "depend": 2, "depth": 0, "deriv": 3, "derni\u00e8r": 5, "describ": 2, "descript": [1, 4, 12], "design": 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"d\u00e9crite": 12, "d\u00e9finir": 10, "d\u00e9finit": 8, "d\u00e9marrag": 5, "d\u00e9monstrat": 12, "d\u00e9montrer": 8, "d\u00e9part": 12, "d\u00e9pend": [9, 11], "d\u00e9p\u00f4t": 12, "d\u00e9tail": [5, 11], "d\u00e9termin": 11, "e": [2, 8], "each": [1, 2, 3, 4], "easier": [3, 4], "easili": 4, "echo": [3, 10], "editor": 6, "eff": 8, "effectu": [5, 10], "efficac": 12, "efficacit\u00e9": 5, "effici": [3, 8], "elaps": [2, 11], "element": 3, "ell": [10, 11, 12], "elsewher": 4, "email": 4, "en": [5, 8, 10, 12], "encapsul": 12, "encodag": 9, "encor": 11, "end": [3, 4], "enlev": 12, "entr": [11, 12], "entri": 4, "environ": [2, 3, 4, 5], "envoi": 10, "epyc": 2, "erreur": 5, "espac": [9, 12], "essayez": 5, "est": [5, 8, 10, 11, 12], "estim": [0, 1, 11], "et": [5, 9, 12], "etc": [4, 5, 8], "euro": 9, "even": 4, "eventu": [2, 4], "everi": 4, "everyon": 2, "exampl": [2, 3], "exceed": 6, "except": 4, "exclur": 12, "exec": 3, "execut": [1, 2, 3, 4], "exempl": [8, 9, 10], "exercic": 5, "exist": 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12], "listez": 10, "list\u00e9": 10, "load": [2, 5, 7, 9, 10], "local": [2, 6, 12], "locat": 4, "log": [2, 7], "login": 4, "login1": [2, 4], "long": [3, 6], "longer": 3, "longu": 12, "look": 2, "loop": 3, "lor": 12, "lorsqu": [5, 8, 10, 11, 12], "lot": [1, 4], "lourdeur": 12, "low": 4, "lr": 12, "lu": 12, "lustr": [4, 6, 12], "l\u00e0": 8, "m": [2, 3, 11], "machin": [2, 9, 12], "maco": 6, "made": 4, "mai": [2, 5, 9, 10, 11], "main": [0, 2, 3], "mainli": 2, "majoritair": 11, "make": [2, 3, 4, 7], "mal": 12, "man": 3, "manag": [0, 1, 2, 3, 6], "mani": [2, 3, 4], "manipul\u00e9": 12, "manual": 3, "manufactur": 2, "march": 2, "massiv": 8, "mat": [2, 5], "matric": [5, 9], "matriciel": 5, "matrix": 2, "max": [2, 8, 9], "maxim": 8, "maximal": 5, "maximis": 2, "maximum": [2, 3, 4], "maxrss": 11, "mb": 4, "md": 12, "me": 11, "measur": 2, "meilleur": 5, "mem": 2, "member": 4, "membr": 12, "memoir": 9, "memori": [2, 6, 8], "menu": 2, "mesur": [5, 12], "meta": [3, 6], "metric": 2, "metriqu": 8, "mettez": 12, "mid": 6, "midnight": 2, "mieux": [11, 12], "migrat": 4, "mill": 9, "milliard": 9, "min": 9, "minim": 8, "minimal": 8, "minut": [3, 4, 11], "mist": [2, 6], "mkdir": [10, 12], "mo": 12, "mode": 10, "model": 2, "modern": 1, "modifi": [3, 4, 12], "modul": [2, 5, 6, 9, 10], "modulo": 3, "mod\u00e8l": 8, "moi": 12, "moin": 8, "mond": 10, "monei": 4, "monitor": [1, 2, 3, 4, 6], "month": 4, "monthli": 4, "montr": 12, "montr\u00e9al": 2, "more": [0, 3, 4], "most": 4, "move": 4, "moyenn": 9, "mpi": [2, 10], "much": [3, 4], "multifactor": [2, 6], "multipl": [1, 2, 4, 5], "multipli": [2, 9], "must": [2, 3, 4], "m\u00e9moir": [5, 8, 11], "m\u00e9tadonn\u00e9": 12, "m\u00eame": [5, 10, 11, 12], "n": [2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12], "n_max": 8, "n_max_enti": 8, "n_processes_per_nod": 3, "name": [2, 4], "nano": 10, "narval": [2, 