AWS DeepRacer provides a virtual circuit where we can submit our model. The same model can get different lap time for every submission, therefore people resubmit it several times to get the fastest possible lap time. There is currently no restriction on how often we can submit our model, however, we have to wait 30 minutes between submission. All of these submissions have been done using a web browser since there is currently no DeepRacer capability in AWS CLI. Some people use the Selenium web browser plugin to automate this task.
The aim of this DeepRacer Auto Submission Tool is, as the title says, to resubmit automatically a DeepRacer model every 30 minutes using only the command-line interface. It consists of several shell scripts and requires only curl, a command-line tool for data transfer, and jq, a lightweight command-line JSON processor. This approach uses very minimal resources (memory, CPU, network traffic) comparing to the solution with a full-blown web browser and its plugin/macro. This auto submitter sends only the necessary HTTP requests to AWS without many other HTTP requests normally communicated between a browser and a web server. The authentication process needs only 3 HTTP requests to get the necessary tokens (auth-userInfo, auth-creds, and x-csrf-token).
- First Install the requirements (curl is normally already installed on your machine):
$ sudo apt install curl jq
- Then you have to clone this repository:
$ git clone
- Change to the tool directory:
$ cd deepracer-tools/auto-submission
- Copy the configuration template, and update it with your AWS IAM
If the password is empty, the script will ask you for it. The email address is used to inform you when the result of the submission is arrive or if there is any issue with the submission.
$ cp $ cat ACCOUNTID="123456789012" USERNAME="my-username" PASSWORD="" EMAIL="[email protected]"
- Login to the AWS
This authentication process will save the authentication tokens (aws-userInfo and aws-creds) and CSRF token in your environment variables for further usage, so you don't need to authenticate for every scripts you run next time until they are expire. The tokens will be valid for around 10 hours, after expired, you need to reauthenticate again using the script above.
$ source ./aws-authenticate
- Run the Auto Submission script and wait for email notification :-) It assumes that you have already uploaded your
model trained locally or the model has been trained in the AWS cloud.
$ ./aws-submitModel -m "Your deepracer model name"
The tool has not only the main script to auto resubmit the model, but include also some other scripts. Following is the complete list of the scripts:
This is the first script to be executed before you can use other scripts. Run it as follow:
$ source ./aws-authenticate
The script submit a model. An example to run it and its output if you have submitted a model in the last 30 minutes:
$ ./aws-createLeaderboardSubmission -m DR-Local { "__type": "TooManyRequestsException", "Message": "You have exceeded the number leaderboard submission requests allowed on your account." }
Submit a model for a specific official deepracer race:
$ ./aws-createLeaderboardSubmission -m DR-Local -s season-2020-02
Submit a model for a specific community race :
$ ./aws-createLeaderboardSubmission -m DR-Local -s AWSDeepRacerCommunityContest3 -c
The script retrieves the status of the latest user submission. The status can RUNNING, FAILED or SUCCESS. It includes the average lap time in second if the status is success.
$ ./aws-getLatestUserSubmission { "LeaderboardSubmission": { "Alias": "DodolGarut", "AvgLapTime": 0, "JobName": "sim-9jk8hj5zmjlm", "LapCount": 0, "LeaderboardSubmissionStatusType": "RUNNING", "ModelArn": "arn:aws:deepracer:us-east-1:123456789012:model/reinforcement_learning/DR-Local", "SubmissionTime": 1571232665626 } }
Get the latest user submission on community race:
$ ./aws-getLatestUserSubmission -s AWSDeepRacerCommunityContest3 -c
The script retrieves the user ranking in the league in the current race or on a specific month.
$ ./aws-getRankedUserSubmission { "LeaderboardSubmission": { "Alias": "DodolGarut", "AvgLapTime": 10254, "LeaderboardSubmissionStatusType": "SUCCESS", "ModelArn": "arn:aws:deepracer:us-east-1:123456789012:model/reinforcement_learning/DR-Local", "Rank": 50, "SubmissionTime": 1571226412408 } } $ ./aws-getRankedUserSubmission -s season-2019-08 { "LeaderboardSubmission": { "Alias": "DodolGarut", "AvgLapTime": 13256, "LeaderboardSubmissionStatusType": "SUCCESS", "ModelArn": "arn:aws:deepracer:us-east-1:123456789012:model/reinforcement_learning/DR-Local", "Rank": 155, "SubmissionTime": 1566847602947 } } $ ./aws-getRankedUserSubmission -s AWSDeepRacerCommunityContest3 -c { "LeaderboardSubmission": { "Alias": "DodolGarut", "AvgLapTime": 33493, "LeaderboardSubmissionStatusType": "SUCCESS", "ModelArn": "arn:aws:deepracer:us-east-1:123456789012:model/reinforcement_learning/Avalon", "Rank": 16, "SubmissionTime": 1578323183740 } }
