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om configure-director

The configure-director command will allow you to setup your BOSH tile on the OpsManager.

Once configured, changes will not take affect until the next apply-changes.

Supported Infrastructures

Command Usage

  om [OPTIONS] configure-director [configure-director-OPTIONS]

This authenticated command configures the director.

Application Options:
      --ca-cert=                      OpsManager CA certificate path or value
  -c, --client-id=                    Client ID for the Ops Manager VM (not
                                      required for unauthenticated commands)
  -s, --client-secret=                Client Secret for the Ops Manager VM (not
                                      required for unauthenticated commands)
  -o, --connect-timeout=              timeout in seconds to make TCP
                                      connections (default: 10)
  -d, --decryption-passphrase=        Passphrase to decrypt the installation if
                                      the Ops Manager VM has been rebooted
                                      (optional for most commands)
  -e, --env=                          env file with login credentials
  -p, --password=                     admin password for the Ops Manager VM
                                      (not required for unauthenticated
                                      commands) [$OM_PASSWORD]
  -r, --request-timeout=              timeout in seconds for HTTP requests to
                                      Ops Manager (default: 1800)
  -k, --skip-ssl-validation           skip ssl certificate validation during
                                      http requests [$OM_SKIP_SSL_VALIDATION]
  -t, --target=                       location of the Ops Manager VM
      --trace                         prints HTTP requests and response
                                      payloads [$OM_TRACE]
  -u, --username=                     admin username for the Ops Manager VM
                                      (not required for unauthenticated
                                      commands) [$OM_USERNAME]
      --vars-env=                     load vars from environment variables by
                                      specifying a prefix (e.g.: 'MY' to load
                                      MY_var=value) [$OM_VARS_ENV]
  -v, --version                       prints the om release version

Help Options:
  -h, --help                          Show this help message

[configure-director command options]
          --ignore-verifier-warnings  option to ignore verifier warnings. NOT
                                      RECOMMENDED UNLESS DISABLED IN OPS MANAGER
      -c, --config=                   path to yml file containing all config
                                      fields (see
                                      docs/configure-director/ for
      -l, --vars-file=                load variables from a YAML file
          --vars-env=                 load variables from environment variables
                                      (e.g.: 'MY' to load MY_var=value)
      -v, --var=                      load variable from the command line.
                                      Format: VAR=VAL
          --ops-file=                 YAML operations file

Configuring via file

The --config flag is available for convenience to allow you to pass a single file with all the configuration required to configure your director.

When providing a single config file each of the other individual flags maps to a top-level element in the YAML file.

Example YAML:

- name: some-az
  max_threads: 5
  iaas_specific_key: some-value
    name: some-network
  - network: network-1
      id: m4.xlarge
  trusted_certificates: some-certificate
  syslogconfig: awesome
- name: a_vm_extension
    source_dest_check: false
- name: another_vm_extension
    foo: bar
  custom_only: false
  - name: a1.large
    cpu: 4
    ram: 8192
    ephemeral_disk: 10240
  - name: t2.small
    cpu: 1
    ram: 512
    ephemeral_disk: 1024


Will set or update custom VM types on the director. If custom_only is true, the VM types specified in your configuration will be the entire list of available VM types in the Ops Manager. If false or omitted, it will add the listed VM types to the list of default VM types for your IaaS. If a specified VM type is named the same as a predefined VM type, it will overwrite the predefined type. If multiple specified VM types have the same name, the one specified last will be created. In either case, existing custom VM types do not persist across configure-director calls, and it should be expected that the entire list of custom VM types is specified in the director configuration.

Minimal example
  custom_only: false
  - name: x1.large
    cpu: 8
    ram: 8192
    ephemeral_disk: 10240
  - name: mycustomvmtype
    cpu: 4
    ram: 16384
    ephemeral_disk: 4096


The configure-director command now supports variable substitution inside the config template:

# config.yml
    name: ((network_name))

Values can be provided from a separate variables yaml file (--vars-file) or from environment variables (--vars-env).

To load variables from a file use the --vars-file flag.

# vars.yml
network_name: some-network
om configure-director \
  --config config.yml \
  --vars-file vars.yml

To load variables from a set of environment variables, specify the common environment variable prefix with the --vars-env flag.

OM_VAR_network_name=some-network om configure-director \
  --config config.yml \
  --vars-env OM_VAR

The interpolation support is inspired by similar features in BOSH. You can refer to the BOSH documentation for details on how interpolation is performed.