4, 6], "nation": [2, 4, 6], "national": 11, "navig": 4, "nb_matric": 9, "ndarrai": 9, "ne": [10, 11, 12], "nearlin": [2, 6], "necessari": [1, 2, 4], "need": [1, 2, 3, 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12], "quit": [2, 3, 9], "quitter": 10, "quota": [4, 6, 12], "qu\u00e9bec": [2, 6], "r": [3, 11, 12], "rac": 4, "raisonn": 12, "ram": 2, "random": 2, "rappel": [5, 8], "ratio": 11, "reach": 2, "read": 4, "readm": 12, "real": 2, "recalcul": 12, "recevoir": 8, "recherch": [11, 12], "recover": 4, "recreat": 4, "recurs": 2, "recycl\u00e9": 10, "redirect": 4, "redirig\u00e9": 8, "redo": 2, "reduc": [3, 4], "red\u00e9finir": 8, "regular": 2, "rel": 4, "relanc": 10, "remaind": 3, "remind": [0, 2], "remplisson": 11, "rendr": 9, "repeatedli": 4, "repetit": 2, "report": [2, 4], "repositori": 6, "reprend": 10, "reproduir": 12, "repr\u00e9sent": 12, "repr\u00e9sent\u00e9": 9, "request": [1, 2, 4], "requi": [5, 8], "requir": [0, 1, 3], "res_arrai": 3, "res_glost": 10, "res_prll": [3, 4], "research": [0, 2, 3, 4, 6], "reserv": [2, 4, 6], "resid": 6, "resourc": [0, 1, 3, 6], "respect": 8, "respons": 4, "ressourc": 11, "rest": [10, 11], "restant": [10, 11], "restart": 6, "restez": 12, "resubmit": 2, 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"synchronis": [8, 12], "system": [2, 4, 6], "syst\u00e8m": 12, "syst\u00e9matiqu": 9, "s\u00e9pare": 12, "s\u00e9par\u00e9": 10, "s\u00e9quentiel": [8, 10], "t": [3, 11, 12], "t4": 2, "t_": 8, "t_p": 8, "tab": 2, "tabl": [2, 4, 10], "tail": [2, 3], "taill": [5, 9], "tair": 12, "take": 2, "tape": [4, 6, 12], "tar": [6, 12], "tard": 12, "task": [0, 2, 6], "tb": 4, "teach": 2, "temp": [5, 8, 10, 11, 12], "temporair": 12, "temporari": 2, "temporarili": 4, "temps_inv": 5, "tenant": 11, "tend": 4, "term": 6, "termin": [2, 8, 10, 12], "test": 3, "tester": [5, 10], "text": 3, "tg": 2, "than": [3, 4], "thei": 3, "them": 4, "themselv": 2, "thi": [2, 3, 4], "think": 0, "those": 1, "through": 3, "time": [2, 3, 4, 5, 7], "time_inv": 2, "tirer": 5, "too": 4, "tool": [2, 6], "top": [2, 6, 10], "topologi": 2, "toronto": 2, "total": [2, 8, 11, 12], "tou": [5, 11, 12], "tout": [5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12], "train": 6, "traiter": [9, 11], "trait\u00e9": [10, 12], "transfer": [2, 4, 6], "transfert": 12, "travail": 10, "travailleur": 10, "tree": 2, "trier": 11, "trillion": 9, "troi": [5, 9], "trop": 5, "tr\u00e8": [10, 11, 12], "tsv": 4, "tutori": [3, 6], "two": [1, 2], "txt": [3, 5, 10], "type": [0, 1, 2, 6, 10, 12], "typic": [2, 4], "typiqu": [9, 12], "t\u00e2che": [5, 10, 12], "u": [2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11], "ultim": 11, "un": [5, 9, 10], "underscor": 3, "uniqu": [3, 10], "universit\u00e9": 12, "unknow": 7, "unknown": 3, "up": [0, 4], "upcom": 6, "urgenc": 12, "us": [0, 1, 4, 6], "usag": [1, 2, 4], "user": [2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11], "userxi": 12, "usual": 3, "utf": 9, "util": [2, 8], "utilis": [8, 9, 10, 11, 12], "utilisateur": 11, "utilisez": 5, "utilis\u00e9": [11, 12], "v": 3, "v100": 