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om configure-product

The configure-product command will configure your product properties, network, and resources on the Ops Manager.

Command Usage

  om [OPTIONS] configure-product [configure-product-OPTIONS]

This authenticated command configures a staged product

Application Options:
      --ca-cert=               OpsManager CA certificate path or value
  -c, --client-id=             Client ID for the Ops Manager VM (not required
                               for unauthenticated commands) [$OM_CLIENT_ID]
  -s, --client-secret=         Client Secret for the Ops Manager VM (not
                               required for unauthenticated commands)
  -o, --connect-timeout=       timeout in seconds to make TCP connections
                               (default: 10) [$OM_CONNECT_TIMEOUT]
  -d, --decryption-passphrase= Passphrase to decrypt the installation if the
                               Ops Manager VM has been rebooted (optional for
                               most commands) [$OM_DECRYPTION_PASSPHRASE]
  -e, --env=                   env file with login credentials
  -p, --password=              admin password for the Ops Manager VM (not
                               required for unauthenticated commands)
  -r, --request-timeout=       timeout in seconds for HTTP requests to Ops
                               Manager (default: 1800) [$OM_REQUEST_TIMEOUT]
  -k, --skip-ssl-validation    skip ssl certificate validation during http
                               requests [$OM_SKIP_SSL_VALIDATION]
  -t, --target=                location of the Ops Manager VM [$OM_TARGET]
      --trace                  prints HTTP requests and response payloads
  -u, --username=              admin username for the Ops Manager VM (not
                               required for unauthenticated commands)
      --vars-env=              load vars from environment variables by
                               specifying a prefix (e.g.: 'MY' to load
                               MY_var=value) [$OM_VARS_ENV]
  -v, --version                prints the om release version

Help Options:
  -h, --help                   Show this help message

[configure-product command options]
      -c, --config=            path to yml file containing all config fields
                               (see docs/configure-product/ for format)
      -l, --vars-file=         load variables from a YAML file
      -v, --var=               load variable from the command line. Format:
          --vars-env=          load variables from environment variables (e.g.:
                               'MY' to load MY_var=value) [$OM_VARS_ENV]
      -o, --ops-file=          YAML operations file

Configuring via YAML config file

The preferred approach is to include all configuration in a single YAML configuration file.

Example YAML

A real product may have many more product properties to configure but this gives you the general structure of the file:

product-name: sample-product
    name: some-network
  - name: us-west-2a
  - name: us-west-2b
  - name: us-west-2c
    name: us-west-2a
    instances: 3
    - some-elb
    post-deploy-state: true
    pre-delete-state: default
    post-deploy-state: false
    pre-delete-state: default

To retrieve the current configuration of your product you can use the om staged-config command.


The configure-product command now supports variable substitution inside the config template:

# config.yml
      password: ((password))

Values can be provided from a separate variables yaml file (--vars-file) or from environment variables (--vars-env).

To load variables from a file use the --vars-file flag.

# vars.yml
password: something-secure
om configure-product \
  --config config.yml \
  --vars-file vars.yml

To load variables from a set of environment variables, specify the common environment variable prefix with the --vars-env flag.

OM_VAR_password=something-secure OM_VAR_another_key=another_value om configure-product \
  --config config.yml \
  --vars-env OM_VAR

The interpolation support is inspired by similar features in BOSH. You can refer to the BOSH documentation for details on how interpolation is performed.

Configuring the network-properties on Azure prior to Ops Manager 2.5

The product network on Azure does not include Availability Zones, but the API will still expect them to be provided. To satisfy the API, you can submit "null" AZs for the API as is shown here:

    name: some-network
  - name: "null"
    name: "null"

Note: you will need to remove this null for use with Ops Manager 2.5 and after, or you will see this error:

{"errors":["Availability zones cannot find availability zone with name null"]}

Configuring the syslog-properties for products that use OpsManager's consistent syslog configuration

Some products provide syslog properties and they can be configured in the product-properties section of the config file. After OpsManager introduced a consistent syslog experience, some tiles migrated to the common interface such that the properties no longer exist. As such, syslog integration is now configurable through the new top level key syslog-properties.

  enabled: true
  address: some-address
  port: some-port
  transport_protocol: tcp
  tls_enabled: true
  permitted_peer: some-permitted-peer
  ssl_ca_certificate: some-certificate

Note: If the tile does not support OpsManager's consistent syslog feature, you may see this error:

{"errors":{"syslog_configuration":["This product does not support the Ops Manager consistent syslog configuration feature. If the product supports custom syslog configuration, those properties can be set via the /api/v0/staged/products/:product_guid/properties endpoint.\n"]}}