$ ./aws-listLeaderboardSubmissions [ { "Alias": "Karl-NAB", "AvgLapTime": 7555, "LeaderboardSubmissionStatusType": "SUCCESS", "Rank": 1, "SubmissionTime": 1571051009345 }, { "Alias": "JJ", "AvgLapTime": 7745, "LeaderboardSubmissionStatusType": "SUCCESS", "Rank": 2, "SubmissionTime": 1571195290542 }, { "Alias": "D4D-test", "AvgLapTime": 8305, "LeaderboardSubmissionStatusType": "SUCCESS", "Rank": 3, "SubmissionTime": 1571128249473 }, .... { "Alias": "Shendy", "AvgLapTime": 11476, "LeaderboardSubmissionStatusType": "SUCCESS", "Rank": 99, "SubmissionTime": 1570583780470 }, { "Alias": "PolishThunder", "AvgLapTime": 11506, "LeaderboardSubmissionStatusType": "SUCCESS", "Rank": 100, "SubmissionTime": 1571107235595 } ] $ ./aws-listLeaderboardSubmissions -s AWSDeepRacerCommunityContest3 -c [ { "Alias": "JJ", "AvgLapTime": 9197, "LeaderboardSubmissionStatusType": "SUCCESS", "Rank": 1, "SubmissionTime": 1578347651808 }, { "Alias": "MattCamp", "AvgLapTime": 10132, "LeaderboardSubmissionStatusType": "SUCCESS", "Rank": 2, "SubmissionTime": 1578420291352 }, ... ]
$ ./aws-listLeaderboards { "Leaderboards": [ { "Arn": "arn:aws:deepracer:us-east-1::leaderboard/season-2019-08", "CloseTime": 1567295999000, "Description": "The August race is now open and is the fourth stop on the Virtual Circuit World Tour. Create and train a model to master the Shanghai Sudu track and submit your model for a chance to win an all-expenses paid trip to Las Vegas, NV, to compete for the Championship Cup at re:Invent 2019!", "ImageUrl": "", "LaunchTime": 1564642800000, "MinimumLaps": 1, "Name": "Shanghai Sudu", "ParticipantCount": 1375, "Status": "CLOSED", "TrackArn": "arn:aws:deepracer:us-east-1::track/ChinaAlt_track", "TrackImageUrl": "" }, { "Arn": "arn:aws:deepracer:us-east-1::leaderboard/season-2019-06", "CloseTime": 1561964399000, "Description": "Continue racing and building up League points in the Kumo Torakku, the second stop in the Virtual Circuit World Tour. The race winner and season top point getters will win an expenses paid trip to compete for the Championship Cup at re:Invent 2019.", "ImageUrl": "", "LaunchTime": 1559595600000, "MinimumLaps": 1, "Name": "Kumo Torakku", "ParticipantCount": 572, "Status": "CLOSED", "TrackArn": "arn:aws:deepracer:us-east-1::track/Tokyo_Racing_track", "TrackImageUrl": "" }, ... }
List all private leaderboards (community races) that the user has subscribed.
$ ./aws-listSubscribedPrivateLeaderboards { "PrivateLeaderboards": [ { "Arn": "arn:aws:deepracer::324010867108:leaderboard/AWS-DeepRacer-Innovate-Challenge", "Description": "Official AWS Innovate AI/ML Edition AWS DeepRacer Challenge in Feb 2020.", "EndTime": 1582934400000, "LeaderboardImage": "LeaderboardImage6", "MinimumLaps": 1, "Name": "AWS-DeepRacer-Innovate-Challenge", "ParticipantCount": 33, "StartTime": 1577836800000, "Status": "OPEN", "TotalLaps": 3, "TrackArn": "arn:aws:deepracer:us-east-1::track/reInvent2019_track" }, { "Arn": "arn:aws:deepracer::579906027743:leaderboard/AWSDeepRacerCommunityContest3", "Description": "DeepRacer Community Contest #3! This is an endurance race where the aim is to complete 3/3 laps. Prizes of AWS credits for the top 10. To qualify, you must also register for the contest at", "EndTime": 1579305600000, "LeaderboardImage": "LeaderboardImage5", "MinimumLaps": 3, "Name": "AWSDeepRacerCommunityContest3", "ParticipantCount": 21, "StartTime": 1578096000000, "Status": "OPEN", "TotalLaps": 3, "TrackArn": "arn:aws:deepracer:us-east-1::track/Vegas_track" } ] }
$ ./aws-submitModel -m DR-Local ... Mi Okt 16 13:15:05 CEST 2019 "RUNNING" 0 "RUNNING" 0 "RUNNING" 0 "SUCCESS" 10802 Mi Okt 16 14:48:15 CEST 2019 "RUNNING" 0 "RUNNING" 0 "RUNNING" 0 "RUNNING" 0 "SUCCESS" 10254 ... $ ./aws-submitModel -m DR-Local -s AWSDeepRacerCommunityContest3 -c
The script download a model from AWS as compressed tar file. It requires additional AWS cli.
./aws-getModel DR-Local Completed 16.0 MiB/20.5 MiB (3.6 MiB/s) with 1 file(s) remaining
The script is only used inside other scripts, should not run directly.
- Code Refactoring and move from shell script to Python.
- Gradually increase the speed in action space and resubmit until the model doesn't get any laps time improvement. This approach could get the best out of the model without retraining it.
Re-authenticate automatically after the tokens expire- Upload automatically the latest model from local training before submission.