2, "valeur": [5, 8, 9], "valid": [2, 3, 5], "valu": 2, "values1": 3, "values2": 3, "variabl": [3, 4, 10, 12], "vaut": [11, 12], "vector": 1, "venait": 11, "veri": [1, 4], "version": 4, "via": [8, 10], "video": 2, "virtuel": 12, "vise": 8, "visit": 12, "visual": [2, 6], "vitess": 5, "vive": [5, 8], "vo": [5, 11], "voici": 8, "voir": [8, 10, 12], "voit": 9, "volum": 12, "votr": [11, 12], "vou": [5, 8, 11, 12], "voulon": 12, "vraiment": 12, "vu": 12, "vue": 12, "v\u00e9rifiez": 5, "w": [3, 12], "wa": 2, "wai": [2, 3], "want": 3, "watch": 11, "waterloo": 2, "wc": [2, 4, 10], "we": [1, 2, 3, 4], "webinar": 6, "week": 4, "well": 4, "were": 3, "what": [1, 2, 3, 4], "when": [1, 2, 3, 4], "where": [2, 3], "which": [1, 2, 3, 4], "while": [2, 3], "who": [1, 4], "why": 4, "wikimedia": 2, "window": 6, "winzip": 12, "wise": 0, "within": 1, "work": [1, 3], "workshop": 6, "worth": 2, "would": [3, 4], "write": 3, "written": 2, "wsl": 6, "x": [2, 3, 8, 12], "y": [3, 10, 12], "ye": 4, "you": [1, 2, 3, 4, 6], "your": [0, 1, 6], "z": [3, 12], "zero": 9, "zip": [4, 12], "z\u00e9ro": 10, "\u00e0": [5, 8, 12], "\u00e9chell": [9, 12], "\u00e9chou\u00e9": 10, "\u00e9conomis": 12, "\u00e9coul\u00e9": [8, 11], "\u00e9crasement": 12, "\u00e9crire": 12, "\u00e9crit": 12, "\u00e9critur": 8, "\u00e9ditez": 5, "\u00e9gale": 12, "\u00e9lev\u00e9": 11, "\u00e9tant": [8, 12], "\u00e9tion": 10, "\u00e9t\u00e9": 5, "\u00e9ventuel": 8, "\u00e9volut": 5, "\u00eatre": [5, 8, 10, 12]}, "titles": ["Mastering the Alliance\u2019s Compute Systems", "Introduction", "Use Resources Wisely", "Task Arrays for Data Parallelism", "Storage Spaces", "Additional Exercises", "References", "Generating the data", "Analyse d\u2019acc\u00e9l\u00e9ration", "Estimation des besoins en m\u00e9moire-vive", "Le Greedy Launcher Of Small Tasks, ou GLOST", "Ma\u00eetriser l\u2019ordonnanceur Slurm", "Notions avanc\u00e9es du stockage"], "titleterms": {"": 0, "5d": 5, "In": [2, 4], "Not": 3, "Of": 10, "One": [2, 3], "about": [0, 1], "acc\u00e8": 12, "acc\u00e9l\u00e9rat": 8, "activ": [4, 11, 12], "addit": 5, "algorithm": 5, "align": 3, "allianc": 0, "amdahl": 8, "analys": [2, 5, 8], "analysi": 2, "archiv": 12, "arrai": 3, "attent": 11, "autr": 11, "avanc\u00e9": 12, "avec": 10, "base": 9, "benchmark": 5, "besoin": 9, "blastn": [7, 10], "ca": 10, "calcul": 8, "caract\u00e9ristiqu": 12, "case": [3, 4], "check": 2, "cibl": 8, "cluster": 2, "combin": 3, "command": 3, "compar": [2, 8], "comparison": 2, "complet": 2, "complexit\u00e9": 5, "compress": 12, "comput": [0, 1, 2], "content": 0, "core": 2, "cpu": [2, 8], "crunch": 2, "cycl": 4, "d": [8, 11, 12], "dan": 12, "data": [1, 2, 3, 4, 7], "de": [5, 9, 10, 12], "demo": 2, "differ": [1, 4], "dna": 3, "donn\u00e9": 12, "dossier": 12, "du": [8, 12], "efficacit\u00e9": 8, "effici": 2, "en": [9, 11], "entier": 9, "estim": [2, 9], "et": [8, 10, 11], "exampl": [4, 7], "exempl": 12, "exercic": [8, 10], "exercis": [2, 3, 4, 5], "extrapol": [2, 8], "farm": 10, "fichier": 12, "file": [2, 12], "flottant": 9, "gener": 7, "gestion": 12, "glost": [5, 10], "gnu": [3, 5, 10], "goal": 2, "gpu": [2, 8], "grand": 5, "greedi": 10, "high": 1, "home": 4, "inaccess": 4, "instal": 5, "introduct": 1, "job": [2, 3], "kei": [2, 3, 4], "kind": 1, "l": [5, 11], "la": 8, "launcher": 10, "le": [8, 9, 10], "life": 4, "limit": 3, "linux": 2, "list": 10, "local": 4, "loi": 8, "long": 4, "maco": 2, "manag": 4, "master": 0, "maximal": 8, "ma\u00eetris": 11, "meilleur": 10, "meta": 10, "modul": 7, "multipl": 3, "m\u00e9moir": 9, "nearlin": 4, "network": 4, "niveaux": 12, "nombr": [9, 12], "notion": 12, "number": [2, 3], "n\u00e9cessair": 8, "ordonnanc": 11, "ordonnanceur": 11, "other": 3, "ou": 10, "parallel": [1, 3, 5, 10], "parall\u00e8l": 8, "paramet": 3, "partag": 12, "partit": 11, "perform": 1, "person": 4, "pipelin": 4, "plan": 12, "plu": 5, "point": [2, 3, 4, 10, 11], "politiqu": 11, "portal": 2, "pour": 9, "probl\u00e8m": 5, "process": [2, 3], "project": 4, "proper": 2, "py": 2, "question": 1, "random": 7, "refer": [0, 6], "regroup": 12, "remind": 1, "requir": [2, 7], "resourc": 2, "ressourc": [5, 8], "retenir": [10, 11], "run": [2, 4], "scratch": 4, "script": 2, "selon": 9, "sequenc": [3, 7], "share": 4, "simultan": 3, "size": 2, "slurm": [2, 3, 11], "slurm_tmpdir": 4, "small": [4, 10], "space": 4, "spars": 12, "speed": 2, "sp\u00e9cific": 11, "stockag": [9, 12], "storag": 4, "syntax": 3, "system": 0, "tabl": 0, "taill": [8, 12], "target": 2, "task": [1, 3, 10], "temporari": 4, "term": 4, "termin\u00e9": 11, "test": 2, "text": 9, "thi": 0, "think": 1, "tool": 3, "transf\u00e9rabilit\u00e9": 12, "type": [4, 9], "t\u00e2che": [8, 11], "un": [8, 11, 12], "us": [2, 3], "utilis": 5, "utilis\u00e9": 5, "v": 8, "valu": 3, "via": 2, "vie": 12, "virgul": 9, "vitess": 8, "vive": 9, "vo": 12, "why": 3, "window": 2, "wise": 2, "workshop": 0, "write": 2, "your": [2, 4], "\u00e0": [9, 10, 11], "\u00e9par": 12}})
\ No newline at end of file
+Search.setIndex({"alltitles": {"$HOME - Your Personal Space": [[4, "home-your-personal-space"]], "$SCRATCH - Temporary Network Space": [[4, "scratch-temporary-network-space"]], "$SLURM_TMPDIR - Temporary Local Space": [[4, "slurm-tmpdir-temporary-local-space"]], "(Demo) Checking Resources Used by a Running GPU Job": [[2, "demo-checking-resources-used-by-a-running-gpu-job"]], "/nearline - Long Term Storage": [[4, "nearline-long-term-storage"]], "/project - Shared Project Space": [[4, "project-shared-project-space"]], "About this workshop": [[0, "about-this-workshop"]], "Additional Exercises": [[5, null]], "Analyse des ressources utilis\u00e9es": [[5, "analyse-des-ressources-utilisees"]], "Analyse d\u2019acc\u00e9l\u00e9ration": [[8, null]], "Analysing Compute Jobs on Clusters": [[2, "analysing-compute-jobs-on-clusters"]], "Analysing Compute Jobs on Your Computer": [[2, "analysing-compute-jobs-on-your-computer"]], "Blastn example": [[7, "blastn-example"]], "Caract\u00e9ristiques de vos donn\u00e9es": [[12, "caracteristiques-de-vos-donnees"]], "Comparer la vitesse CPU vs GPU": [[8, "comparer-la-vitesse-cpu-vs-gpu"]], "Comparing the Speed of CPU Cores and a GPU": [[2, "comparing-the-speed-of-cpu-cores-and-a-gpu"]], "Comparison of Compute Clusters": [[2, "comparison-of-compute-clusters"]], "Complexit\u00e9 de l\u2019algorithme": [[5, "complexite-de-l-algorithme"]], "Compression des fichiers": [[12, "compression-des-fichiers"]], "Data Parallelism": [[1, "data-parallelism"]], "Data Size and Number of Files to Process": [[2, "data-size-and-number-of-files-to-process"]], "Different Kinds of Compute Tasks": [[1, "different-kinds-of-compute-tasks"]], "Different Types of Storage": [[4, "different-types-of-storage"]], "Efficacit\u00e9 cible du calcul parall\u00e8le": [[8, "efficacite-cible-du-calcul-parallele"]], "Estimating Required Compute Resources": [[2, "estimating-required-compute-resources"]], "Estimation des besoins en m\u00e9moire-vive": [[9, null]], "Example of the Life Cycle of Active Data": [[4, "example-of-the-life-cycle-of-active-data"]], "Exemple de partage de dossier:": [[12, "exemple-de-partage-de-dossier"]], "Exercice - Calcul d\u2019acc\u00e9l\u00e9ration et d\u2019efficacit\u00e9": [[8, "exercice-calcul-d-acceleration-et-d-efficacite"]], "Exercice - Liste de cas Blastn avec GLOST": [[10, "exercice-liste-de-cas-blastn-avec-glost"]], "Exercice - Taille maximale d\u2019une t\u00e2che parall\u00e8le": [[8, "exercice-taille-maximale-d-une-tache-parallele"]], "Exercise - Aligning DNA Sequences": [[3, "exercise-aligning-dna-sequences"]], "Exercise - Checking Resources Used by a Running Job": [[2, "exercise-checking-resources-used-by-a-running-job"]], "Exercise - Job Arrays": [[3, "exercise-job-arrays"]], "Exercise - Job Efficiency": [[2, "exercise-job-efficiency"]], "Exercise - Running a Small Pipeline": [[4, "exercise-running-a-small-pipeline"]], "Exercise - Testing with One GPU": [[2, "exercise-testing-crunch-py-with-one-gpu"]], "Extrapolating Required Compute Resources": [[2, "extrapolating-required-compute-resources"]], "Extrapoler les ressources n\u00e9cessaires": [[8, "extrapoler-les-ressources-necessaires"]], "Fichiers \u00e9pars (sparse files)": [[12, "fichiers-epars-sparse-files"]], "GNU Parallel": [[3, "gnu-parallel"]], "GNU Parallel Command Syntax": [[3, "gnu-parallel-command-syntax"]], "Generating random sequences": [[7, "generating-random-sequences"]], "Generating the data": [[7, null]], "Goal - Writing a Proper Job Script for Slurm": [[2, "goal-writing-a-proper-job-script-for-slurm"]], "In Case of Inaccessible Data": [[4, "in-case-of-inaccessible-data"]], "In Linux": [[2, "in-linux"]], "In Windows": [[2, "in-windows"]], "In macOS": [[2, "in-macos"]], "Installation de Benchmark 5D": [[5, "installation-de-benchmark-5d"]], "Introduction": [[1, null]], "Job Arrays": [[3, "job-arrays"]], "Jobs Analysis via Cluster Portals": [[2, "jobs-analysis-via-cluster-portals"]], "Key Points": [[2, "key-points"], [3, "key-points"], [4, "key-points"]], "Le Greedy Launcher Of Small Tasks, ou GLOST": [[10, null]], "Life Cycle of Active Data": [[4, "life-cycle-of-active-data"]], "Limiting the Number of Simultaneous Processes": [[3, "limiting-the-number-of-simultaneous-processes"]], "Loi d\u2019Amdahl": [[8, "loi-d-amdahl"]], "META-Farm - Le meilleur de GNU Parallel et GLOST": [[10, "meta-farm-le-meilleur-de-gnu-parallel-et-glost"]], "Mastering the Alliance\u2019s Compute Systems": [[0, null]], "Ma\u00eetriser l\u2019ordonnanceur Slurm": [[11, null]], "Multiple Combinations of Parameter Values": [[3, "multiple-combinations-of-parameter-values"]], "Niveaux d\u2019acc\u00e8s": [[12, "niveaux-d-acces"]], "Nombre": [[12, "nombre"]], "Notions avanc\u00e9es du stockage": [[12, null]], "One Sequence of Parameter Values": [[3, "one-sequence-of-parameter-values"]], "Other Tools": [[3, "other-tools"]], "Partition et autres sp\u00e9cifications d\u2019une t\u00e2che": [[11, "partition-et-autres-specifications-d-une-tache"]], "Plan de gestion des donn\u00e9es actives": [[12, "plan-de-gestion-des-donnees-actives"]], "Points \u00e0 retenir": [[10, "points-a-retenir"], [11, "points-a-retenir"]], "Politique d\u2019ordonnancement": [[11, "politique-d-ordonnancement"]], "Pour des nombres entiers": [[9, "pour-des-nombres-entiers"]], "Pour des nombres \u00e0 virgule flottante": [[9, "pour-des-nombres-a-virgule-flottante"]], "Pour des textes": [[9, "pour-des-textes"]], "Probl\u00e8me plus grand": [[5, "probleme-plus-grand"]], "Questions to Think About": [[1, "questions-to-think-about"]], "References": [[0, "references"], [6, null]], "Regroupement dans un fichier archive": [[12, "regroupement-dans-un-fichier-archive"]], "Reminder - High Performance Computing": [[1, "reminder-high-performance-computing"]], "Required modules": [[7, "required-modules"]], "Resources Used by a Completed Job": [[2, "resources-used-by-a-completed-job"]], "Resources Used by a Running Job": [[2, "resources-used-by-a-running-job"]], "Stockage en m\u00e9moire selon les types de base": [[9, "stockage-en-memoire-selon-les-types-de-base"]], "Storage Management": [[4, "storage-management"]], "Storage Spaces": [[4, null]], "Table of Contents": [[0, "table-of-contents"]], "Taille": [[12, "taille"]], "Target Efficiency of a Job": [[2, "target-efficiency-of-a-job"]], "Task Arrays for Data Parallelism": [[3, null]], "Transf\u00e9rabilit\u00e9": [[12, "transferabilite"]], "T\u00e2ches actives": [[11, "taches-actives"]], "T\u00e2ches en attente": [[11, "taches-en-attente"]], "T\u00e2ches termin\u00e9es": [[11, "taches-terminees"]], "Use Cases": [[3, "use-cases"]], "Use Resources Wisely": [[2, null]], "Utiliser GLOST": [[5, "utiliser-glost"]], "Utiliser GNU Parallel": [[5, "utiliser-gnu-parallel"]], "Vie des donn\u00e9es": [[12, "vie-des-donnees"]], "Why Not Slurm?": [[3, "why-not-slurm"]]}, "docnames": ["0-about", "1-introduction", "2-resources", "3-task-arrays", "4-storage", "90-exercises", "99-references", "data/README", "extra/acceleration", "extra/estimer-mem", "extra/glost-meta-farm", "extra/maitriser-slurm", "extra/stockage-avance"], "envversion": {"sphinx": 62, "": 3, "": 1, "": 1, "": 9, "": 1, "": 3, "": 2, "": 4, "": 2, "": 2, "sphinx.ext.intersphinx": 1}, "filenames": ["0-about.ipynb", "1-introduction.ipynb", "2-resources.ipynb", "3-task-arrays.ipynb", "4-storage.ipynb", "90-exercises.ipynb", "99-references.ipynb", "data/", "extra/acceleration.ipynb", "extra/estimer-mem.ipynb", "extra/glost-meta-farm.ipynb", "extra/maitriser-slurm.ipynb", "extra/stockage-avance.ipynb"], "indexentries": {}, "objects": {}, "objnames": {}, "objtypes": {}, "terms": {"": [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12], "0": [2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11], "00": 2, "01": 3, "035": 8, "05": 2, "1": [2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12], "10": [3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 12], "100": [2, 8, 9, 12], "1000": [3, 4, 9], "10000000000": 2, "1024": 2, "10k": 12, "10m": 12, "11": [5, 9], "1145": 2, "1181": 2, "12": [2, 3, 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6, "midnight": 2, "mieux": [11, 12], "migrat": 4, "mill": 9, "milliard": 9, "min": 9, "minim": 8, "minimal": 8, "minut": [3, 4, 11], "mist": [2, 6], "mkdir": [10, 12], "mo": 12, "mode": 10, "model": 2, "modern": 1, "modifi": [3, 4, 12], "modul": [2, 5, 6, 9, 10], "modulo": 3, "mod\u00e8l": 8, "moi": 12, "moin": 8, "mond": 10, "monei": 4, "monitor": [1, 2, 3, 4, 6], "month": 4, "monthli": 4, "montr": 12, "montr\u00e9al": 2, "more": [0, 3, 4], "most": 4, "move": 4, "moyenn": 9, "mpi": [2, 10], "much": [3, 4], "multifactor": [2, 6], "multipl": [1, 2, 4, 5], "multipli": [2, 9], "must": [2, 3, 4], "m\u00e9moir": [5, 8, 11], "m\u00e9tadonn\u00e9": 12, "m\u00eame": [5, 10, 11, 12], "n": [2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12], "n_max": 8, "n_max_enti": 8, "n_processes_per_nod": 3, "name": [2, 4], "nano": 10, "narval": [2, 4, 6], "nation": [2, 4, 6], "national": 11, "navig": 4, "nb_matric": 9, "ndarrai": 9, "ne": [10, 11, 12], "nearlin": [2, 6], "necessari": [1, 2, 4], "need": [1, 2, 3, 4], "network": 2, 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"processeur": [5, 8, 10, 11], "processor": 1, "processu": 10, "proch": 11, "prochain": 10, "prod_mat": 9, "produc": 2, "product": 2, "prof1": 11, "prof1_cpu": 11, "professor": 4, "profil": [1, 2, 6], "profit": 5, "program": [2, 3], "programm": 8, "progressiv": 11, "project": [2, 3, 6], "projet": 12, "properli": 3, "properti": 2, "propo": [11, 12], "proport": 11, "proprietari": 2, "provid": [2, 3, 4], "provinc": 2, "pr\u00e9caution": 12, "pr\u00e9cise": 11, "pr\u00e9cision": 9, "pr\u00e9f\u00e9rabl": 12, "pr\u00e9sent": 12, "pty": 10, "public": 12, "publier": 12, "publish": [0, 4], "publi\u00e9": 12, "puiss": 8, "puissant": 10, "purg": [4, 6], "purpos": 4, "pwd": 12, "py": 5, "python": [2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9], "q": [2, 3, 10], "qu": [8, 10, 11, 12], "quand": [10, 12], "quantiti": [1, 2], "quantit\u00e9": [5, 12], "quatr": 9, "que": [5, 8, 9, 10, 12], "quel": 12, "quell": [5, 12], "quelqu": [8, 10, 12], "queri": 7, "question": [0, 5, 6, 12], "queue": 3, "qui": [8, 10, 11, 12], "quit": [2, 3, 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"system": [2, 4, 6], "syst\u00e8m": 12, "syst\u00e9matiqu": 9, "s\u00e9pare": 12, "s\u00e9par\u00e9": 10, "s\u00e9quentiel": [8, 10], "t": [3, 11, 12], "t4": 2, "t_": 8, "t_p": 8, "tab": 2, "tabl": [2, 4, 10], "tail": [2, 3], "taill": [5, 9], "tair": 12, "take": 2, "tape": [4, 6, 12], "tar": [6, 12], "tard": 12, "task": [0, 2, 6], "tb": 4, "teach": 2, "temp": [5, 8, 10, 11, 12], "temporair": 12, "temporari": 2, "temporarili": 4, "temps_inv": 5, "tenant": 11, "tend": 4, "term": 6, "termin": [2, 8, 10, 12], "test": 3, "tester": [5, 10], "text": 3, "tg": 2, "than": [3, 4], "thei": 3, "them": 4, "themselv": 2, "thi": [2, 3, 4], "think": 0, "those": 1, "through": 3, "time": [2, 3, 4, 5, 7], "time_inv": 2, "tirer": 5, "too": 4, "tool": [2, 6], "top": [2, 6, 10], "topologi": 2, "toronto": 2, "total": [2, 8, 11, 12], "tou": [5, 11, 12], "tout": [5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12], "train": 6, "traiter": [9, 11], "trait\u00e9": [10, 12], "transfer": [2, 4, 6], "transfert": 12, "travail": 10, "travailleur": 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10, 12], "voit": 9, "volum": 12, "votr": [11, 12], "vou": [5, 8, 11, 12], "voulon": 12, "vraiment": 12, "vu": 12, "vue": 12, "v\u00e9rifiez": 5, "w": [3, 12], "wa": 2, "wai": [2, 3], "want": 3, "watch": 11, "waterloo": 2, "wc": [2, 4, 10], "we": [1, 2, 3, 4], "webinar": 6, "week": 4, "well": 4, "were": 3, "what": [1, 2, 3, 4], "when": [1, 2, 3, 4], "where": [2, 3], "which": [1, 2, 3, 4], "while": [2, 3], "who": [1, 4], "why": 4, "wikimedia": 2, "window": 6, "winzip": 12, "wise": 0, "within": 1, "work": [1, 3], "workshop": 6, "worth": 2, "would": [3, 4], "write": 3, "written": 2, "wsl": 6, "x": [2, 3, 8, 12], "y": [3, 10, 12], "ye": 4, "you": [1, 2, 3, 4, 6], "your": [0, 1, 6], "z": [3, 12], "zero": 9, "zip": [4, 12], "z\u00e9ro": 10, "\u00e0": [5, 8, 12], "\u00e9chell": [9, 12], "\u00e9chou\u00e9": 10, "\u00e9conomis": 12, "\u00e9coul\u00e9": [8, 11], "\u00e9crasement": 12, "\u00e9crire": 12, "\u00e9crit": 12, "\u00e9critur": 8, "\u00e9ditez": 5, "\u00e9gale": 12, "\u00e9lev\u00e9": 11, "\u00e9tant": [8, 12], "\u00e9tion": 10, "\u00e9t\u00e9": 5, "\u00e9ventuel": 8, "\u00e9volut": 5, "\u00eatre": [5, 8, 10, 12]}, "titles": ["Mastering the Alliance\u2019s Compute Systems", "Introduction", "Use Resources Wisely", "Task Arrays for Data Parallelism", "Storage Spaces", "Additional Exercises", "References", "Generating the data", "Analyse d\u2019acc\u00e9l\u00e9ration", "Estimation des besoins en m\u00e9moire-vive", "Le Greedy Launcher Of Small Tasks, ou GLOST", "Ma\u00eetriser l\u2019ordonnanceur Slurm", "Notions avanc\u00e9es du stockage"], "titleterms": {"": 0, "5d": 5, "In": [2, 4], "Not": 3, "Of": 10, "One": [2, 3], "about": [0, 1], "acc\u00e8": 12, "acc\u00e9l\u00e9rat": 8, "activ": [4, 11, 12], "addit": 5, "algorithm": 5, "align": 3, "allianc": 0, "amdahl": 8, "analys": [2, 5, 8], "analysi": 2, "archiv": 12, "arrai": 3, "attent": 11, "autr": 11, "avanc\u00e9": 12, "avec": 10, "base": 9, "benchmark": 5, "besoin": 9, "blastn": [7, 10], "ca": 10, "calcul": 8, 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\ No newline at end of file